Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 711

At this time, she had long forgotten Dabao's admonition. She should never tell others her name in front of strangers.

"My... My name is Si Jun."

On the day of the benefit show, Niu Niu didn't get home until more than seven.

Everyone in the family waited for her to come back to have dinner together. During the meal, Letong asked Niuniu what she had seen today. Niuniu thought about it and said.

"Mommy, today I know how happy I am!"

Letong and Dabao stop at the same time and look at her complicatedly.

"Why do you feel so much?" Dabao peeled a crab leg and handed it directly to Niuniu's mouth.

Niuniu naturally opened her mouth and ate the crab legs in her mouth. "The children in the orphanage are so pitiful. Their textbooks are all very old, and their clothes are also very old and don't fit. Their lunch is only a vegetarian dish with a small amount of meat. The children are very thin and small. Many children of the same age are half as short as me..."

Niuniu said with tears in her eyes.

Dabao couldn't stand Niuniu's crying, so he quickly took a tissue to help her wipe the corners of her eyes.

"Niuniu doesn't cry. Tomorrow my brother will donate some money and clothes to let the children have new clothes to wear and new textbooks to use, OK?"

Dabao knew that the little girl was kind-hearted, but she didn't expect that her tears were so low.

Niuniu nodded, lowered her head and took a few mouthfuls of rice, then raised her head to stare at Dabao.

"What's the matter?"

If Dabao knew that mommy and his casual problems would make the little girl feel so depressed, he would not ask that question.

"Brother, can I donate my advertising money to them?"

Originally, the money from Niu Niu's endorsement was intended to be used to buy gifts for her family. But she went to the orphanage today and changed her mind.

"Yes, it's Niuniu's own money. It's up to you to decide how to use it."

Dabao doesn't care about the money. He always cares about Niuniu's mood.

"Sister, my endorsement fee should be donated to them as well."

Xiaobao didn't see the sufferings of those children with his own eyes. He didn't feel what Niuniu said, but he had the same problem with Dabao's brother. He couldn't see Niuniu crying.

"Well, I'll ask them to find out about the orphanage and donate the money as soon as possible, OK?"

Niuniu got her brother's promise, and then she regained some smile on her face. Dabao and Xiaobao are very witty to deliberately pull the topic apart, and soon, the dinner table is back to the usual lively atmosphere.

Dabao is very efficient. After dinner, while Niuniu is taking a bath, he makes a few phone calls to confirm the situation at the orphanage. Then he calls his lawyer and entrusts him to go to the orphanage early tomorrow morning to deal with the donation and loss.

When Niuniu comes out from the bath, Dabao has already told her everything and wants to have a good chat with Niuniu. After all, the brother and sister haven't seen each other for more than half a month.

During that period, he only made three phone calls in the first few days. After that, Dabao kept deliberately repressing himself and didn't let himself call back.

And that girl, I don't know whether she really doesn't want him or is fighting with him. Anyway, after she made a phone call to him, she didn't even send a text message.

Dabao was angry again when she was a little girl, so she secretly thought of a lot of good words to coax her.

But the little girl came back to see herself, but with her usual attitude, she couldn't see any sign of anger.

He can understand the little girl, he did not take the initiative to contact her for so long, she will be a little angry.

Dabao pulled Niuniu over, patted her thigh and motioned her to sit up.

In private, he warned himself more than once that in order to avoid losing control of his reason, he must keep a proper distance from Niuniu.

But these admonitions, after more than ten days of separation, were all broken to pieces. At this time, he just wanted to hold her and feel her temperature and breath.

Niuniu obediently sat on his lap, Dabao a hand around her waist, just want to say something, Niuniu put on the coffee table phone suddenly rang.

"Who is looking for you at this time?" Dabao felt strange.

Niuniu doesn't have many friends at school, most of them are just nodding friends. Before, she and the two elder martial sisters of the band were barely friends, but since the last time the two girls said something bad about Niuniu behind their back, Niuniu has not been associated with them.

Niuniu's phone is now mainly used for the communication between her and her family.

Niu Niu seems to be a little puzzled. She bends over and takes the phone. On the screen, the word "Si Jun" is displayed.

"Who is Si Jun?" Dabao asked with a frown. In his heart, there was an ominous premonition.

Si Jun? It's a boy's name.

"A new friend!" Niuniu raised her lips slightly, and after answering Dabao, she pressed the call button. At the same time, she broke Dabao ring's hand on her waist with her other hand, stood up, took a few steps and sat down on the sofa opposite Dabao.

"Si Jun, haven't you slept yet?"

Dabao stared at the smile on her face, and felt it was very eye-catching.

"Oh, I just had a bath, too."

Dabao frowned slightly.

What's the origin of Si Jun?

Dabao quickly opened his brain, but he couldn't find any information about this person.

Xiaobao also sat next to him. Dabao came to him and asked him in a low voice, "is Si Jun your classmate?"

Xiao Bao shook his head blankly, "never heard of it!"

With Xiaobao's amazing memory, he said he had never heard of it, so he could basically rule out the possibility that Sijun was a classmate.

"Do you want to learn? Yes, I'll send some basic videos to your email tomorrow. You can learn the basic knowledge first according to those teaching videos. You don't have a violin, do you? I have many at home. I'll lend you one first. Anyway, I can't use so many. "

Dabao's heart thumped. You know, Niuniu's violins are all her treasures. Many of them are gifts he bought for her. Xiaobao usually refuses to touch them, but now she generously says that she wants to lend them to the man named Si Jun.

"It's nothing. My harps are not worth much money. Besides, I seldom have a chance to play them. If I lend them to you, it's like playing them for me."

Niuniu's tone is very cheerful. Moreover, listening to the content of her conversation with the man, it seems that they are quite familiar with each other, and their relationship is quite good.

No, it's not only good, it's absolutely good!

Otherwise, Niuniu would not be willing to lend him her precious piano.

The alarm bell in Dabao's mind rings for a long time. This time, it's not just a foreboding, it's the scene of the fire.