Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 734

The two of you in the pub had a good talk.

The last time we met, about half a year ago, was in a foreign branch. They met at a meeting for business. After the meeting, they had a meal, and the father rushed back home to deal with the business.

At this time, sitting at home, no one has time constraints and concerns, so they relax completely, drinking and talking about Ji's future and development trend.

Finally, Ji Rui asks Dabao what he plans to do next.

Dabao is a person who is used to planning his future early. Before he returns to China, he has roughly figured out the future direction.

"Daddy, I think you and Mommy are enjoying the life of fighting side by side for the time being. I'll report back to Ji in August. You don't need to assign me a specific position for the time being. I want to see which department or branch is more challenging, and then decide where to go next. Or, it's not certain that I will choose to start my own business."

Ji Rui is still an old saying, Dabao Xiaobao Niuniu's three children, who are interested in going back to Ji's development, are welcome at any time, but if there are other personal ideals to realize, he and Letong will not obstruct, on the contrary, they will give full support.

"OK, you can do it your own way. No matter what your decision is, your mother and I will give you our full support."

Ji Rui has been in Ji Rui's hands for 21 years. The scale of Ji Rui is many times larger than before. The management is increasingly perfect and standardized. There are many talents of all kinds. Even if Dabao and Xiaobao choose to start their own business, Ji Rui and his wife will not worry about finding someone to manage Ji Rui.

Dabao's drinking capacity is not bad, but compared with his father, there is still a certain gap.

Ye two chat while drinking, finally, Dabao first Ji Rui step down on the bar.

Ji Rui looks at his eldest son, who is about the same size as himself. He has a headache. He is afraid that his wife will be scolded if he is startled. He goes downstairs and quietly calls Xiaobao up. The two of them share the big treasure back to the room.

Halfway down the stairs, Letong just came out of Niuniu's bedroom and saw three big men standing in a row on the stairs. At first, they didn't take a close look, so they had to ask strangely, "what are you three doing?"

The guilty president of Jida and Xiaobao immediately said in unison, "it's OK!"

Yue Tong only heard two voices, then looked closely, only to find the middle of the eldest son's head drooping.

"Dabao is tired and asleep?" Yue Tong guesses without authorization.

"Yes, I guess it's jet lag." Ji Rui responds quickly.

Letong thinks, no, the eldest son is in good spirits at dinner.

In the heart of doubt, he came over, step by step up the stairs.

After a few steps, I could smell the wine coming.

Yue Tong frowned, "are you drinking?"

Ji Rui couldn't hide it, so he nodded, "well, after drinking a little, I didn't expect that Dabao went to sleep without drinking a few mouthfuls. He must be very tired!"

Yue Tong naturally doesn't believe what Ji Da president said. However, thinking that ye and I seldom drink together, she would be disappointed if she scolded.

"You two help him back to his room first, and I'll make two drinks for him."

Turning around and taking a few steps, he looked at Xiaobao again, "didn't you drink?"

Xiaobao is only 14 years old and has never been drunk.

"No, I'm only responsible for helping my brother go back to bed." Xiaobao is afraid that Letong doesn't believe it. He opens his mouth and takes a few breath.

Letong just stares at Ji Rui and goes to the kitchen to make tea.

Dabao felt vaguely that someone was feeding him something to drink. He murmured, "Niuniu, brother doesn't drink! Bitter

Dabao, confused in consciousness, went back to the time when he had a cold a few years ago, when Mommy boiled up the bad traditional Chinese medicine and asked Niuniu to bring it to him.

"Good, not bitter!" Le Tong coaxes him in a soft voice, but he thinks of the way he was lying on the hospital bed when he was more than five years old.

At that time, no matter how bitter the medicine was, he said it was not bitter. He always picked up a bowl and drank it up like a soup.

At that time, both Dr. Dong and the nurse said that they were glad that his taste buds were not developed and he was not sensitive to bitter medicine. Otherwise, a child over five years old would suffer if he took so many medicines every day.

In fact, at that time, Le Tong suspected that Dabao was a foodie. His tongue was so picky that he couldn't even taste the bitterness?

In retrospect, Letong is more sure that the baby son just doesn't want her to be a mother, so he deceives her that the medicine is not bitter.

But it turns out that the baby son is willing to tell the truth to Niuniu.

The drunken Dabao opened his mouth obediently when he heard that it was not bitter.

Jiejiu tea is a kind of Chongji, which is not bitter, but also sweet.

Dabao opened his mouth and drank the powder. He chewed it twice. "Well, it's not bitter..."

Le Tong is amused by his rare silly behavior, clapping his face, "fool, lie down and have a good sleep."

Carrying an empty cup out of the room, Letong is still thinking about what Dabao said just now.

She has been worried that this baby son has been strong since he was a child and has a strong sense of responsibility. He always thinks that as the eldest son of the Ji family, he consciously carries a lot of responsibility on himself.

This kind of temperament is bound to be very tired.

What I didn't expect was that in front of Niuniu, this strong son would naturally show his weak side.

Just looking down, Niu Niu, who came out of the bedroom in a hurry, pulled her wrist. "Mommy, is my brother drunk? Is he all right? "

The little face was full of worry. People who didn't know it thought that something big had happened.

"Well, go and have a look!"

In fact, Dabao was not very drunk. The main reason was that he was tired and drank a little more wine, so he got down. It's hard to say whether he was drunk or asleep.

However, Letong will not say these words.

Anyway, it's like helping Dabao's stupid son. After so many years, it's time to make some changes.

Niuniu listens to Letong and rushes into Dabao's bedroom.

The bedside lamp is very dark, but you can clearly see that the drunk man is lying on his back on the bed, and all the quilts fall to the ground.

Niu Niu ran over with a frown, bent over to pick up the quilt and covered it carefully.

The quilt was pulled to his neck. The man who thought he was asleep suddenly raised his hand, "it's so hot!"

Humming in a low voice, the quilt was lifted to the ground immediately.

Niu Niu silently bent over and covered him again. Seeing his hand waving again, Niu Niu slowly opened her voice.

"Ji Yu, if you dare to lift the quilt again, I will ignore you!"

Niuniu's warning, which was not loud, seemed to scare the drunk. She muttered something and put her hand back on the quilt.

"You're not really drunk, are you? How about it? "