Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 724

Maybe it's really figured out, maybe it's used to, in short, the next day, Dabao didn't have friction with Niuniu for Sijun.

However, he seems to be more and more busy, and his busy time seems not only because of the company.

Originally, he had no classes in his senior year, but recently he went back to school frequently. The driver told Letong that young master Yu now spends half his time in school and half his time in the company.

Letong asked Dabao about this matter with concern. He said that he had a research project unfinished with his tutor before graduation, so he had to finish it as soon as possible before graduation.

Letong didn't think much, but told him to pay attention to his body no matter how busy he was. He couldn't abuse his body at will just because he was young.

Dabao responded well, but he was still very busy. Moreover, he came home very late every day. After dinner, he hid in his workshop to work overtime. Seeing that the Spring Festival was just a few days away, he was still running around.

Letong, who is a mother, finally loses her temper and calls Zhong Hao.

"Elder martial brother, what is Xiao Yu doing recently? Do you have any problems? "

After receiving a call from Letong, Zhong Hao seems to be a bit surprised, because he has assisted Ji Yu to start a business for several years, and Ji Rui and Letong have only a few calls to discuss brilliant affairs.

"No, after the official launch of the new game, the response was very good, and the brilliant reputation and influence also soared in the industry because of this game. Don't you all know that?"

Of course, Letong, the vice president of Jishi group, knows what Zhong Hao said. That's why she can't figure out why her son is so busy.

"We know. That's why we wonder. What's he up to these days?"

Letong, who has always boasted of good communication with her son, also has the worry and crisis of being kept in the dark by her son.

"Oh, you said he was running on both sides of the school company? He said that he had a research project with his tutor, so he had to finish it as soon as possible before graduation, didn't he? "

It seems that Dabao has also made friends with Zhong Hao about his studies.

"Well, that's what he said. I also asked his tutor. It's true."

Dabao is seventeen years old. The most frustrating days for Letong are probably the days when he was sick and hospitalized when he was a child. After that, he let Letong worry about being a mother.

This is the first time that Letong needs to call the school to verify in person.

"On the side of the company, he seems to have a crush on a small game company, so he may be busy with this recently."

Zhong Hao probably also hears the helplessness in the tone of Le Tong. Thinking that he can't bear it, he confesses the secret that Dabao entrusted him to keep temporarily.

This matter, Letong really didn't hear his son mention. However, this is also normal and glorious. They seldom take the initiative to intervene, so as not to let their son have the illusion that they are not trusting him or interfering with him.

Although Letong still feels that something is wrong, she seems to have found the source of Dabao's busyness, whether it's about the school or the company.

With two days to go before the Spring Festival, Dabao, who always takes the initiative to buy new year's goods with her younger brother and sister, seems to have completely forgotten this year, until Niuniu can't help but push the door of his workshop and ask him.

"Brother, don't you take Xiaobao and me to buy new year's goods this year?"

Dabao turned around and looked at Niuniu blankly, "isn't it still early?"

Niuniu gave him a white look, flashed in, put her arms around his neck from behind, and climbed on his back intimately.

"Where is it early? The day after tomorrow is new year's Eve Her brilliant brother Dabao was confused sometimes.

"Er, my brother is really busy and confused recently. I'll go with you tomorrow, OK?"

Dabao put out his hand to turn off the computer monitor. He clasped the girl's waist with his backhand and put the man on his thigh.

Niuniu got her brother's promise and her mood improved. The whole person leaned back in Dabao's arms and rested his head on his shoulder, counting the new year's goods he wanted to buy.

Dabao is really busy these days. He is too busy to get close to Niuniu.

The last time we chatted with each other intimately seemed to be a long time ago.

Niuniu's mouth opened and closed, and she said what she wanted to buy. Dabao tilted her head slightly, looked down at her pink lips, and her clean and comfortable voice was around her ears. But Dabao didn't listen to the specific content.

The little girl chattered on and on. She didn't know that her brother Dabao was watching her eyes very hot. In his smart mind, there were only two words rolling: kiss her, kiss her

It's been more than a month since he completely figured it out that day. Dabao didn't take the initiative to have too close contact with this little girl.

All the strong have one thing in common. It's willpower, extreme reason.

Dabao is young, but he can't deny the fact that he is a strong man.

Since he figured it out and decided not to interfere in Niu Niu's life, he did it thoroughly and never did anything to mislead her.

Even though there are only two words in his mind stubbornly flashing, he still relies on his strong self-control to suppress all his desires and thoughts.

His sight was so hot that he could burn the girl in front of her in an instant, and his hand on Niu Niu's waist was loose and tight, tight and loose unconsciously.

But in the end, he just tilted his head slightly, put his hot lips on her smooth face, and rubbed it gently like a rare treasure.

He closed his eyes and felt her temperature and breath with his heart. He sighed softly and slowly.

Niu Niu suddenly turned her face, and her soft lips seemed to rub Dabao's lips.

Dabao's heart shook violently. He opened his eyes and looked into Niuniu's dark and clear eyes.


Niu Niu's voice is as clear as usual.


Dabao's mood was still in the strong palpitation just now. He didn't want to pull away. His whole body seemed to have been drained of strength, and his lips seemed to caress her forehead carelessly.

At this time, even if Niu Niu told him to die, he would be willing to.

"Can I buy some new year gifts for the children in the orphanage tomorrow?"

Dabao's confused eyes suddenly became cold, slightly stagnated for a while, then he opened his lips and said with a smile to Niuniu.

"Of course! Now make a list, and I'll ask Uncle Huang to send it to you after you buy it tomorrow. "