Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 727

Time flies. In the blink of an eye, it's June.

The primary school graduation examination is going to be done in the middle of Niu Niu and Xiao Bao. And Dabao also graduated from university successfully. The research topic with her tutor was also completed. On June 1 children's day, Dabao finally dragged her luggage home.

With half a month to go before the graduation exam, Niuniu was extremely nervous. Even if her favorite brother Dabao moved home, she did not dare to stick to him all day as before. Instead, she studied her lessons against the clock. At the beginning of the semester, she remembered what she said to her brother clearly.

Dabao is completely idle. He doesn't have as much time to go to the company as before. He only goes for about half a day every day. In the afternoon, he goes home to help aunt Guan cook.

The day before the graduation examination of Niuniu and Xiaobao, the table was full of their favorite dishes.

When Aunt Guan brought out the meal, she said to the hungry young lady and master, "Niuniu Xiaobao, these are all made by your big brother Dabao. Come on for the exam tomorrow!"

Niuniu immediately turned around, grabbed Dabao's neck and gave him a loud kiss on the face, "thank you, brother!"

Over the years, Dabao has helped Letong occasionally, but he has never tried to finish a whole table by himself.

Letong looks at his eldest son in surprise, while he rubs his younger brother and sister's head with his big hand and says with a smile, "this is the refuelling banquet specially made by my brother for you two. Refuelling well tomorrow!"

The two kids can't wait to reach out their chopsticks, put their favorite meat into their mouths, and answer vaguely with their chin bulging.

Letong put away her thoughts and put a piece of Dongpo meat in her mouth.

"Brother, your food is delicious, as delicious as mommy's!"

Niuniu's praise is exactly what Letong wants to say.

Ji Rui nodded his approval.

"Dabao, it seems that you really have the true story of your mother."

Le Tong got SE's Piao Ji Rui one eye, "really glad, big treasure is not like you, boil bowl noodles can boil into paste."

Ji Rui doesn't care much about his defect. He puts a piece of fish in his mouth and looks like enjoying himself.

"This is my blessing. I won't be able to eat such delicious food every day."

Then, his eyes turned to Dabao's face. "Of course, her daughter will be lucky to find Dabao as her husband in the future."

Before Dabao had time to say anything, Niuniu coughed awkwardly. "I'll follow my father. I can't cook anything well. Will I let others suffer in the future?"

The whole family turned to Niuniu.

"Who said that?! I don't think I'll suffer if your father is like this! " Letong's words are not to comfort Niuniu, but from her heart.

"Yes, even if your mother can't cook, I still feel very happy!" What Ji Rui said is also from his heart.

"Sister, what are you worried about? Then you can find a boyfriend like your brother who can make a lot of delicious food."

Xiaobao seems to have no intention of a word, finally let Niuniu release her heart, said with a smile, "or Xiaobao the most intelligent!"

Letong and Dabao look up at each other at the same time.

The next day, Dabao and the driver sent Niuniu Xiaobao to the examination room. One of them was very nervous, the other was as relaxed as going to the park.

When entering the school gate, Dabao held Niuniu and kissed her on the forehead.

"Come on, Niuniu! Believe in yourself, you can do it

Niuniu was really nervous at first. After listening to her brother's words, she somehow relaxed. She gave her brother a sweet smile, pushed him away and strode into the school gate with Xiaobao.

After ten meters, the little girl with her schoolbag suddenly turned around and gave Dabao a kiss. Then she waved to him and said with a smile, "brother, wait for my good news!"

A few days later, when the graduation results were announced, Niuniu got what she wanted. She ranked tenth in her grade and fourth in her class. Xiaobao, of course, got the first grade without any suspense.

After the results came out, Dabao took ten days off from the company and took Niuniu and Xiaobao out for ten days.

After coming back, he went back to work for a few days.

On Monday, at Ji's board of directors, he dropped a big bomb on Letong and Ji Rui.

"Ji Yu, why do you want to resign?"

See baby son handed over the resignation, Ji Rui two thick eyebrows twisted into a ball.

Le Tong, meanwhile, stares at her son.

For so many years, she and Ji Rui have never forced their children to do anything, but they will basically discuss with them what decisions they want to make. This is the first time that they say they want to resign without warning.

"Daddy, Mommy, I'm going to study abroad!"

Dabao then dropped another bomb, blowing Ji Rui and Letong up.

The members of the board of directors have made a lot of money by relying on the three members of the Ji family over the years. Now, they retreat one after another, leaving the whole conference hall to the three members of the family to solve family conflicts first.

Wait for everyone to go out, Ji Rui has calmed down the heart of consternation, the resignation closed, very calm to his son said.

"Dabao, if you want to resign, your mother and I won't stop you. If you want to study abroad, we won't object to it, but can you not be so sudden?"

Dabao bowed his head and said, "Daddy, Mommy, I'm sorry!"

Letong moved his chair and put his arm around his shoulder.

"Silly son, you are not sorry for us. As long as you want to do it, we will support you. Your father and I just want to know why you do it."

Letong's tone is calm. After so many storms, it's easy for her to hide her emotions.

Whether it's the family or the company, the baby son has shared a lot of responsibilities for them over the years. Therefore, he is willful once in a while, and she can't think of any reason not to support him.

Dabao raised his head. His deep eyes seemed to hide a lot of things and nothing. He looked at Letong quietly for a while, and then said calmly, "Mommy, the reason why I do this, you know."

Le Tong slightly Leng Leng, very quickly, then understood to come over.

"Well, since you have decided, your father and I will support you unconditionally."

Then he reached out and hugged his son, who was a whole head higher than himself.

Ji Rui listens to the mother and son's conversation word by word. He clearly understands every word, but he doesn't understand the meaning of their words.

Ji Rui, who is in the fog, looks at his mother and son tightly and frowns, "son, can you tell daddy why you want to do this?"

Letong patted Dabao on the back, turned to the dull president Ji DA and said, "idiot, son is for the person he likes!"