Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 733

"Brother, aren't you hungry? Eat quickly

The wine cup in his hand was robbed, and his clear voice brought him back to reality. He stared at the face in front of him without blinking, raised his hand and touched it, felt the warm temperature and delicate texture, and finally believed it.

He's real. He's back!

Dabao drank a little too much this evening. Of course, he didn't drink too much at dinner. After dinner, he sat with his father in the pub on the second floor.

Dad never asked him about his feelings. Naturally, what they talked about was Ji's and Dabao's next plans.

Dabao means to spend ten or eight days at home with his younger brother and sister, and then the whole family will go to the capital to celebrate his centenary. Maybe in August, they can report back to Ji.

And Letong, at this time, is helping him with his luggage in Dabao's bedroom with Niuniu.

"Mommy, this box has a code. I'll put it aside and let my brother tidy it up by himself, OK?"

Dabao didn't bring much luggage. Most of his clothes and belongings were left in the small apartment in a foreign country. Although he returned home, he didn't plan to sell the small apartment.

Dabao began to take care of the money in his account when he was about seven or eight years old. In addition to the pocket money given to him by his parents and elders on a regular basis, his share dividends in Ji's family have probably been transferred to his account since then.

Therefore, he owned the property in his name very early. The small apartment abroad is just one of his many properties. During the past few years, he worked as the general manager of brilliance and even studied abroad. His assets have made a lot of money. Now, in terms of the number of his account, he is definitely a rich man.

However, this rich man is very low-key. Three years ago, he took a few pieces of luggage with him when he went abroad, and when he came back, he just came back with those pieces of luggage. He didn't have any luxury clothes and style.

"Well, it's supposed to be some important documents. You can put them in the cloakroom and sort them out when he's free."

Letong always has great respect for the privacy of her children. The children are willing to say that she is willing to listen. What the children want to hide, she will not deliberately inquire. After all, no one likes the feeling of being skinned.

Niuniu drags the suitcase into Dabao's cloakroom. She sees a few more suits hanging in it. I think it's just from mummy's brother's suitcase.

Niu Niu stops to meditate in front of those suits, trying to imagine her brother's appearance when he wears them.

She knew that such a brother must be a handsome young talent, but perhaps her imagination was not rich enough, or, because that brother was too far away from her and had no sense of reality, there was only one in her mind, who was always wearing ordinary casual clothes to show her a face of doting smile.

"Mommy, have you ever seen my brother in a suit and tie?" Niuniu shouts to the outside.

"He wears a dress at the reception. Haven't you seen it?"

"It's not the cocktail party suit, it's the simple work suit." Niu Niu is very clear, understand the front of these suits are worn in the workplace.

"Oh, I've seen it. He used to wear it occasionally at work."

Mommy's answer, let Niuniu silence again.

In fact, not only her brother's mind, but also her brother's appearance, she had only seen the side he showed in front of her. In the occasions she can't see, his name is Ji Yu, who is known as a genius in both study and work. It seems that he has nothing to do with her.

Three years ago, I don't know if she was young or naive. I always thought that her brother was her and everything was her heaven.

And she also thought that for her brother, she was his everything and his heaven.

However, her brother, who thought she was everything, suddenly said three years ago that he was going to study abroad. No matter how she begged or how she made trouble, he still left her and resolutely left.

Three years, let her grow up a lot, also let her see a lot of people and things, including herself, and others.

But this kind of seeing clearly, actually only does not include her elder brother.

At the beginning of her brother's departure, she often thought that her brother was so cruel that she could be completely put down if he put it down.

But the later she came, the less she could hate him.

Because she realized more and more clearly that even if she was his favorite sister, she had no right and position to ask him to abandon his own choice and unconditionally accommodate her life.

Therefore, she is not so angry about her brother's leaving three years ago as that she has no ability to keep up with him, let alone experience the same life with him.

"By the way, Niu, are you still going to the concert the day after tomorrow?"

Le Tong's inquiry interrupts Niu Niu's meditation.

"Of course, why not?"

Niu Niu doesn't seem to understand why her mother asked such a question. Teacher fan has been preparing for this charity concert for more than half a year. As a member of the orchestra, how can she not go?

"I thought you and your brother Dabao hadn't seen each other for years, or they wanted to spend more time with him."

"I'm not going to go abroad this time, am I?"

In fact, even if her brother would go abroad, she couldn't stop him. Moreover, the elder brother has his own friends and life, and does not need her to accompany him all the time.

"I don't think so!"

Letong thought that when Dabao came back, the happiest person should be Niuniu.

But after she learned that her brother was coming back last week, she became silent. Just like when she had dinner, she was also very quiet.

What's more, Xiaobao just told her that this little girl would rather go shopping with her classmates than pick up her brother.

It seems that the little girl is still angry with her big brother.

"Niuniu, are you still angry with your brother?"

Letong estimates that Niuniu's mood Dabao has been felt out, and she should have coaxed the little girl before she came back, but it seems that the effect is not very good.

"Mommy, I'm not angry with my brother. It's just that preparations for the concert started half a year ago. If I say I won't participate now, it will be very difficult for Mr. Fan to find someone to take my place, which will directly affect the performance of the whole orchestra. "

Niuniu's words are not unreasonable. Naturally, Letong doesn't like to object, so she has to say, "I listen to your brother's meaning. I think I want to go out with you and Xiaobao for a few days. You'd better tell him about your performance first, so that he can stagger the time."

"OK, I'll talk to him tomorrow."

In fact, in addition to the performance, Niuniu made an appointment with the children in the orphanage a month ago to attend the summer camp held by the Municipal Youth Palace. Originally, she planned to wait for the results of the high school entrance examination to be released before telling her parents that now it seems that this plan may have to run aground.