Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 723

Over the years, Dabao has helped him and Yin Zhihao a lot, but he has never asked anyone for help.

This gives Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi the illusion that Ji Dabao is an omnipotent God!

Only at this moment do they know that Ji Dabao is not without troubles. He is just buried deeper than either of them.

Dabao finally turned his eyes to Ren weiqi, whose eyes were so dark and bright that people suffocated.

He shook his head. "No, I don't believe you." He paused for a moment, "it's just that you and Nie Wei are childhood friends. After all these years, what have you two experienced? There's very little fighting, right? "

Dabao's words, unfortunately, all hit!

Ren weiqi and his girlfriend Nie Wei have been dating since high school, but they live in the opposite building. It is said that they slept together when they were young. They wore each other's clothes and trousers. They went to the same school from kindergarten to university. Their relationship is so good that people envy them.

Such a smooth feeling, really speaking, is no different from the white paper.

Ren weiqi and Yin Zhihao look at Dabao at a loss. When they see that Dabao is in a bad mood, they are also in a bad mood. But knowing that the other party is in a bad mood, they can't help at all. This kind of feeling is not just a bad feeling.

Depressed two people, took the beer, also like Dabao before, pulled the ring, looked up to drink.

"Since we can't help you with anything, I'll stay with you until I'm drunk."

Yin Zhihao drank all the beer in one gulp and threw his hand. The wine can hit the dustbin beautifully.

Dabao looks at his friend who fills up a can of wine at one go. He feels warm in his heart.

About his feelings, he really can't speak to anyone, but it's good to have a good friend to accompany him to vent.

Thinking in this way, the original dark mood, faintly revealed some light.

In fact, he is not really unable to find someone to talk to. Another insider of his relationship, his mother Letong, is actually the best one to talk to.

But, in this matter, except for himself, no one can help her. It's just adding to her trouble to insist on telling her.

Dabao didn't say anything to Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi in the end, but they had a good drink and a good cry to the microphone.

Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi said they would go straight back to the company apartment to sleep. Dabao insisted on going home for fear that his family would miss him.

So the three men took two taxis to their nests.

The first time Dabao touched beer, he thought he would get drunk if he drank one or two cans of beer. Unexpectedly, he seemed to drink more than he could imagine.

Three people drank four dozen beers, Dabao went to the bathroom several times, but he didn't feel drunk at all.

Sitting in a taxi, the brain is more sober than ever.

"Brother, drunk?"

The driver of the taxi was very uncomfortable with the smell of wine. When he saw the people behind him sitting up, he was as motionless as a Buddha. He just thought he was drunk and thought that he would not get his car dirty.

"Uncle, I'm not drunk."

Dabao's voice was clear and clear, and he didn't sound drunk at all.

The driver was a little relieved that there were not many cars on the road late at night, so he drove faster. More than half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the wooden fence in front of Dabao's house.

Dabao soberly paid the fare, got out of the car, and pushed the fence gently.

There is a dark yellow light in the floor glass. Needless to say, it must be mommy who left the light for herself.

It's windy at night. It's like a skate across Dabao's face. After drinking a lot of wine, Dabao only feels hot all over, and doesn't feel cold at all.

He paced slowly, counting the steps silently in his heart, one, two, three, four

From the wooden fence to the position of the first swing, he walked 160 steps.

He sat down on the swing with a tightrope. His head was next to the cold tightrope. He remembered that when Niuniu had just learned to walk, he followed the tottering little girl and helped her count one, two, three, four, etc.

At that time, her legs were very short, and her steps were very unstable. During that time, she fell several times. Every time she fell, she would turn her head and look at Dabao, stretch out her hand, and then flat her mouth, looking like she was going to cry.

At that time, when he saw her fall, his heart hurt. After all, he was only seven years old and a child.

But he didn't bend over to help her. Just keep encouraging her, "Niu Niu, be good, stand up and go on..."

Niuniu began to ask for help with a flat mouth. Later she saw that Dabao didn't pay any attention to her at all. In the end, she didn't even have to ask for help. When she fell down, she squatted up first, then stood up slowly with her hands on the ground, and then walked to the swing again and again.

Sixty seven, sixty-eight, sixty-nine... Dabao was still behind her, counting her steps loudly.

371, 372, 373

Finally, the little girl with short legs walked from the wooden fence to the swing frame. She took 380 steps.

Dabao bent over to pick up the tired little girl, who was sweating heavily and panting heavily, put her on the swing and shook her gently.

With the rise and fall of the swing, the silver bell like laughter spilled in the yard. At that time, she, relying on her own ability, walked step by step to the swing frame she dreamed of.

At the age of seven, he still knows that what Niuniu wants, he can easily satisfy her. He just needs to bend over to pick her up and run to the swing. In tens of seconds, she can sit on the swing she wants to sit on.

But he chose to let her walk step by step, 380 steps, which is only a very short distance for adults.

But it took the little girl with short legs more than ten minutes to finish the journey.

During this period, she had fallen, cried and hurt, but he just kept watching, and never thought about completing this very short journey for him.

And she, from the beginning of the open throat cry, to later, even tears disdain to flow, fell down, directly get up and fight again.

At that time, he had been very clear that even if he could give her everything, he could not grow up instead of her!

So, at that time, he would be cruel to let her go step by step, and let her use her own strength to reach the place she wanted.

Why, at the age of 17, has he forgotten this?

He likes her, from before to now, has always been, but, before is the elder brother to the younger sister's like, now, is between men and women's like.

But no matter what kind of love, he has no right to interfere in her growth, and even less has the right to intervene in her life direction when she has no choice ability!