Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 687

When Dabao finished his meal, he took Niuniu out for a walk. When he went to the design department, Yin Zhihao caught sight of Niuniu and threw his eyes on her.

"Sihan, little sister, come here and give me a hug!"

Niuniu called out obediently, "how are you, Zhihao?"

Dabao quietly pulled the girl behind her and protected the girl firmly behind her.

"Go away!"

Yin Zhihao glanced at Dabao with a smile, "it's not enough loyalty."

Dabao ignored him, only raised his chin and glanced at the hall of the design department, "didn't you see Xiaobao?"

Yin Zhihao pointed back, "ah, over there!"

As soon as Dabao saw it, sure enough, the smelly boy was sticking to the boss of the design department. He didn't know what he was talking about.

"Dabao, your family's genes are so powerful. How big is Xiaobao? I know more than I do. Alas... I really doubt that I have been studying in University for nothing in recent years! "

Dabao teased him with a smile, "you just know that you've gone to college for nothing!"

Yin Zhihao did not dare to take over. He took a look at Niuniu. "It seems that Niuniu has grown a lot since I haven't seen her for several months."

Niuniu is very familiar with Yin Zhihao and Ren weiqi, and is the most familiar opposite sex Niuniu knows except for Ji family, Yang family and teacher fan.

"Well, it's more than ten centimeters high."

Two days before school physical examination, Niuniu's latest height is 1.62 meters.

"Now I'm a big girl. When I first met you, you were still hanging around your brother Dabao's neck all day long. Whoever says two more words to your brother Dabao will become your enemy..."

Zhihao mentioned seven years ago, which made Niuniu hot.

Dabao takes a deep look at Niuniu. Noticing her discomfort, he stares at her friend.

"What's the matter of the time, still mention it! You don't have a childhood

Yin Zhihao looked at his brother and sister, "Dabao, you must not worry about being a brother. Your sister is so beautiful and talented."

Dabao's heart sank and he snorted to his friend, "it's not your business!"

Yin Zhihao didn't get a good face in Dabao, so he approached Niuniu and asked, "Niuniu, tell brother Zhihao, do you have a boyfriend?"

Yin Zhihao's remark is purely a joke.

Dabao's face changed slightly. He was about to open his mouth to reprimand his friend. He saw Niuniu shaking her head firmly, "no!"

Dabao was slightly relieved and raised his boss's face to challenge Yin Zhihao, "Comrade Yin Zhihao, please go back to work and stay well."

With that, he left Yin Zhihao, who was obviously choking, and took Niu Niu's hand to Xiaobao.

Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi are classmates of the general manager. As early as the first day or two when they came to report, they were well known.

However, most of the employees here are young people, and their hierarchy is not strong. There is an unwritten rule here that the person with ability is the boss. Therefore, no one will regard the relationship with the general manager as a kind of flaunting capital.

And Dabao in the company, is also the usual way, and will not because of their own identity and put on a show of dignity to employees and so on.

However, he was born with his own aura. Even if he didn't do it deliberately, he could still become the focus of attention wherever he went.

In this case, Dabao has a little beauty beside him, shining in front of a group of technical otaku men, who have high IQ and low Eq. if it wasn't for the conversation between Yin Zhihao and Dabao, there would be a big wave of people around to get to know him.

Not daring to provoke the general manager, these technical houses began to gossip around Yin Zhihao.

"I tell you, you can offend anyone. Don't offend the little princess. She is the flesh of the president and his wife. In a word, it's not the object you can think of, you know?"

It's not unreasonable that Niuniu can be taken for granted by Zhang Ziwen. Her martial arts training since childhood has made her tall, but not thin and flat. It's a healthy and graceful curve with girlish posture. Her skin can be broken by blowing, and her facial features are extremely delicate. Especially, her bright eyes are dark and bright, and she blinks her eyes casually, What's more, it makes people feel that the little girl in front of you is like a fairy coming. As long as you look at her, you will be deeply sucked into the whirlpool and can't extricate yourself for a long time.

In the eyes of many technology houses, Niuniu is a combination of Xianqi and loli. It's no exaggeration to say that she is a goddess.

One of them said immediately that he wanted to design a game character based on Niuniu. Yin Zhihao immediately and ruthlessly interrupted his imagination.

"Don't think about it. If you really dare to anime the image of a little girl, don't say that you are working in glory, even if you are on the other side of the earth, Yu Shao will not let you go!"

Yin Zhihao's well intentioned admonition didn't make the tech house lose heart. A few months later, he really designed a nurturance game with Niuniu as the main character prototype. However, when the nurturance game was submitted to the general manager, he was unfortunately told that it would never be available on the market and that everyone should not keep the game.

As the prototype of the game, Niuniu occasionally found out that her brother's computer had a nurturance game suitable for young boys and girls. Moreover, all the endings of the nurturance game were archived. Obviously, the game had been played.

These are all afterwords.

When Dabao takes Niuniu to Xiaobao's back, Xiaobao and the big cat in the design department are beating something on the keyboard. In the large screen, a string of codes that Niuniu can't understand are displayed.

Niuniu is next to Dabao. She silently looks at her brother's fingers flying. She says a lot of language that Niuniu can understand, but she can't understand the meaning at all.

At this moment, Niu Niu can feel that the gap between people is not the difference of language or identity, but the difference of understanding and intelligence quotient!

Dabao obviously felt something wrong with Niuniu. He looked down at her and saw that her face was dignified. He didn't know what he was thinking.

"What's the matter?" Dabao asked nervously in a low voice.

Niuniu shook her head. "Nothing."

Mouth say like this, in the brain, but is connect her oneself also can't control of numerous gush but arrive of blankness and have no measure.

"I'll take you somewhere else." Dabao vaguely understood that the picture in front of her was exciting to Niuniu.

Niuniu didn't move. She stood in the same place stubbornly, staring at the screen.

There is a voice in her heart, I don't believe it, I really can't understand anything.

In fact, it is a mistake to choose her who stands here stubbornly.

Because, as time goes on, more and more content is displayed on the screen, but Niu Niu still can't understand a word.

Xiaobao is still communicating with the boss of the design department, but Niuniu still can't understand!