Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 740

After lunch, Niuniu Xiaobao is driven to take a nap by Letong. Dabao pulls Ji Rui into the study.

"Daddy, did you fall in love with Mommy because she was beautiful?"

It's undeniable that Dabao is more used to discussing things with mummy. But men always have some instincts, especially between father and son, there will be some inexplicable commonalities.

Although Dabao often despises his father's dullness in some aspects, he admits that he has a lot of things inherited from him.

Ji Rui glanced at him with strange and slightly alert eyes, "what do you want to know?"

Dabao laughs. He thinks that the relationship between his father and his mother is as strong as gold. He doesn't need to be afraid of any external forces.

But now it seems that it is not what he thought. It turns out that mommy is so good to Daddy, but daddy still lacks a sense of security!

"Don't worry, I'm not a spy sent by mommy. I just want to ask you some questions."

Ji Rui looks up and down at his son and thinks for a moment.

"So, is there someone you like?"

Dabao nodded with a smile

Just listening to my father's question, I know that he is really slow and hopeless in love. It's really hard to compare with mummy's excellent number of paragraphs.

No wonder he is still so insecure today.

"To be honest, before I met your mommy, daddy didn't feel much about women. He didn't notice whether they were beautiful or not. But it's certain that with my condition, there are a lot of beautiful women around me, but I've never looked anyone in the eye. As for your mommy, I hated her at first

Ji Rui didn't hide much. Although he didn't mention the past to others, it didn't mean he was afraid to mention it.

First of all, he and Letong's old husband and wife have experienced everything over the years. These old stories will not affect their feelings. Secondly, this is the fact. At the beginning, he and Letong were really disgusted with each other.

"Disgusting? You hated mommy in the beginning? " On Dabao's face, he wrote clearly, "how can it be?" Four big words.

For so many years, Dabao thought that daddy and Mommy fell in love at first sight. Later, because of misunderstanding, they separated for several years.

But I didn't expect that there was such a black history between them.

Ji Rui recalls the misunderstandings and twists and turns between him and Letong at the beginning, and still feels that he was really hateful and short of smoking at that time.

"Yes, your mother hated me at that time."

Hearing the last sentence, Dabao had a look of schadenfreude and knew it would be so.

"It's normal. Just like your father, I think it's a miracle that mommy will like you."

Of course, most of these words are teasing. In Dabao's eyes, although he is a bit slow, he is definitely the one standing at the top of the tower in terms of personal charm and ability.

Ji Rui seems to have been used to being ridiculed by his son. He raised his hand and patted Dabao on the head. "It's really your mommy who gave birth to it. Everything helps her!"

Dabao said, "of course, it's strange that I don't help mummy to help you."

Ji Rui pretended to be helpless and sighed, "you kids, are all surnamed Le?"

Ji Rui is very clear about his ranking in the eyes of the three children.

He never tasted it.

When Xiaobao was born, he often had a lot of vinegar because Letong spent most of his time on Xiaobao.

"It doesn't matter what our surnames are. What's important is that our hearts are all toward Mommy."

Dabao is not afraid to die to show his loyalty, and he is not afraid that this antiphonal singing so loud will cause president Ji's revenge or suppression.

Of course, President Ji is not so narrow-minded. He has always been very tolerant of his wife and children.

"Why do you suddenly want to inquire about it? Not with the little girl you like? "

Dabao nodded honestly, "well, it's really not very smooth, so I want to get some scriptures from you."

He and Niu Niu, in fact, can not be regarded as not smooth, after all, has always been his own unilateral ideas, Niu Niu side, he did not even test.

However, more experience is not bad. In particular, the love experience of a man as insensitive as daddy is much more useful than that of those who linger in the flowers.

"Your mom and I had a lot of misunderstandings at the beginning. At that time, I didn't like her very much and used my position to embarrass her from time to time. Therefore, she hated me very much later."

Dabao naturally put what his father said into the day when he just met mummy, "I know. Is that the time when I encouraged you to pursue mummy?"

"Well!" Mention these, Ji Rui is a bit of the past can't bear to look back.

"Then why didn't you tell me at that time that she was my mommy and that I had called mommy for so long?"

This question has been in my heart for a long time. However, he is a smart boy. He intuitively thinks that this will be a fuse. If it doesn't work well, it will make the relationship between mom and dad worse. Therefore, he never mentioned it before.

But now, after so many years, daddy and Mommy's marriage is stronger than that of the Great Wall. When we bring up the old story again, our curiosity suddenly gets hooked up.

"I had a lot of misunderstandings with your mommy at that time. If I wanted to hate her at that time, I would never let you know that she was your mommy!"

These are the excuses Ji Rui and Letong had already thought about more than ten years ago. What they were afraid of was that Dabao would ask about what happened at that time.

The husband and wife agreed that Dabao suffered too much when he was a child, so the secret of his life history will always be a secret.

"You are so cruel Dabao just sighed, but he didn't really want to hate his father.

After all, since he recognized his mother when he was more than five years old, he has been living a happy life in which his father loves his mother. It has no practical significance to investigate the past right and wrong.

Moreover, it is hard to say who is right and who is wrong about feelings.

"In fact, I am too slow to understand women's mind."

"Then how did you find out that you like Mommy?"

Dabao is very sad in his heart. Can I remind you that you like mummy?

"At that time, your uncle reminded me a long time ago. Later, you mentioned that I had pondered it carefully for a long time, and then I found that I had already been fascinated by her unconsciously. By the time you reminded me, I was terminally ill."

Hearing his father's confession, Dabao turned his eyes.