Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 729

Niu Niu's entreaties didn't change Dabao's decision in the end.

A week later, Dabao embarked on a new journey of his life in the reluctant farewell of his family.

Pushing his luggage through the gate alone, Dabao, who always claims to be strong and incomparable, does not even have the courage to look back at it at this moment.

He was afraid that when he looked back and saw Niuniu with tears in her eyes, he would turn around and run back to her, and then he would never leave her.

Niuniu's sobs and shouts gradually disappeared in the crowd.

As the plane slowly took off, Dabao watched the city he had lived in for more than ten years, and his vision gradually decreased. Until the last trace could not be found, he slowly closed his eyes and leaned heavily on his seat.

The future is as dark as he felt after closing his eyes.

The decision to leave, in fact, is just a flash of thought, but immediately made up his mind. Then, for this idea, he prepared for more than half a year.

In order to leave as free and easy as at the moment.

If we say that from the moment he picked up Niuniu in the forest, the life trajectories of him and Niuniu overlapped, this time is the first bifurcation point after the overlapping of their lives for nearly 12 years.

At the moment, Dabao doesn't want to think. What kind of fortune will be waiting for him in three years?

Is it a new kind of relationship that he has long expected and overlaps with Niuniu's life again, or is it a parallel life with her only as a brother and sister?

Feelings have always been mutual. Before she knew how to position her feelings correctly, Dabao was willing to force herself to leave.

But who can guarantee that if he comes back in three years, she will put him in the position he wants to see?

These concerns and fears are not without Dabao. However, his strong self-esteem and persistent love for Niu Niu do not allow him to be a little selfish.

Dabao opened his eyes slowly. All the haze and blackness on his eyelids were broken by the dazzling light at that moment.

Outside the window, the beautiful sky is cloudless, Dabao squints, facing the burning streamer, his heart suddenly.

Now that I have decided to leave, let's be free and easy. Maybe on the day when I come back three years later, I will see Ji Sihan, the girl he loves, instead of his sister Niuniu!


Three years later.

Tall, thin and handsome, the young man angrily pushed aside the wooden fence and stepped forward into the yard. A roar rang through the whole Ji family.

"Ji Sihan!"

However, his roar did not receive any response.

On the car that just stopped outside the yard, a pair of long, straight legs stepped out calmly, and then a young face with five or six points similar to that of the teenager came out of the car.

The tall man in dark blue casual shirt and black casual pants stands in front of the fence, with his sleeve rolled to his elbow at will, and one arm naturally put on the wooden fence. Just looking at the tall and straight posture and compelling momentum, it's very easy for people to misunderstand that this is a just red star.

The handsome and eye-catching features of the man are gilded by the slanting sunlight. He holds up his palm to block his eyes, squints slightly, and looks at the familiar building that has been away for three years. His eyes are deep and unpredictable, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

The boy turned back and stood for a short time in front of the man who was silent and difficult to understand. He bent over to pick up the backpack that the man threw on the ground.

"Brother, come on in, don't worry about my sister. She's gone crazy! Ming Ming said that he would pick you up together... "

The young man's tone was full of resentment and discontent. The tall man couldn't help stretching out his hand to pull his face and said with a smile.

"Xiaobao, three years, how can you still be like a child?"

The young man stood up straight, about half an ear high. However, he was thinner than a man. He was younger than a man, but with a calm temperament different from his age. He was unruly and boastful at his age.

"I'm a child. I'm not like you. I'm so young that I look like an uncle." He snorted with a disdainful look.

The man was amused and patted his head in a funny way. "Xiaobao, I'm twenty years old. Besides, I'm uncle. I'm not finished with you!"

"Not uncle. What are you running for? The Ji family doesn't lack your doctor's degree of dog fart! "

The boy's face is full of anger. It's obvious that his stomach has been in a state of anger for three years, and it hasn't disappeared yet.

The man raised his hand and rubbed his head hard. "It's because my brother is still young that I go out to have a look and take a walk when my parents haven't retired."

For this reason, the man told the boy and another girl many times, but the two little ancestors never sold him.

"Cut, you this reason, even elder sister that fool all don't believe, still want to use to cheat me?"

The boy mercilessly exposed his lies, carrying his backpack and walking with him to the door of the house.

The boy opened the door and saw a tall girl with fluffy hair coming out of the bedroom.

"What's the noise? Do you want people to sleep? " The girl mumbled impatiently, but her eyes didn't look at the door at all. The boy and the man went straight to the refrigerator, took the ice water, poured a glass, looked up and drank a large glass of water.

Man has imagined countless reunion scenes, but none of those scenes is as hard for him to accept as this one.

He absently looked at the girl's back. The girl was wearing a vest and skirt at home. Her head and shoulder curls were scattered on her shoulders at random. She couldn't see her neck, but she could see her snow-white shoulders and graceful arms. From her back, she had grown a lot. The former little girl was now a standard big girl.

She holds the refrigerator door in one hand and the cup in the other. Her long white legs are exposed under her skirt. Her white feet are bare, and she steps on the camel carpet

The man's eyes are deep staring at the unfamiliar figure. There is only one idea in his heart. Finally, she has grown up!

The young man turned his head and glanced at the man standing behind him. He raised his elbow and bumped him. "Brother, don't worry about her. She's pretending to be crazy and stupid. Maybe she's still angry with you!"

The man pulled back the unpredictable sight from the girl and fell on the boy's face. He said with a smile, "aren't you still angry with me?"

The man's smile with a bit of helplessness, it seems that he is too doting on these two little ancestors, so that they were angry for three years.

Probably, they thought that as long as they were angry, their big brother would give up all persistence and fly back to them from the other side of the earth.