Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 701

"Brother, Xiaobao and I are going to shoot next week. When will you come back? Don't you want to go with us?"

When Dabao received Niuniu's call, he was on a business trip in another city.

"Girl, brother promised to come back before you shoot."

Dabao has been living in the company for a month. After that, he finally moved home. Can just live a few days, and in order to promote the new game and Zhonghao together to the major cities to develop the market and when the flying man in the air.

By the time he received Niu Niu's call, the brother and sister had not met for half a month.

However, since she came back from the tea house, even if she couldn't make it home, Dabao at least had a video phone call with Niuniu every day. Niuniu was actually a girl who was easy to satisfy. Knowing that her brother worked hard, her previous resentment gradually faded.

Zhong Hao knows that Dabao is very nervous about Niuniu and Xiaobao. When Dabao says that he wants to go back to r city on Friday, he doesn't say anything. He directly asks his assistant to call and book the air ticket, and repeatedly guarantees that he can do the rest properly.

As a matter of fact, Dabao is at ease when Zhong Hao is handling affairs.

Before, he also tried to completely delegate power to Zhong Hao, and nothing happened.

However, Dabao also knows that he must have the ability to take charge of his own affairs. If no one can help him one day, he will not be ignored.

That's why he worked so hard these days. He had to participate in everything himself.

Two years ago, when he decided to take over the subsidiary, he still had the mentality of playing with tickets. Now, he has regarded it as the foundation of his career.

However, no matter how important the company is, it still can't keep up with Niuniu and Xiaobao's position in his heart.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Dabao came out from the airport with his luggage. The door of the car parked on the side of the road opened with a bang. The little girl got out of the car and cried out to her brother. She had already rushed over.

Dabao frowned. At this point, shouldn't the little girl stay at home and do her homework?

"Niuniu, didn't you wait for your brother at home?"

The luggage in Dabao's hand was picked up by Xiao Li.

"Niuniu said that she would come to pick you up. Later, Miss le was so noisy that she let her go out together."

For Dabao and Niuniu, Xiao Li is like an elder, and Xiao Li has treated them as his nephew and niece.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for nearly half a month."

Being blamed by Dabao, Niuniu is not angry, but holds his arm and drags him to the car.

Dabao's heart softened as soon as she said that.

He bowed his head, gave her a kiss on the forehead, put his arms around her and got into the car.

"Brother, I've packed all the things I'm going to leave tomorrow, and I'll pack yours as well." Niuniu was afraid of starving Dabao. She said and handed him a box of hot milk.

Dabao took the milk and took a sip.

"Well, that's good!"

"Sister Ziwen said that someone would come to pick us up tomorrow."

In recent days, Zhang Ziwen contacted Letong several times in private and explained some details of the shooting in advance.

Originally, these things were communicated between Zhang Ziwen and Dabao, but Dabao couldn't be separated during this period of time, so she had to work for her as a mother.

"Well, we'll drive by ourselves."

Although the shooting site is four or five hours' drive away from R City, Dabao still thinks it's more convenient to take his own car in the past. Letong didn't mention this before. The implication is to let Dabao come back to make a decision.

"Yu is little, the meaning of president is to let me follow you in the past, what matter also convenient take care of."

Sure enough, Ji Rui and Letong have the same idea as Dabao.

"Well, it will be hard then."

Xiao Li has been with Ji Rui for so many years. He has a lot of contacts. Moreover, several children have a good relationship with him. When they go out and have him look after them, Ji Rui and Letong can feel at ease.

When he got home, Dabao finished dinner very quickly and urged Niuniu into the bedroom. Then he went to take clothes and take a bath.

When he came out from the bath, Niu Niu, who was supposed to sleep in her own bedroom, sat on his bed and read.

"Niuniu, why don't you sleep?"

Dabao threw the towel on the sofa, sat down on the edge of the bed, and flipped through Niu Niu's book.

I thought it was a textbook, but it was an extra-curricular book. Moreover, judging from the title of the book, it should be a romance novel.

"You don't sleep, just to read this kind of book?"

Niu Niu looked at him strangely, "brother, what's wrong with this book? All the girls in our class like it. "

Dabao took it and turned over a few pages silently. He found that the wording and sentences in it were quite implicit, and the author's writing style was also very beautiful. It should be classified as youth literature, rather than the kind of romantic prose he thought.

"It's ok if you want to see it, but if you don't understand it, don't guess. You can ask Mommy or me, you know?"

Dabao quickly adjusted his mind. He must admit that the little girl is growing up day by day. She has a vision of the relationship between men and women and is eager to contact more knowledge about this.

This, in fact, should be regarded as a good thing for him.

Although he worried that she was too simple and easily misled by bad books, he could not keep her away from the outside world.

"Well, I know. That's what Mommy said to me." Niu Niu cleverly closed her book.

"Does mommy know that?"

"I know. Mommy picked the book for me." Niuniu is honest enough to give up her mother.

Smart Dabao recognized the mistake, "didn't you just say that this is what the girls in your class like to see? Now how can you say that mommy picked it for you? "

Niuniu finds out that she betrays Mommy unconsciously, spits out her tongue and makes a face at Dabao.

"Hey hey, it's actually mommy who asked me what books the girls in our class like to read. Then I went back to ask and told mommy that she took me to buy several of these books. Although, it's a little different from the books that the girls in our class read, I think these books that mommy picked are more beautiful. "

Dabao secretly praised his mother. She was the most intimate and loving mother in the world!

At this moment, Dabao felt vaguely that he was not alone.

"Well, it's really good. Mommy has a good eye. After that, if my brother is not here, Niuniu can tell mommy if she doesn't understand anything. Do you know? "

Dabao knows that over the years, Niuniu's habit is that as long as he is there, he will be the first object she asks for help.

However, for Niu Niu at this stage, maybe Mommy can give her more help and correct guidance than he does.