Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 725

The next day, Dabao got up early in the morning and picked up his brother and sister who were still sleeping in bed. He said that he wanted the family to go out for morning tea.

For a long time, the family did not have such leisure. Dabao even called the mansion and asked the driver to take Mr. Ji to the lakeside restaurant.

Mr. Ji is nearly 80 years old and in good spirits. However, after he fell down the stairs ten years ago, his legs have not been very sharp. Now he is still limping. When the weather suddenly changes or it rains, the old fracture can hurt him to death. Others feel sorry for him, but he always says that he deserves it.

His wife got out of prison a year ago. Ji Rui and Letong didn't pay much attention at that time. Later, people from the immigration and exit Department told Ji Rui that his stepmother had gone to country y, and they wanted to go to reunite with her two sons who had just been out of prison.

Master Ji didn't mention it. He hasn't been in transit for so many years. Maybe he's dead for the two sons.

No one told Dabao about the evils Mrs. Ji had done, and he didn't ask. I think he should know it very well.

However, Dabao is very good to Ji. After all, in his infancy when his father was absent from his mother, Ji took good care of him. It can also be said that without Ji's original insistence, there would be no Dabao. After all, there would not be Ji Rui and Letong's tortuous and lingering relationship.

When a family of five entered the reserved box, Mr. Ji was already sitting in it tasting tea.

After the three children entered the door, they called "grandfather, grandfather" around Mr. Ji, making the old man's bones crisp.

"Mommy, let's go back to the mansion for the new year, OK?"

Dabao mentioned this without warning, which surprised all three adults here. Since Xiaobao was born, Xiaobao and Niuniu knew each other very well at that time. They spent the night in the mansion several times and cried endlessly. Since then, the family has rarely spent the night in the mansion.

Yue Tong responded quickly and nodded with a smile, "OK, the flowers over there in the mansion should be very bright, and the flavor of the year must be more abundant."

Ji's son, Ji Rui, has asked the housekeeper, "Uncle Li, you'll go back later. Remember to ask someone to go to the peach blossom forest to chop some peach blossoms with luxuriant buds. We'll buy other things later."

"Daddy, can you take Da Hui Da Hei back?" Xiao Bao is always thinking about his dog.

Ji Rui nodded, "well, take them back."

When Mr. Ji saw that his children and grandchildren had arranged everything without authorization, he said nothing more. During the dinner, Xiaobao and Niuniu were present, and the atmosphere was very lively. After a morning tea for more than two hours, Mr. Ji was sent home by the driver first. Ji Rui's family of five went straight to the supermarket.

After buying the new year's goods, the driver takes them to the mansion first. Ji Rui and Letong take their children home to clean up. They take aunt Guan's leave one day earlier, and the family of five return to the mansion with their cats and dogs.

The three brothers shoulder the burden of decorating the mansion. Children love to play and make trouble. In the eyes of adults, it's a heavy work, but in their eyes, it's just a kind of play and make trouble.

Ji's mansion hasn't been so busy for a long time. Looking at Dabao climbing on the escalator, he motioned Xiaobao and Niuniu to hand him the red couplet painted with paste. Then he turned to ask Ji, "Grandpa, look if I paste it right."

Ji Laozi points out a few words, and soon a brand-new red couplet is pasted on both sides of the gate of the mansion.

After the couplets were pasted, several children began to hang lanterns again. Mr. Ji had been sitting on the reclining chair not far away. Looking at them, a burst of hot steam came up in his eyes.

Standing on one side and waiting on him, housekeeper Li heard him sigh a long time and quickly bent over to help him pinch his feet nervously.

"Don't you feel well, sir?"

Ji shook his head and sighed again with emotion, "no, I just didn't expect that I could have such a life and enjoy such a blessing."

"Master, it's all over. You see, young master and young lady are so old..."


After looking at the children silently for a while, Ji turned to housekeeper Li and said, "have you done that last time?"

"Master... Do you want to talk about it with the young and the old?"

"Come on, Niuniu is a child of our Ji family. Who doesn't know about this?"

Ji's tone suddenly became very tough, and housekeeper Li immediately silenced.

The three children finally hung up the lanterns. A long row of red lanterns were hung in the long corridor, which added a lot of joy to the old mansion.

The five members of the Ji family lived in the mansion for seven or eight days. On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year's day, the five members of the Ji family went to the capital to pay New Year's greetings to the Yang family. After that, they lived in the Yang family for a few days. The second day when they returned to r city was the Lantern Festival.

Ji Rui and Letong took such a long vacation for the first time in many years. On the day of the Lantern Festival, they didn't accompany their children any more, but went back to work.

Niuniu and Xiaobao went to the temple fair with Dabao. They ate a lot of delicious food and bought a lot of interesting and novel things. They didn't come home until the evening.

After dinner, Dabao takes out some peace charms and hands them to Ji ruiletong, then Niuniu and Xiaobao.

Letong took the Ping'an Fu with a puzzled face, "Dabao, when did you ask for it?"

In fact, Letong wants to ask, son, when did you become so superstitious?

"What I asked for at the temple fair today is that I asked for a few if I could keep it safe with me."

Dabao helps Niuniu and Xiaobao put the Amulet of peace into the small bag that they usually take with them, while their own amulet is put together with their ID card and other important documents.

Letong and Ji Rui look at each other. They both think that the eldest son is a little strange recently, but they don't know where the strange is.

After the Lantern Festival, xiaobaoniuniu officially returned to school, while Dabao returned to the busy life of running on both sides of the company and school before the Spring Festival.

About a week later, Dabao, who had never lived in school, asked his parents to go back to school for a while.

"Is the graduation thesis unfinished? Or something else? " Letong didn't mean to stop her, but her son, who had never left home, suddenly offered to live in school. It's not surprising that he was cheating.

"It's the research project with my tutor that has encountered problems. I need to spend a lot of time with my tutor to solve these problems. In addition, I also need to take into account the company's affairs. I just live in school for a period of time to solve this problem as soon as possible."

Dabao's words are reasonable. There is no reason for parents to obstruct. Even if Niuniu and Xiaobao are not happy, they dare not say anything.

Soon, Dabao dragged his luggage into the university dormitory.