Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 735

The drunkard lying on the bed didn't give her any response. He still slept happily with his mouth slightly open.

Niu Niu sat by the bed and looked at him. After a long time, she ground her teeth and twisted his face.

Thinking is to twist to death, but strength really to the fingertips, but silently unload half, to this person, whether her heart is like or hate or resentment is angry, really want to do something to hurt him, she is a little bit unable to start.

Yes, she can't bear it!

"Itch..." the drunk man raised his hand and muttered.


You only know itching, but how can I survive these years?!

Niu Niu looked at the face that she both loved and hated. She wanted to slap it, but when she thought about it, her fingertips fell on his eyebrows and stroked it along the thick eyebrow line.

Three years ago, Niu Niu, less than 12 years old, heard that her brother was leaving. Her intuition was that her brother was tired of himself, so she chose to study abroad regardless.

In 12-year-old Niuniu's cognition, her brother is her most important relative. Even though she has a good relationship with her family, it can't be denied that her brother is the closest and most intimate with her.

Not to mention that she adhered to her brother's black history day and night before she went to school. Even after she went to school, she spent more time with Xiaobao than with her brother, but her dependence on and trust in her brother had long been rooted in her bones, and no one could shake her.

For a long time after her brother went abroad, she would sit in his bedroom every night before going to bed, touch the books he often read, put on his headphones and listen to the music he often listens to

At that time, mom and dad even considered whether to take her to see a psychologist. After she finally forced herself to adapt to the life without her brother, she told herself that a semester would soon go back, so she began to spend the holiday reunion in the middle of her loss.

She doesn't know about other people's families, but with her understanding of her family's economic situation, it's not difficult for her to visit her brother or fly back to reunite with her family.

But when she was looking forward to the holiday, mom and dad said that her brother's studies were heavy, so she didn't have time to come back and didn't want them to disturb him.

Even he rarely calls home, let alone video chat or anything else.

Niuniu from the beginning of the expectations to the subsequent loss, to the end, she even thought dejectedly that her brother or someone she liked, so she directly chose to settle abroad and never came back.

With such a gloomy idea, Niuniu's time to think about her brother is gradually reduced. It's not that she is ungrateful, but that she is more and more afraid to think about her brother who used to love her more than anyone else, because if she thinks about it, her heart will be torn.

She began to study crazily, participated in all kinds of performances with teacher fan crazily, and filled every Saturday and Sunday with volunteer itinerary crazily.

She had to fill up all the time she might spend thinking about her brother, other than sleeping, with all kinds of things.

From small to large, she felt that she was not a strong person, even a delicate person. This is not strong and delicate, especially in front of her big brother Bao.

But in the past three years, she has gradually become strong and tough. From the beginning, I didn't dare to mention my brother. Later, even if I think of him, I will never cry again

The drunkard on the bed turned over slightly and lay on his side, facing the light.

Soft yellow halo hit his handsome three-dimensional facial features, long eyelashes cast two rows of deep and thick shadows at the moment.

Niu Niu looked at him crazily, and then saw his two sexy thin lips move. Niu Niu thought he was thirsty, but unexpectedly, she heard him mutter out a broken word.

"Niuniu... Brother... Miss you..."

Niu Niu's eyes were instantly hot, and her misty eyes were staring at his face.

Ji Yu, you certainly don't know, I these three years, is how to survive?

Ji Yu, do you know, you are a big fool!

Full of water vapor hazy girl, gnashing her teeth to scold a!

After scolding in my heart, I bent over and printed the two thin lips of the drunk with grinding words on my lips


Dabao had a good night's sleep, probably because he was drunk.

Probably, it's because I was tired after taking such a long flight, so I fell asleep.

Probably because he went back to his familiar home, he slept very well.

In this stable and heavy sleep process, he had a very beautiful dream!

In the dream, his lovely and beautiful girl stood in front of him and looked at him affectionately. When he wanted to ask questions, the girl flashed her beautiful eyes and told him, "brother, I like you!"

Then, after the confession, the little girl stood on tiptoe with a red face, gave him a quick kiss like a dragonfly on his lips, turned her head and ran away with oil on the soles of her feet.


In the morning, Dabao was woken up by the alarm clock.

But he, lying in bed for a long time, did not want to open his eyes, because the dream is too beautiful, he just wanted to stay in the dream.

Ten minutes later, Dabao appeared in the living room.

"Good morning, Daddy!"

In the living room, Ji Rui had to sit on the sofa and read the newspaper.

"Good morning, have you sobered up?"

"Well. It's all right

Ji Rui looks at his son with a slight smile, raises his chin and points towards the dining room.

"Breakfast is in the dining room. Go and have it."

Dabao looked around and saw no one else.

"Where's Mommy and bunny?"

Then he walked into the dining room, dragged a chair and sat down. He filled a bowl of porridge from the pot. Smelling the faint smell of porridge, he felt hungry.

"Your aunt yuan'er is ill. Your mother went to see her. She said she would come back for lunch. Xiaobao and Niuniu went for a walk with big grey and big black. "

Dabao drank half a bowl of porridge at one go. The porridge is still as good as ever. Needless to say, it must be cooked by mommy in the morning.

"Take Da Hui Da Hei for a walk? Where to go for a walk? "

"Oh, you don't know. The industrial wasteland in front of us has now been transformed into a leisure park. They are taking their dogs for a walk there."

Dabao didn't go out of his house since he came back yesterday. He didn't know about a leisure park nearby.

"They usually go for a long time, or you can walk over and have a look after breakfast."

After breakfast, Dabao changed into a casual sportswear, took his wallet and mobile phone and went out.

Originally, I was going to call someone again, but I didn't know that when I walked into the square, a girl with a horsetail and a straight wheel rushed forward.

Dabao glanced at it casually, but unexpectedly found that this girl was not someone else, it was Niuniu.