Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 706

After checking out, Xiaobao quarrels about going to the video game center on the fifth floor of the bookstore. Niuniu has never been interested in video games. In addition, she is thinking about going home to review, so she asks Letong if she can accompany her home first.

Letong thinks that Niuniu has lost a week's homework in order to shoot an advertisement. She is no better than Xiaobao. If she doesn't make up her homework on Saturday and Sunday, she may not be able to keep up on Monday.

Although the Ji family didn't care much about Niu Niu's achievements, the little girl herself did.

Ji Rui sees this, then says to le Tong, "you accompany Niu Niu to take a car to go back first, I and Xiaobao will take a taxi to go back later."

Niu Niu came home and took out her books to study.

Xiaobao, as a younger brother, is very conscientious. Before going out, she has helped her to draw the key points of various subjects. Niuniu, according to Xiaobao's outline, does not have any difficulty in self-study.

It was evening when Dabao came back. When he opened the door, he heard Niuniu reciting an English story in her clear voice.

Niuniu and Xiaobao study in the back hall near the terrace, where there are two desks and large bookshelves. On this side of the bookshelf are Niuniu's music stand and violin.

Dabao changed his shoes and stood in the front hall to see Niuniu sitting on a high footed stool, facing the terrace, wearing earphones and shaking her head to read aloud. It seems that she is reading the text with the teaching CD.

Dabao stood in silence for a while, then turned and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Letong's dinner is almost ready.

"Mommy, hard work!" As soon as Dabao goes in, he hugs Letong and kisses her cheek.

"Baby, you're back. Are you hungry?"

Dabao nodded, "hungry!"

Say, have already pinched a gnaw from that dish of brine palm wing on the stream management stage.

Letong turns to look at him with a smile, turns around and takes two bowls from the cupboard, and puts two bowls of soup on the tray.

"You and Niuniu should have a bowl of soup first."

"Where are daddy and Xiaobao?" Dabao got to the point.

"We went to the book city to buy books in the afternoon. After buying books, they went to the video game city to play."

Dabao stood in front of the kitchen with a tray. "Didn't Niuniu play with them?"

"She was thinking about her homework. She said she wanted to come back and make up for it, so I came back with her first."

Dabao stood thoughtfully for a moment, then went to the back hall with the tray.

Niuniu is still absorbed in reading the text. Dabao puts down the tray, pulls off her earphone and kisses her.

"Niuniu, drink the soup first."

It's just that I haven't seen her in the daytime. It seems that I haven't seen her for a long time.

Looking at her blushing face, she should have had a good sleep last night. Unfortunately, he is too busy recently. Even if he sleeps at home, he is half asleep and half awake most of the time. As a result, he is often absent-minded when he goes back to the meeting today. The boss of the design department teases him that he is probably in love, so he is in a trance.


Niu Niu, who didn't know anything, took off her earphone and took the soup from Dabao. She was probably hungry too. She drank half a bowl of soup and then thought of something. She stood on tiptoe to kiss Dabao on the face.

Dabao raised his eyes to look at her oily lips, frowned slightly, handed his hand to wipe them, and sure enough, wiped them with oil.

Niuniu just responded. She blinked innocently. Seeing Dabao's serious face, she spat out her tongue and made a face.

Dabao put his arm around her waist and looked down at her with feigned anger.

"Girl, you mean it, don't you?"

Said, pull her body over, palm symbolically in her buttocks smoked twice.

This kind of painless "punishment" only makes Niu Niu laugh and burrows her head into Dabao's arms.

"Brother, spare my life, I dare not do it any more!"

"You girl, when did you learn so badly from Xiaobao?"

In Dabao's eyes, his precious sister is not interested in this naughty way.

"Brother, I didn't teach my bad sister! Don't do me wrong

Xiao Bao, who just came into the room, heard his brother's words. Before he had time to change his shoes, he rushed out to defend himself.

Dabao picked up Niuniu and glanced at Xiaobao. "My ears are very smart. I yelled so quickly that I wronged you. Do you know what I said you taught your sister?"

For a moment, Xiaobao was speechless and looked at Niuniu desperately for help.

Yesterday, my brother finally agreed to take him back to the company to play the latest game tomorrow. Moreover, I still have money to take!

No matter why my brother wronged him now, he didn't want to annoy my brother at this point.

In the food chain of the five members of the Ji family, if Letong is the one at the top of the food chain, the second one is Niuniu, and Dabao is in the middle. Xiaobao thinks that he is the one at the bottom of the food chain, and the one at the bottom of the food chain is, of course, the president of Ji Da, his old father.

Don't ask whether the food chain is reasonable or not. In any case, each Ji family has been living in this order.

Moreover, no one thinks there is anything wrong with this sort of ranking, including the well-known president of Ji Da, who is still willing to be the target of everyone's squeeze at the top of the food chain when he returns home.

Niuniu is a righteous child, and her own business will not be pushed to Xiaobao.

"Brother, it's all Niuniu's fault. It's none of Xiaobao's business."

She is also very clear that she has made a mistake. Her brother can teach her two sentences at most, but if Xiao Bao makes a mistake, he will be punished every minute.

Dabao pinched her face and let her go.

Seeing that the crisis was over, Xiao Bao lifted his feet, broke off his shoes and threw them back. He ran to Dabao with bare feet and said, "brother, I'll tell you, I played that game with daddy just now. It's so cool! The sound effect is lifelike, and the picture is very beautiful. Wow, if you play on the big screen at home, it will be better! "

Dabao knocked on his head. "You know how to play. Go and get your shoes back to the shoe cabinet."

Xiaobao laughs, turns around and runs back to the porch to clean up his shoes. Then he takes a large pile of books from Ji Rui, who has just entered the door. He runs to Dabao to offer his treasure.

"Brother, look, this is the latest issue of the military world. Look at this submachine gun, the latest model! Daddy said that there was a way to get people to get some high imitation models back. First, he said, "Oh, if there is only one, my brother is not allowed to rob me."

Dabao rubbed his head, nodded with a smile and promised, "well, I won't rob you."

Don't say that you are an adult (although Dabao is not yet an adult in terms of age, he has long considered himself an adult) and has long stopped robbing toys from children.

Even when he was a child, no matter how much he liked what his younger brother and sister wanted, he would give up. This is his duty as a brother.