Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 702

At the beginning, Zhang Ziwen informed Letong that the shooting site was on an island in D city. No one asked very carefully at that time. After all, D city is a coastal city with many small islands around it.

When he went to D City, the car and the shooting team joined and drove to the wharf. Dabao didn't know much about the entertainment industry. He was puzzled when he saw that the shooting team had more than ten cars.

"Uncle Li, did my mother say that the other side has other shooting tasks at the same time? It's not so big a battle for the endorsement shooting of Niuniu and Xiaobao. "

Xiao Li couldn't figure it out. Dabao was puzzled, and he also choked all the way.

"Miss Le didn't mention it. Maybe the production of this brand is very good, so there are a large number of team members."

Dabao thinks that there is really no other possibility.

A ship carrying more than a dozen cars left the port. Zhang Ziwen knocked on the window outside and Dabao lowered the window.

"Master Ji, we have prepared lunch. Let's have dinner together."

Dabao smell speech, then took Niuniu and Xiaobao out of the car.

The two kids didn't take it as a job at all. The two kids with fun leant on the guardrail and pointed to the blue sea. They were excited for a while. Then they followed Zhang Ziwen into the cabin driven by their physiological instinct.

The cabin is much bigger than Dabao imagined. There is a restaurant in the front, a small bar in the middle and some guest rooms in the back.

Lunch is also much richer than what Dabao thinks. Besides Zhang Ziwen, Mr. Mai, the director and photographer of this shooting are also at the same table.

"Mr. Mai, I didn't expect you to come with me."

Mr. Mai, later Dabao went to know about it. It turned out that he was the general agent of the brand in Asia Pacific region.

"Of course, I'm very optimistic about Sihan and Xiaohuan."

The past spokesmen of the brand are basically well-known child stars. Dabao thinks that Mr. Mai is not so optimistic as nervous.

Of course, it's not that Dabao doesn't have confidence in his younger brother and sister, but that the two little guys, no matter how eye-catching their appearance is, have never received any professional training, and have never had similar shooting experience. Their sensitivity to the lens only maintains the level of ordinary people's self portrait. They make a face at the mirror head and make a "V" gesture.

However, these worries are not among Dabao's worries. It is very clear in the contract that the two little guys are only responsible for shooting and attending several related large-scale promotional activities. As for the shooting effect and advertising effect, they are not responsible.

"Uncle Mai, can you tell me what you should pay attention to when shooting?"

Niuniu has always been a very studious and good student. Knowing that she is not smart, she will preview the class tomorrow first every day.

For the present job, she also treats it with the same attitude towards learning.

Mr. Mai pointed to the director named Luo Qing and the photographer named Du Xiaoguan, "if you have any questions, you can be uncle Luo and brother Xiaoguan."

Niuniu's eyes immediately turned to the other two. It seemed that director Luo, who was in her thirties, was friendly to her with a smile. "Sihan, don't be nervous. Then you and your brother will just play as usual. There's nothing special to pay attention to."

Compared with Niuniu who is conscientious and conscientious, Xiaobao, who has been eating a lot, looks up and says to Niuniu, "elder sister, if you have anything to worry about, eat enough first. If you have anything to pay attention to, your uncles and aunts will naturally tell us that we can work hard only if we have enough strength."

Xiaobao is very handsome. Even if his mouth is full of food and his cheeks are bulging, it makes people feel cute and cute.

A table of people were amused by Meng Meng's vague but reasonable words, and they put down their airs and began to have lunch at will.

Because Xiaobao's words are very reasonable. Only when you have a full stomach can you have the strength to work hard.

Director Luo Qing is not only a film director, but also an advertisement director. Seeing Xiaobao's calm appearance, he can't help but love material.

"Master Ji, are you interested in making movies or something? I haven't found an actor for the young role of the man in my next film. I think the young master is quite suitable. "

Dabao looked at Xiaobao indifferently. "Director Luo, you have to ask him about this. He wants to go, but I can't stop him. He doesn't want to go. It's useless for me to point a gun at him."

Like Dabao, Xiaobao has the right to plan his life since childhood.

Luo Dao then asked Xiaobao directly, "young master Ji, do you want to have a try?"

Xiaobao didn't show much interest in this rare opportunity. He just picked his eyebrows.

"After this commercial, if it's not fun, I won't take it."

Luo Dao Leng for a while, a good one, just wake up, "originally, young master Ji to shoot ads, just feel fun?"

Xiaobao didn't even think about it and said, "who knows if it's fun? I'm just afraid my sister will be bullied, so I'm accompanying her."

Over the past few months, Xiaobao has grown taller. Now, she is as tall as Niuniu. The two little guys stand together. The beauty of the handsome men and the beautiful women, not to mention how eye-catching.

"Don't worry, we won't bully your sister."

As everyone in the whole photography team knows, the two protagonists of this time's endorsement are miss and young master of Ji's group. Who dares to bully them? They are either out of their heads or out of their wits.

After lunch, we went to the guest room at the back of the cabin to have a rest.

Xiaobao began to quarrel about going outside to blow the sea breeze. Later, Dabao glared at him and scolded him. Finally, he lay down to sleep.

The three brothers were awakened by the knock on the door. It turned out that the boat had arrived at the shooting site and was ready to dock.

Dabao thought that the island he arrived at should be a developed tourist destination. Unexpectedly, the car drove ashore. After driving for a long time on the muddy road which could not be called a highway, there was no one around.

"Uncle Li, we're not here to film the desert island for survival, are we?"

Xiao Li has a look at the scenery around him. The scenery is beautiful, but there is no trace of artificial carving.

"Yu Shao, we won't be cheated by the film crew, will we?" Xiao Li was also worried.

Dabao is not worried about this.

"I don't worry about that. They don't have the guts!"

What Dabao worried about was that the shooting conditions were too hard for the two young princesses!

"Do you want to catch up with them?" Although Xiao Li is an elder, when he set out, Ji Rui and his wife also told him to help him out.

But he has always trusted Dabao's ability.

"No, we'll see what happens when we get to our destination." After a short time, Dabao had recovered his calm manner.