Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 709

"No matter how busy your brother is, he won't have time to connect a phone!" Ji Rui dispels Niu Niu's worries as a past person.

But in the end, Niu Niu didn't make the call.

It's not that she doesn't want her brother, but that she vaguely understands that both she and her brother are growing up day by day.

Each has her own space and life. For example, as a student, she will have endless homework. Now that her brother is a company manager, she will naturally have busy work and can no longer stick together day and night as before.

These careful thinking, Niuniu did not mention to her family, but she quietly asked her close deskmate, "leaf, do you kiss your brother?"

Her deskmate, ye ye, has a four-year-old brother.

Leaf pie pie mouth, "before pro, now he made a girlfriend, want to even sleep time to accompany his girlfriend to chat and talk, which have the mind to manage my little girl?"? My mother said, "I can't help my mother. In a few years, even if I am a sister, I have to stand aside."

Ye Ye's words are like a powerful bomb detonated in the deep sea. Fish and shrimps are fleeing everywhere in the deep sea. On the surface, they are still calm.

Although Niu Niu is not sure if her brother has a girlfriend, she knows that she can't always pester her brother like before.

She decided to find something for herself in order not to let her mind wander. Just when I went to teacher fan's class, I overheard teacher fan talking to a senior brother about going to the orphan's garden for a charity performance this week, so she volunteered.

So, after going home, she said to Letong.

"Mommy, I'm going to the benefit show with Mr. Fan this Saturday. Can Uncle Li take me to Mr. Fan's house then?"

Letong is a little surprised, because Niuniu is always too clever to do anything. She always consults with them before deciding whether to go or not.

This time, she obviously did not ask for advice, but told Letong that there was such a thing, and then asked Letong to arrange a driver to take her.

"Yes, mommy and Xiao Bao will go with you."

This Saturday, Letong originally planned to take Niuniu and Xiaobao back to the mansion to accompany Mr. Ji, but after hearing Niuniu's words, she gave up her original plan.

"No, no, teacher Fan said that the orphanage park will arrange a special bus, but the gathering place is at teacher fan's home." Girl is shaking her head and waving her hand to refuse the proposal of Letong company.

"Are you really OK with yourself?"

No wonder Letong is not at ease. Niuniu is so old that she has never tried to participate in any activities. Every time she participates in a competition or a performance, her intimate brother Dabao will definitely follow her closely in case of any discomfort.

Niuniu seems to be afraid that Letong won't agree to her, so she pours on Letong's arm and acts like a coqueter, "Mommy, of course, no problem! I'm almost 12 years old. Foreign children can go to deliver milk and newspapers to earn pocket money at this age. "

Le Tong patted her head, "well, Uncle Li will send you there. When you come back, you call me first and I'll pick you up."

Early on Saturday morning, Niu Niu was sent to teacher fan's home by Xiao Li. Xiao Li watched Niu Niu, teacher fan and several other students get on a bus with their violins. He didn't leave until the bus drove away.

Niu Niu sits in the window and sees Xiao Li standing on the side of the road. She waves at him.

"Sihan, isn't that your driver? Why didn't your brother come with you today? " The questioner is her elder martial sister Gu Xinyu.

"Well." Niu Niu's attitude towards the two elder martial sisters was as cold as that towards passers-by a, since she accidentally saw their true virtue.

"Yes, Sihan, why didn't your brother accompany you?"

This time, it's a senior brother. This elder martial brother has never offended Niuniu, and he is good to Niuniu.

"My brother is on a business trip." Niu Niu answers truthfully.

"Business trip? Did your brother work? " The elder martial brother seems very surprised.

"Hey, don't you know that Sihan's brother is a genius. He went to university at the age of 14." Gu Xinyu said as if he knew more about Ji Yu.

Niuniu doesn't look at the scenery outside. Her brother is a genius. Her brother is very powerful. She has heard a lot of similar words since she was a child. In the past, she would feel very proud, but this time, she felt very harsh.

Gu Xinyu is just one of many girls who adore her brother. She is not happy to hear this. If one day, these praise words come out from her brother's girlfriend, Niuniu can't imagine how she will feel.

Will you be happy?

Niu Niu asked herself silently.

For example, these days, she can't help thinking about whether her brother has a girlfriend or not. No matter whether the answer is yes or no, she feels that her heart is always in a state of distress.

She thought that the reason for her suffering was not necessarily whether her brother had a girlfriend or not.

It's the fact that my brother will have a girlfriend one day.

When she understood this, her heart was even worse.

The reason is that she doesn't want her brother to have a girlfriend at all!

The moment she got this conclusion, Niu Niu choked her heart!

From her memory, her brother can be said to be too good for her, everything to her first, no matter what she asked, he tried to meet her.

Can be so carefully spoiled by her brother, the pain of her, unexpectedly bad heart to hope that her brother does not have a girlfriend!

"Sihan, here is water."

Mr. Fan handed it to Niu Niu, who looked out of the window. The latter turned his head, took the water and said in a low voice, "thank you, Mr. Fan.".

"What's the matter? I'm not happy that my brother didn't come with you? "

Teacher fan is not a person who can observe the color of her face, but the little girl's mind is written on her face at this time.

"No!" Niu Niu whispered insincerely and lowered her head to open the water bottle.

"You should have more contact with the outside world."

Teacher fan has been teaching Niuniu for so many years. He knows that the Ji family has protected the little girl very well, but in his opinion, this kind of excessive protection is not a good thing.

Of course, when he refers to contact with the outside world, he does not mean that Niuniu has never seen the world, but that Niuniu does not have much contact with strangers.

Just as Niuniu and the band members were taking a bus to the orphanage, Dabao was also taking a taxi home.

Dabao, who has been away from home for more than half a month, pushes aside the fence with his luggage and sees Xiaobao playing with dogs in the grass.

When Xiao Bao saw him, he happily dropped the dog and ran over, "brother!"

Dabao rubbed his head and looked around. "Where's your sister, not up yet?"