Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 710

As the bus drove into the orphanage, teacher fan asked everyone to get out of the car. Niu Niu carried her backpack and got out of the car behind her elder brothers and sisters with her violin.

The phone in the backpack rings. Niuniu takes it out and sees it's the home phone. She thinks it's Mommy calling to ask for peace.

Niuniu followed the group into the yard and got on the phone. "Hello, Mommy?"

"It's brother!" There was a long lost voice on the phone.

"Brother? Are you back? "

Niu Niu's depression and haze were swept away in an instant, and her tone couldn't help raising a few points.

Ji Dabao on the other side of the microphone, even if she can't see her face, can imagine her sweet smile from her hard to hide surprise tone.

"Well, just got home! Listen to Xiao Bao, you are going to the benefit show today. Have you arrived yet? "

"Just arrived! Brother, why don't you tell me in advance when you come back? "

Niu Niu is so sorry. If she had known that her brother would come back today, she would never have taken the initiative to go this trip.

At this time, she had forgotten all the bullshit declaration of independence she had come up with a few days ago.

Dabao on the other side of the phone naturally won't say that he would have been two or three days late to come back, but the deliberate alienation these days has stretched his nerves to the limit. Dabao, who is about to be driven crazy by himself, has a fever in his head. Last night, he asked his assistant to book a ticket for this morning. He left a message to Zhong Hao early in the morning and rushed to the airport with his luggage.

Along the way, he was still happily calculating how to spend the Saturday with his family when he got home. Who knows that he rushed home happily, but what he got was the news that the little girl was going out for a benefit show all day and would come back in the evening.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be done so soon."

Dabao answered calmly, but he didn't know that because he had a fever last night, he left a mess for Zhong Hao to clean up.

"Brother, Mr. Fan calls for a meeting. Don't talk about it. I'll call back later."

Niuniu finished, and hung up without waiting for Dabao to say anything.

And Dabao was going to ask her whether she needed to pick her up or not. Now she hung up and had no idea. Xiaobao pulled him and asked, "brother, daddy bought me the latest rifle model. Do you want to see it?"

"I'll take a shower first!" Dabao answered Xiaobao absently and dragged his luggage into the bedroom.

Niu Niu in the orphanage, however, had no extra thought to think about other things. After she hung up the phone, she hurried to keep up with the brigade.

In front, the director of the orphanage was talking to teacher fan. Niuniu caught up with her, and her elder martial brother glanced at her, "Sihan, teacher fan just asked us to turn off our mobile phone."

Niu Niu quickly took out her mobile phone, quickly lost a few words and sent it out, then turned off her mobile phone.

Dabao, who came out of the bath, saw a message from Niuniu on her mobile phone that she didn't send. She thought it was a little girl's apology, so she couldn't help raising her lips.

Point to open a look, the facial expression can't help but sink down.

"Brother, teacher fan asked us to turn off our mobile phones and call back after the performance."

Niuniu just put her cell phone away, and teacher fan, who had finished the communication with the Dean, turned to them and said.

"The children are in class now. Let's put their own musical instruments in the room, and then go to the car to bring the presents to the children."

The gifts in the car were specially prepared by Letong for Xiao Li to send to teacher fan. On the phone, Letong asked teacher fan to keep secret, saying that these gifts were given to children in the orphanage by band members.

Mr. Fan and Mr. and Mrs. Letong are very familiar, so just now, I just told the dean that these gifts are just a little token from the band members to the children.

Of course, the dean is very happy. After all, they have a lot of children here, and their funds are very tight. They are already stretched to cope with the children's life, not to mention other extra gifts or snacks.

The gifts prepared by Letong filled the trunk of the bus. Among them were clothes to keep out the cold, extra-curricular reading materials to enhance knowledge, and of course, many snacks and toys.

The children who received the gifts were very happy. At the request of the Dean, they stood in a long line and bowed to the band members.

Obviously, teacher fan didn't expect such a show. He was very embarrassed to tell the dean that he didn't need to do these forms of things. He just wanted to receive them.

Niu Niu stood in the crowd, looking at the children who were not well dressed, mostly thin and weak. Somehow, she felt very sad.

It's not that she didn't know that there was an orphanage, but when she stood face to face, she really understood the bitterness of the word "lonely". At this moment, she strongly felt that there was such a big difference between people.

For the first time in her life, she felt the gap between poverty and wealth.

Think about herself. She just needs to ask for what she wants.

Many of the children in front of her are about the same age as her. At this time, they are just holding an ordinary sweater or an inexpensive book, but the expression on each face is extremely satisfied.

Not long ago, she was regretting her participation in the charity show.

But now, she is very glad that she has a part in the charity performance.

Until then, she found that she was a frog in the well who had never seen the world before.

The venue of the performance is in the middle of the open courtyard. The band members are standing in it. The children in the orphanage form a big circle and listen to the performance with their curious eyes open. After each performance, the children clap their hands excitedly.

It can be said that this is the worst performance Niu Niu has ever participated in, but her mood is the most complicated one.

There are six pieces in the ensemble, and six pieces are solo, among which Niuniu has a solo.

After playing her solo, Niu Niu stepped back to watch another elder martial brother's performance.

"Hello..." Niu Niu's ears sounded timid voice.

Niuniu turned around and saw that she was a boy about her height. She was very pretty and thin.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Can you tell me what song you played just now?" Boys seem to be a little shy, face a little red, hands tightly twisted together.

"That's the four seasons. Have you ever heard of Qiu? " Niuniu returns to him with a smile.

The boy shook his head. "I haven't heard of it, but you play it very well!"

"Thank you! My name is Ji Sihan, and you? " Niu Niu introduced herself in a friendly way.

At this time, she had long forgotten Dabao's admonition. She should never tell others her name in front of strangers.

"My... My name is Si Jun."