Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 707

After dinner, Xiaobao tutors Niuniu in the back room to make up for this week's homework, while Dabao watches Xiaobao buy the latest issue of military world.

"Dabao, come in." Letong pokes her head out of the study.

Dabao thought that his parents were talking about business. After he went in, he saw his parents sitting in the small living room with a mahogany tea set on the tea table.

"Your grandfather sent someone to bring some tea two days ago. It's said that it's a rare treasure. Come and have a taste."

Letong greets Dabao and fills the cup in front of him with a cup of tea.

Influenced by his mother, Dabao doesn't like coffee, but is very interested in tea. His father, influenced by his mother, has gradually given up coffee and switched to tea.

The Yang family, who loved his granddaughter as much as he wanted, asked people to bring some good tea to coax his granddaughter and great grandson. Occasionally, the three of them would enjoy tea and chat as they do now.

Recently, however, Dabao has been so busy that he hasn't sat down and chatted with his parents so leisurely.

"What's up, are you busy?" Ji Rui, who is a father, is very concise even if he cares about his son.

"Well, it's time to get through the internal test and public test." Dabao is quite confident in the game.

"Listen to Uncle Hao, it's very difficult to popularize in northern cities. Have you figured out the countermeasures?"

Ji Rui is not familiar with the online game market. Even before Dabao extended his tentacles to this market, he didn't know anything about it.

After all, no matter he or le Tong, or even the whole board of directors, has ever thought of extending Ji to this area.

Therefore, three years ago, when Dabao proposed to acquire the predecessor of the company, Ji Rui hesitated for a moment. Finally, Letong advised him.

"Don't you know what your son is? He hates people saying that he is the second generation ancestor. He won't be rare if you give him what you have done well. Since he proposed to buy this company, you should borrow a sum of money from him to invest. If you fail, you should pay him tuition. If you succeed, he will have his own career foundation. Isn't that good? Besides, with his mind and mind, do you think he will fight unprepared battles? "

As it turns out, Letong, as a mother, has more accurate and longer vision than his father.

In three years, brilliant network has been well-known in its peers. From the current momentum, if this large-scale online game can reach the expected market share, within a year, brilliant network will be in the top three of its peers.

"Well, I'll fly to Beijing next week. I may need to talk to my uncle then."

It is said that Dabao is smart, not only because he has an excellent IQ, but also because he always knows his position and position very well, never overestimates himself, and will not blindly resist the help of external forces for the sake of so-called self-esteem.

It's obvious that there are forces that can be used, but those who don't use them are fools. Of course, if you can achieve it with your own ability, Dabao will not choose to rely on external forces.

Ji Rui listened to Dabao's words, but his face didn't change much, but his heart was relaxed.

Because the situation he heard from Zhong Hao is very difficult. With the ability of Zhong Hao and Dabao alone, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

Originally, he was worried that Dabao would choose to meet his son alone for the sake of his so-called self-esteem. Now it seems that he underestimated his son.

As a company leader, personal self-esteem is far less important than the company's future interests.

"When will you fly to the capital, I'll prepare something for you to take to your uncle and uncle."

The old master of the Yang family will be 100 years old in two years, but he never admits to his old age. During this period, he does not visit his big garden. Every day, uncle Jing accompanies him to play Tai Chi in the park and plays chess with the old people in the park.

"On Wednesday, there are still some things for me to deal with here. I made a reservation for the early morning flight on Wednesday."

After talking about business, the topic naturally turns to Niuniu and Xiaobao.

Talking about the contract, Dabao remembers that there is one thing he hasn't reported to his parents.

"By the way, when I signed a supplementary agreement with Mr. Mai that day, I proposed that Niuniu and Xiaobao take Sihan and Huanhuan as their stage names. In all future magazine advertisements and media advertisements, the model names can only be Sihan and Huanhuan."

Ji ruiletong also agrees with this. Like Dabao, they think that using stage names is the most effective way to protect two children.

"In that case, I'll talk to Mr. Mai and Miss Zhang tomorrow, and let him say hello to the media."

As a mother, Letong is the one who most does not want her children to appear in front of the world. Especially, these two children do not have the ability to protect themselves.

"In addition, your father and I have one more thing to ask for your opinion."

Letong has been thinking about this for some time. She has mentioned it to Ji Rui, but it's estimated that the slow man still doesn't understand the reason why she wants to do it.

"What's the matter?" Dabao's intuition has always been accurate, "about Niuniu?"

Letong nodded, "Niuniu is growing up. Should we talk to her about her life experience sometime?"

Dabao stares at Letong. Obviously, he didn't expect his parents to say it.

To tell the truth, although he has been struggling with his feelings for Niuniu these days, he never wanted to expose Niuniu's life experience.

"Why?" Dabao found out that he didn't know mummy as well as he thought.

Over the years, Letong felt the hostility from her baby son for the first time, "I thought, you need it!"

Dabao frowned at Letong, "Mommy, no matter what others think or say, Niuniu is my biological sister."

"Baby, you misunderstood. Like you, we always regard Niuniu as our own daughter. " Letong explained patiently.

"Then why do you have to tell Niuniu about it? She's very sensitive. She's bound to be unable to accept it. " Dabao's tone was a little slower.

Dabao also felt that he was a little impulsive just now. Over the years, Mommy's father's attitude towards Niuniu has never been different from Xiaobao's, and even more partial to Niuniu in many places.

Letong raises her hand and habitually touches Dabao's head. Although her son has grown very tall, in her eyes, he will always be her baby son.

"Honey, Mommy, I hope you understand that if one day we want to tell Niu Niu about her life, we just tell her the truth, and it won't change our love and feelings for her. What's more, it's up to you whether you want to confess your life to her or not. If you think it's unnecessary, we can keep this secret forever. "