Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 703

To Dabao's surprise, after driving for a period of time, the place where the production brigade stopped was also deserted.

Dabao got out of the car and was ready to ask the truth. There were many people in front of him who were busy moving large tools from the first truck. Dabao found Mr. Mai and told him that he was moving tools to build a tent.

"So there are no hotels here, only tents?"

Dabao is a little angry, not because they have many bodies, but because the other party has not mentioned it before.

Mr. Mai was a little surprised. "Yes, this shooting location was decided only a week ago. Did Ziwen not communicate with you beforehand?"

In this way, it is estimated that Zhang Ziwen mentioned it to his mother, but she forgot to convey it?

Dabao's spirit has gone down a little. Looking around, although it is deserted, the natural environment is quite good and the scenery is beautiful.

The most important thing is that the temperature is warm at this time. Standing in such an open place, I just feel a little cool. It's more like the weather in early autumn than the cold in winter.

Well, this kind of hard life should be regarded as an extra training for the two kids.

"Don't worry, Mr. Ji, our supporting facilities are very complete and there won't be any inconvenience."

At this time, Xiaobao and Niuniu have got out of the car, and they come hand in hand.

"Brother, are we going to live in a tent?"

Xiaobao pointed to the busy staff in front of him, his eyes shining. Looking at him, he seemed to be looking forward to the next tent trip.


"Xiaobao, mommy has all the sleeping bags ready for us, don't you know?"

This time out of the luggage, all is Letong and Niuniu together, so, she is very clear.

"Niuniu, did Mommy tell you to live in a tent?"

Niuniu seems to think that her brother's question is very strange, "yes, Mommy also asked me if I mind, I said it doesn't matter, we go out to play, don't occasionally live in tents?"

Since Niuniu doesn't mind, Dabao doesn't say any more. He asks Niuniu to go to Zhang Ziwen to stay with him. He, Xiao Li and Xiaobao go to help set up the tent.

Mr. Mai said quickly, "Oh, such a small matter is not good. Please go back to the car and have a rest. We'll fix it as soon as possible."

Dabao has no shelf at all. "It's OK. We usually go out to play and often live in tents. We are all skilled in handicrafts."

At first, Mr. Mai didn't believe it very much. Only when the two young masters were bragging, did he believe that the two young masters were not as weak as he imagined until he saw that Dabao and Xiaobao quickly integrated into the tent army.

"Mr. Mai, my young master and young lady are all fighting masters." Xiao Li dropped a sentence and followed Dabao. Xiaobao joined the labor force.

Mr. Mai has been in contact with Dabao two or three times. He has the impression that the boy is extremely sharp and shrewd. At present, he shows such an approachable side that he can't believe his eyes.

"Mr. Mai, come and help. Let's build a room for four."

Dabao in the distance yelled. In his opinion, since it's a team, we shouldn't be divided into upper and lower levels. No one can be lazy when we need to work together.

Mr. Mai ran over. When everyone saw that even the young master of Ji family and Mr. Mai were going to help, naturally no one dared to be lazy. The woman was responsible for moving down some trivial daily necessities, the man was responsible for setting up the tent, and the team worked together. After more than an hour, there were many square tents on the ground.

Soon, a few professionals also built the supporting simple living facilities.

Xiaobao and Niuniu were very excited. They went to each tent for a walk. After that, they became familiar with all the staff.

Dinner is also made by everyone's cooperation, in front of the tent set up several large tables, a large group of people around the table, very lively.

Niuniu and Xiaobao are very happy and excited. Dabao was worried that his younger brother and sister couldn't get along with strangers and that they were not used to the life in the wild. However, after most of the day's getting along with each other, all these worries and concerns faded away.

After dinner, everyone gets together noisily to play games. If Dabao doesn't know that they are actually a film crew, he will definitely misunderstand that they are actually on holiday.

When Xiaobao lost the game, he went to the center of the crowd and played a round of nunchakus, which caused a lot of applause.

Before long, Niuniu lost. The little girl took out her violin and played "four seasons" under the slow night wind. Spring.

With the beautiful melody playing out, people can see in front of their eyes the sprouts breaking through the ground in the sun, the birds playing among the branches and leaves just sprouting green buds, the butterflies dancing among the colorful flowers, the streams flowing in the green mountains

At the end of the song, Niuniu bowed deeply, and the warm applause rang out again, especially director Luo's excited voice.

"Mr. Mai, I want to change the script! These two brothers and sisters are so talented that they are full of treasure

So, director Luo, the photographer and Mr. Mai immediately announced that they would quit the game. They went out of the tent to hold a closed door meeting to discuss how to integrate the strong personal characteristics of Niuniu and Xiaobao with this season's clothing.

Dabao accompanies Niuniu and Xiaobao to have a good time. They take a bath and go into their sleeping bags. Only their heads are outside the sleeping bags.

At the beginning, Xiaobao and Niuniu were still very excited about what they were talking about. They didn't know who was going to sleep first. Anyway, Dabao's ears were finally clean.

Dabao crept out of his sleeping bag, took the phone, walked out of the tent and dialed Zhong Hao's phone.

On the phone, Zhong Hao briefly reported the progress of these two days, and then said, "Yu Shao, you should be very tired during this period of time. After Niuniu Xiaobao's work is done, you can have a rest at home for a few days. Let me take the next thing."

Dabao didn't feel tired, but he didn't accompany Niuniu and Xiaobao for a while.

"Well, let me see. In addition, Zhihao told me today that Lao Gao in the design department said that he could submit materials and become a regular in advance. Follow up on this matter and don't make it special. "

Although Dabao is not in the company, he has heard that Yin Zhihao has been working very hard recently. Recently, he helped his boss solve a big problem. Lao Gao is a person who knows talents, so he put forward the idea of making him become a regular in advance.

"Well, I'll get to know Lao Gao tomorrow. If the situation is true, let him submit materials. The design department is in urgent need of talents. We have to seize the opportunity to avoid brain drain."

After talking with Zhong Hao, Dabao dials a phone to Letong, gives a general account of today's situation, and says a lot to reassure his parents. Then he hangs up.