Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 686

In fact, a few years ago, when Dabao went to university to participate in military training, he also experienced this separation.

But both Niu Niu and Dabao seem to think that this separation is different from the last one.

But they didn't go into the difference.

But no matter Dabao or Niuniu, they all follow the instinct of the body. When they miss each other, they will get closer to each other. Fortunately, each other is within reach.

"Well!" Niu Niu lowered her eyes and did not dare to look at Dabao, but she answered in the affirmative.

Dabao gently rubbed her white fingertips with his fingers, and finally pulled her over and let her sit on her lap.

"If my brother doesn't have time to go home, Niuniu can come to see my brother with Xiaobao, but only on Saturday and Sunday, you know?"

Because Dabao was soft hearted for a while, at noon the next day, Dabao, who had been busy all morning, saw Niuniu and Xiaobao in his office.

"Niuniuxiaobao, what are you doing here?" Dabao thought that the girl would at least endure until next Saturday. Unexpectedly, she couldn't even endure for a day.

"Brother, didn't you say we could come to see you?"

Niu Niu blinked and looked innocent.

"Yes, but it's Saturday. Won't you have a good rest at home?"

"Brother, you didn't eat. We brought you lunch. It was made by mommy."

Niuniu doesn't seem willing to tangle with Xiaobao about whether they should come or not. She brings up a food bag and hands it to Dabao.

Dabao rubs Niuniu's head and wants to say something, but Xiaobao suddenly rushes to him, "brother, can uncle Hao show me around?"

Dabao knows that the purpose of this boy accompanying Niuniu is not pure.

"OK, I'll let uncle Hao come and show you around."

Although Dabao promised to ask Xiaobao to help, they have never made it. Since the establishment of brilliant network more than two years ago, Niuniu and Xiaobao have set foot here for the first time.

"But it's not like Ji here!"

Dabao took precautions in advance. Compared with the dozens of floors of Jishi group headquarters building, the brilliant network company with only one floor office building is much more shabby.

Xiaobao didn't care much. "Of course, Ji's is the hard work of his father and grandfather for generations. This is your brother's territory, so you can't compare it!"

Xiaobao's words absolutely didn't mean to despise his brother, because he continued, "in another two years, I'll apply with my parents to make such a company to play with."

Niuniu didn't comment on her brother's words, because she knew she didn't have the ability.

"It's not impossible, but you have to do your homework well in advance."

Dabao pressed the inside line and asked Zhong Hao to come and take the two kids to visit the company.

Although Niu Niu and Xiao Bao are brilliant for the first time, they have met Zhong Hao many times and are quite familiar with each other.

"Brother, I'm here with you." Niuniu is not interested in visiting the company.

Dabao did not force her to stay with her.

At this time, he was a little bit hungry. Dabao didn't talk much. She opened the lunch box and began to eat. Niuniu seemed to know that her brother was very hungry, and she was quietly reading on the reception sofa.

Dabao glanced at the book in her hand. It was an English textbook.

"Haven't you finished your homework yet?"

"No, it's on Tuesday. I'll review it." Niuniu knows she is not smart, so she often takes time to review her lessons at home.

In contrast, Xiaobao is a little lazy, eating, drinking and playing at home.

"Well, I'll try my best. I don't have to ask for the result."

Like his parents, Dabao never asks for Niuniu. In fact, he knows that she is not the material to study. With such hard work, she can barely rank in the top ten of the class.

"Oh..." Niuniu's tone is flat. It seems that she really doesn't mind her grades.

From the beginning of this semester, with the brilliant business getting busier and busier, Dabao has less and less time to tutor her in her lessons. Now, this important task is handed over to Xiaobao.

After eating half of Dabao's meal, Niuniu suddenly looked up at him, "brother, Xiaobao and I will be promoted to junior high school next year. You can talk to daddy and Mommy, let Xiaobao jump. I don't need him to accompany me."

In the past, Niuniu only thought that Xiaobao and her classmates were a matter of course. After all, the sister and brother went to school together.

But slowly, she began to understand that Xiaobao could be like her brother, graduating from University at the age of 17 or 18, and then owning her own company and developing her own career.

And Xiaobao will accompany her step by step to climb up, the reason, of course, is not that he likes the environment and teachers of primary school, but that he wants to keep good at her Ji Sihan side.

After thinking about the reason, for a while, Niu Niu was very upset.

She hated her failure and asked her brother to protect herself.

She also hated that she was useless and had become a burden and a stumbling block for her younger brother.

What makes her most uncomfortable is that she has been enjoying this protection and specialization for so many years, which has delayed her brother for so many years.

Dabao listened to Niuniu, put down the lunch box and looked at her silently.

This little girl seems to be more and more difficult to understand recently.

In the past, she seldom rebelled against the arrangement of her family. Recently, first she insisted on accepting the endorsement, and then, now, she proposed the idea of not using Xiaobao to accompany her.

What did she figure out?

Dabao himself has a strong self-esteem. He can understand that if Niuniu understands the real reason why Xiaobao never jumps, she will feel very bad.

"Niuniu, why do you suddenly think of this? Isn't there more than one semester left? "

Dabao felt that he probably needed to reexamine the little girl.

In front of her, it seems that she is no longer the ignorant little girl she used to be. She began to have her own independent ideas, and her self-esteem began to grow stronger and stronger.

"For Xiaobao, the primary school examination is a piece of cake. I saw him in your study last time. I think he doesn't need to go to the exam level by level like me. He should be able to jump to a class suitable for him like his brother. "

From Niu Niu's well-organized words, these thoughts should have been hidden in her heart for a long time.

"Well, I'll tell Xiao Bao about this. If he wants to, and he has the same ability, let him choose the right class or school."

Since Xiaobao's company can only make her feel pressure, it's better to separate her as she said. After all, no matter how worried he and his parents are, Niuniu will grow up eventually.

And she, after all, is to learn to face everything, whether it is good or bad!