Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 708

Dabao was lying on the bed, savoring what mummy had said.

Before, he just suspected that mommy had noticed something, but now, he is 100% sure that mommy has seen his unusual feelings for Niuniu.

What's more, mummy's words are undoubtedly telling him that no matter who he likes, she will support him unconditionally. He will also stand behind him unconditionally and give him a slow hand at any time.

He didn't give mummy any answers, because now he can't be sure whether his feelings for Niuniu have reached the point where she has to be.

If there is another role that he is infatuated with, or if he has a delusion about Niuniu just because he is infatuated with Niuniu for a moment, then he is extremely irresponsible and does great harm to Niuniu.

On the other hand, even though he is 100% sure of his feelings and believes that Niuniu is unique and no one can replace her in his mind, he is also 100% sure of his feelings, just like daddy's feelings for Mommy.

What's his choice? Do you want to tell Niuniu now?

If you really want to confess, Niu Niu is only 11 years old. He is not sure that she can understand the difference between family affection and affection.

If he confessed to her now, it would be like asking her to choose one from the other. One is to continue to be a brother and sister, the other is to be a lover.

He believes that he has enough judgment, but Niuniu, does she really have the ability to choose the right answer?

Will she choose a lover against her will for fear of losing her brother?

After all, even Dabao himself is not sure. If he gets the answer that he will continue to be a brother and sister after his confession, can he still switch to his brother's mode as if nothing had happened.

After another night of deliberation, Dabao finally gave Letong such an answer, "Mommy, Niuniu, please keep it a secret."

Hearing her son's answer, Letong seems not surprised at all.

"Well, we respect your decision."

"Niuniu is still young. I don't want to mislead her." The implication is that Letong should not interfere too much in this matter.

Letong didn't intend to interfere too much in her son's affairs. She just reminded her son that as long as they are in love, the identity of brother and sister is not an obstacle. She also indirectly told her son that as parents, they are not old-fashioned and won't stand in the way.

After this conversation between Dabao and Letong, the mother and the son are playing cards.

Both of them know how to cover up. On the surface, everything is the same as usual. Ji Rui, although the mother and son were present when they were talking, their words were not clear after all. As the client Dabao understood, Ji Rui only understood the literal meaning. Therefore, he knew nothing about his eldest son's Thoughts on his daughter.

After that night, a few days later, Dabao became a flying man again. This time, he didn't return home for more than half a month. During this period, the game has smoothly entered the public beta stage.

The whole Ji family knew that Dabao was in an extraordinary period at the moment, so they didn't say much about him except for loving him.

In the first week when Dabao was not at home, Niuniu didn't notice anything, because she was busy making up for her homework of asking for a week's leave.

Although Xiaobao has extra tutoring for her lessons, her head is just the head of ordinary people. She is tired out of digesting the two-week course in one week. She is especially sleepy. With the extra intensive study, she can fall asleep every night after finishing her homework.

After digesting her homework, she finally finished all her homework before 9 o'clock that night and stretched out. Then she realized that she hadn't talked with brother Dabao for two or three days.

Directly took the phone out, dialed the past, brother and sister still talked for more than half an hour before receiving the line, hung up the phone, Niu Niu just thought of a detail.

A few days ago, when my brother was on a business trip, he would chat with himself every night. Moreover, every time, my brother took the initiative to call back. But this time, he has been on a business trip for a week. Even this time, the brother and sister only talked on the phone three times, and tonight, it was her first time to call him.

It's not Niuniu's care, but the relationship between brother and sister for so many years. Basically, Dabao takes the initiative while Niuniu is passive. Dabao does all the caring and considerate actions before Niuniu speaks.

Therefore, Niuniu doesn't need to take the initiative in front of Dabao, because her subconscious already has cognition. As long as she wants to, even if she doesn't say it, her brother will do well for her.

In the past, when she was young, she thought it was natural for her brother to be good to her. But as she grew up, she faintly felt that her brother was too good to herself.

She doesn't know if other people's brothers are the same as her Dabao brother, but she knows that her brother has a popular name for his unconditional indulgence and indulgence, sister control.

Around the students began to enter the rebellious period, every day shouting that the family this also tube that also tube very annoying.

Niuniu, however, enjoys this kind of discipline. In her opinion, it's not discipline but love.

If you don't love, who will look at you more?

Therefore, she felt that the group of students around her who were shouting every day were in bliss.

In fact, she enjoyed all kinds of indulgence and indulgence from her family and brother. Therefore, when she didn't receive the call from her brother for several days, she began to feel uneasy.

"Daddy, is my brother very busy?"

After Niu Niu finished her homework, she saw Ji Rui sitting on the sofa reading a magazine, so she went over and sat down next to Ji Rui.

Ji Rui closed the magazine and touched her head, "miss my brother?"

"Well!" Niuniu, of course, wanted to, and wanted to, but she didn't show it too much. After all, she's eleven years old. She's a little girl. She can't stick to her brother day and night when she was a child.

"Niuniu can call him and ask him!" Ji Rui feels strange. Several children have always had a good and direct relationship with each other, and seldom get to know each other's situation through his being a father in such a roundabout way.

"Will it disturb my brother's work?"

Niuniu didn't take the initiative to make this call. It was not affectation, but she was really afraid of disturbing Dabao's work.

From childhood to adulthood, there are not many cases of parents working overtime. Occasionally, Dad would go out to socialize or go on business. Now, her brother seems to be in such a busy working state. Therefore, she is not sure whether she should be considerate and call back after her brother is busy.