Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 688

After Niu Niu came home from Dabao's company, she practiced the piano fiercely. These Dabao didn't know.

And Letong asked Niuniu about it. Niuniu only said that she wanted to get a very difficult grade certificate in winter vacation, so she had to spend more time to practice.

Letong doesn't doubt this, because she understands Niuniu's stubborn and insistence, and also sees her agitation in her eyes.

Knowing that her daughter is very upset and depressed these days, Letong doesn't persistently ask the root of Niuniu's troubles except for saying some words of relief from time to time.

Everyone has the trouble of growing up. A child like Niu Niu, who has been living in the aura of her brother and younger brother for many years, has more troubles, and her psychological endurance is bound to be stronger than others.

However, it takes a certain process for this psychological endurance to become strong. Sometimes this process needs external support, but most of it still has to be able to survive by herself.

As parents, what they can do is to wait in silence, rather than interfere.


On Tuesday's English test, Niuniu won the 10th place for the first time. Compared with Xiaobao's first grade, Letong seems to care more about Niuniu's 10th place in the class.

Knowing that Dabao went home on Friday and secretly bought candy for the two kids, Letong was very kind to allow Niuniu and Xiaobao to go to the candy store after school to choose two kinds of candy as rewards.

Niuniu and Xiaobao are very happy. They go into the store hand in hand. Letong follows them and looks at a pair of children who are hard to choose from the dazzling variety. Letong doesn't intervene and just stands quietly.

The two kids argued for a while, and finally reached an agreement very cleverly. They chose four kinds of candy that they both liked to eat.

Letong goes to check out with candy, and Niuniu comes with a big Winnie bear candy, "Mommy, can I buy one more of this? My deskmate has a few days' birthday. I want to give this to her. "


Letong readily took the sugar and put it on the cashier, "Miss, please check out!"

The cashier raised his head and looked at Letong seriously. "Aunt Le?"

Letong looks at the girl in front of her, and thinks she has a familiar face. After searching in the memory area, she remembers who this is.

"Oh, Hello, you are Yuxin, Ji Yu's classmate."

After hearing their conversation, Niu Niu tilts her body to take a serious look at Shao Yuxin.

"This is Ji Yu's sister, isn't she so big? How beautiful

Shao Yuxin praises Niu Niu in her mouth, but in her hand she consciously picks up candy and puts it under the scanner. With Dabao's disgusting behavior last time, she dares not pretend to be too familiar with her. In particular, she is not familiar with Letong. She has only been to their home two or three times, and Dabao's small group does not have her at all.

"Thank you, sister!"

Niuniu sweet thanks, for the first time in front of this let her stimulate her brother may be robbed of the sense of crisis of the girl, inexplicably do not like.

Of course, she didn't remember Shao Yuxin, let alone what happened at that time. After all, she was still very young at that time.

"Where's your brother?" Shao Yuxin pretends to be casual.

"To work." Niuniu's answer is simple.

Niuniu doesn't remember the past, but Letong remembers it clearly. This girl has been pestering her son for several years, and she knows it.

So, after paying the bill, she used a lot of homework as an excuse to urge her children to go home quickly.

Back home, Niu Niu, who had been holding on all the way, finally couldn't help asking Letong, "Mommy, was that sister a good friend of my brother just now? Why haven't I seen it? "

Niu Niu doesn't quite understand. She doesn't know that girl, but when she thinks about her face, she feels very uncomfortable.

Probably, this is the so-called girl's intuition, subconsciously producing a sense of resistance and rejection to the threatening opponent.

"Not good. If you are a good friend, can your brother not take it home to play?"

Niuniu got the answer from mummy, and her uneasy heart finally settled down.


Two days later, when Dabao, who was staying in glory, came out of the bath and was close to zero, he was a little hungry. He opened the refrigerator and wanted to find something to eat, but the refrigerator was empty.

Dabao holds the refrigerator door with both hands and sighs helplessly. If he is at home, the refrigerator must be filled with all kinds of delicious food by mommy. It's really good to be at home for thousands of days!

After sighing, Dabao closed the refrigerator, took his coat and prepared to go out to buy something to fill his stomach. Just at this time, the doorbell rang.

Dabao saw from the cat's eye that it was Yin Zhihao.

"Why are you here so late?" For so many years, my best friends can't beat around the bush when they talk to each other.

"Are you hungry, Dabao? I'll treat you to supper! "

Then he lifted two bags of goods.

Dabao's nose immediately smelled the taste of oyster porridge.

Sure enough, he is a close friend!

"Make this pot of oyster porridge, and forgive your harassment in the middle of the night!"

Hungry Dabao, filled with a bowl full of porridge, began to eat.

In addition to oyster porridge, Yin Zhihao also brought several delicious things. Anyway, they are all seafood and meat that Dabao likes to eat.

After a round of charge, they swept all the delicious food on the table. Dabao sat contentedly on the back of the sofa and squinted at Yin Zhihao.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

I have to say that Ji Dabao knows Yin Zhihao too well.

Yin Zhihao has two hobbies.

One is to be fond of cats.

Second, drowsiness.

Usually people in small groups play together. We all know that Yin Zhihao will yawn after ten o'clock. He has to go to bed for big things.

These days, he works overtime with people in the design department, and stays in the company like Dabao in the evening, but he never comes to Dabao to chat or have supper, because the first thing he does after work is to fall asleep.

Today, for the first time, I brought a lot of delicious food to my door, and all of them were from Dabao's heart.

It's said that there's nothing to be gallant about, and it's either cheating or stealing. How can a smart man like Dabao not understand this?

"It is..."

Yin Zhihao scratched his head. His face was a little embarrassed. He didn't seem to know how to speak.

"Come on, what's bothering you so much?"

Dabao regards Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi as brothers because they haven't spoken to him for so many years. Even if they want to come to Ji's for an internship, they don't say a word before Dabao speaks.

As friends, we should help each other. Within his ability, Dabao is willing to help his best friend.

But it doesn't mean that the other party has the right to ask for anything. If Yin Zhihao or Ren Weiqi thinks that they have the obligation to help them because they are friends with him, then the friendship is not pure.