Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 728

Ji Rui is still confused, "who do you like? Does Dabao have a girl he likes? "

Letong let go of Dabao, touched his face to comfort him, "son, ignore your father, stupid as a pig."

Dabao nodded with a smile, "well, it's really hard for you, Mommy, to live with a pig for so many years."

Yue Tong sees that her son seems to be in a good mood, and her tight heart slows down a little.

"Do you really think about it?"

Dabao nodded firmly, "well, I've been thinking about it for more than half a year, so, Mommy, you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine!"

Letong was very sad, but she still had a smile on her face.

"OK, now that you've planned everything, mummy won't talk much. We'll talk about your study abroad later. Now we'd better finish the meeting first."

Studying abroad is such a big thing. Naturally, it can't be as simple as staying in a university. It seems that we have to spend a lot of time discussing many details in private.

"Well, I mean the same thing."

With Dabao's consent, the board meeting was held as usual.

Dabao's resignation is a foregone conclusion. Ji Rui, as chairman and President, immediately approved his resignation.

Dabao has made all preparations for his resignation for more than half a year. He proposes to let Zhong Hao take the post of general manager of brilliant, and Zhong Hao's original position will be replaced by the manager of the small company he acquired a few months ago.

Ji Rui and the members of the board of directors accepted Dabao's proposal. In view of the brilliant achievements Dabao has made for the company in recent years, all members of the board of directors approved the proposal and immediately gave Dabao a large amount of allowance according to Ji's practice.

After the board meeting, the family of three returned to Ji Rui's office and closed the door. Next, it was time for a family meeting.

"Dabao, let's talk about the specific things. We'll help you with what needs to be done next."

Ji Rui, a father, has already accepted the fact that his son wants to study abroad. Now, he just wants to help his son solve the rest.

Dabao shook his head. "Daddy, no, I've done everything!"

Ji Rui and Le Tong look at him incredulously. After a long time, Le Tong responds, "so, you live on campus this semester just to study abroad?"

Dabao nodded.

"Yes, in fact, last year I got the full scholarship of this school. At that time, I didn't plan to go abroad, so I refused. Later, I changed my mind and called each other again. They said they would keep my degree. This semester, I've gone through all the formalities, and I've asked someone to buy a small apartment near the school over there. Now it should have been decorated, and I can move in when I get there. "

Letong always knew that her son was independent and capable, but she didn't expect to be able to this extent.

"Honey, Mommy feels so ashamed!"

As parents, what they do for him is really too small.

Dabao hugged her and comforted her, "Mommy, I'm not a child. I should do these things by myself. If I want you to help me with these things, what do you have to worry about when I go abroad for three years? "

Although Dabao is right, Ji Rui and Letong have been suffering for a long time.

"Well, we don't have to worry about it. You'd better think about it carefully and tell the two little ancestors back home."

Letong thinks that the next thing her son wants to fight is a tough fight.

The smile on Dabao's face slowly faded, and Junlang's face was covered with a thin layer of sorrow.

"Mommy, I'm afraid they'll hate me!"

Dabao and Letong's worries soon became true.

Niuniu and Xiaobao are dumb when they hear that Dabao wants to study abroad for three years.

The two kids stare at Dabao with wide eyes. A moment later, almost at the same time, they run to Dabao, raise their feet and kick Dabao hard. Then, they run back to their bedroom and close the door!

Dabao and Letong look at each other. Ji Rui has no choice but to shrug his shoulders and show his hand, saying that he can't help.

"I'll persuade Xiaobao, you can persuade Niuniu!"

Letong patted his son on the back and gave him a push.

Dabao pulled up the corner of his lip and gave a farfetched smile. "Well, she has to open the door and let me persuade her."

It is said that love is mutual. Over the years, how much Dabao loves Niuniu, Niuniu loves Dabao.

Of course, in Niuniu's place, this kind of love is limited to the love between brother and sister. After all, Niuniu's age makes it impossible to tell what kind of feelings she has.

Dabao knows Niuniu better than anyone else. If she is not really angry, she will never be willing to touch her brother Dabao.

And now, Dabao's calf pain almost made him cry!

Or, in fact, he can't tell whether it's calf pain or heart pain.

"Niuniu, will you open the door?"

Dabao stood outside and patted the door.

He thought that the little girl would not open the door for him.

As a matter of fact, he just asked, then came a click sound of unlocking.

Dabao opens the door, probes in, and sees Niuniu sitting behind the door with her knees in her arms, her head hanging, and her face completely invisible.

Dabao flashed into the bedroom. It was very quiet.

"Niuniu..." Dabao squatted down and reached for the girl's shoulder. Bow, want to ask her to look up at themselves, hands, but clearly feel the little girl's shoulder in gently shaking.


The subtle voice clearly came to Dabao's ears. His heart tightened and he looked down. Under Niuniu's body, it was like a rainstorm, and a string of tears fell on the carpet.

"Niu Niu, I'm sorry!"

Dabao also wants to cry, but he can't cry. He can only gently hold the sad little girl in his arms.

Niu Niu suddenly opened her hands, pulled his clothes, and rubbed her face against his arms.

"Brother, why did you leave me?" With the cry of the cavity, directly tear Dabao's heart to pieces.

"Niuniu, I'm sorry..." Dabao felt two lines of hot liquid flowing down his face, but he didn't care. He just kept caressing the little girl's back, trying to make her stop crying.

"Brother, is Niuniu not good? Is Niuniu not smart enough? That's why you went to study abroad?" The little girl in his arms seems to think that her brother left because of her.

In fact, her brother Dabao is leaving because of her, but the real reason is not that she is less than 12 years old.

"Niuniu, my brother just wants to go out and learn more. It's not Niuniu's fault! It's my brother's fault Dabao was very remorseful. If he had not fallen in love with her, the separation would not have happened.

"Brother, why don't you not go? Why don't you stay?" Niuniu raised her head, rubbed Dabao's face with her wet face and begged bitterly.