Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 685

Xiaobao and Niuniu look at Dabao. When the three brothers agree, Dabao is undoubtedly the best spokesman.

"Daddy, we like all the layout of the house, so we don't have to mess about any more."

It has to be said that Ji Rui's understanding of children is not as deep as Le Tong's.

In this family, Dabao has been living since he was six years old, while Niuniu and Xiaobao have all their childhood memories engraved here.

The three brothers are full of indescribable feelings about the scenery and everything in the house, including two dogs, a few cats, a flower and a grass!

Therefore, daddy said that he would rearrange the layout and change it. They were reluctant to give up!

"That's... Nothing to change?" Ji Rui is a little uncertain. He thought the children would be happy with his proposal.

"Yes, nothing!"

Dabao came to a conclusion, took his younger brother and sister's hand, turned around and continued to be his intimate brother, listening to the gossip of the two kids in school.

Ji Rui's face of frustration as a father said, "I thought they would be very happy!"

Le Tong gave him a white look. "The children's ideas are just like you don't want to move the mansion. Every corner of the house and every flower and plant in the yard are full of their childhood memories. If you say you want to change, it's strange that they don't work hard with you!"

"Well, let's keep the slide and swing for their children to play in the future." Ji Rui comforts himself.

Le Tong glanced at the back of the children in front of him, "well, your idea is more reliable."

A family of five went to the supermarket. As usual, Dabao and Xiaobao each pushed a shopping cart.

One is for snacks and the other is for ingredients.

Two adults with three and a half children in the supermarket for more than an hour, whether it's dabaotui's car for food or xiaobaotui's car for snacks, it's as full as a hill.

When the couple push a shopping cart to check out, Ji Rui says to Letong with a smile.

"The cashier will probably think that we have a canteen."

Le Tong shook his head and denied, "no, I'm just a pig in a pigsty!"

Then, the pig in this pigsty went out and gave several bags of snacks and ingredients to the driver to drive back. The family of five still walked slowly along the same road back home.

"It's strange that there was no candy in the snack just now?" Ji Rui clearly remembers that every time he comes to the supermarket with several children and checks out, he can always clear out a pile of candy. Finally, after negotiating with the children, Letong can keep about one-third of the candy.

"There's a new candy store on the street, don't you know?" But Letong didn't answer the question.

"You mean, they went to the candy store secretly and bought candy?"

Ji Rui doesn't like snacks, sweets, especially.

But the three children follow their mother and are addicted to sugar. In order to protect their teeth, Letong, a mother, has strictly controlled the amount of sugar they eat since childhood.

"Not secretly. Dabao went to buy it."

When Dabao comes back in the evening, she interacts with Xiaobao Niuniu. Although Letong doesn't see it with her own eyes, she can make a guess.

Ji Ruiqi said, "you don't care?"

Yue Tong shook his head. "It's not that I don't care. Let's make an example this time. Dabao has been working hard for so many days. I can't spoil the interest of several children by buying some sweets to coax my younger brother and sister. "

As soon as they got home, they would play in the playroom. Dabao and Xiaobao were fighting with the game bars. Each of them put a small can of candy beside them. And Niuniu, holding the candy can in her arms, eating while reading.

"Brother, I'll accompany you back to the company tomorrow."

Xiao Bao has been holding on for a while. Brilliant network that large-scale online game, when he saw the initial human settings and game framework, has made him salivate. Now that the game is about to be launched, can he not be greedy?

"No, there are still some important data to be modified these days. Next Saturday."

When Xiaobao gets the right time, he doesn't pester Dabao any more.

After reading for a while, Niu Niu became bored, so she climbed over and sat beside Dabao to watch the battle between the two brothers.

"Why, no?" Dabao has two purposes. His eyes are still looking at the screen, and his hands are constantly moving. However, he asks Niuniu.

"No, it's boring." Niu Niu leans on him, and Dabao leans slightly on his back.

"What book?"

In the playroom, there are all the sound effects of the games. Dabao naturally doesn't think Niuniu is reviewing her lessons.

"A Book of truth." Niuniu replied honestly.

"You like this kind of books? I'll buy you some good books in two days! "

Many of the tech nerds in the company love to read Xiuzhen books. Dabao wants to go back tomorrow and ask them, and then ask someone to buy some to coax the little girl.

Niuniu, after a while, asked again, "brother, won't you go home tomorrow?"

Dabao wants to go home every day, but this period is really about the future of brilliant network. He can't destroy the efforts of the whole company for his own sake.

"Well, I guess I'll have to live in the company for another ten days." Dabao answered truthfully.

Niu Niu put her hand around his back, buried her face on his back and rubbed it. She said, "this..."

Dabao's heart was too soft. "Brother promised to come back at least one day a week. Is that ok?"

"Really? Brother, you have to keep your word

Niuniu is a contented girl, but she almost jumped up when she came back one day a week.

"Of course! When did my brother cheat you? "

"Brother, it's nothing if you don't come back, but it's hard for me!" Dabao finally appeases Niuniu, and Xiaobao also complains.

"Oh? What do you have to work hard for? " Dabao is in the mood.

"My sister sighs in my ear every day, which makes me want to beat people!"

Xiaobao's complaint is not ambiguous at all.

"How can I have it?" Niu Niu's face turned red again. She got up, walked to Xiao Bao's back and kicked him, but the strength was very small.

"Oh, it's killing me! Elder brother, elder sister bullies me, I do not play

Xiaobao throws the game bar and rolls to the carpet to pretend to be dead.

Dabao swept his feet and kicked him gently. "If you lose, you have to admit it. What's the trick?"

Xiaobao hugged his knee and cried "ouch, ouch", regardless of whether Dabao and Niuniu sold his account or not.

Dabao is too lazy to pay attention to the performance emperor. He reaches over and grabs Niuniu's hand, pulls her to the front and looks up at her from the bottom. "When my brother is not at home, does Niuniu miss her brother very much?"

In fact, a few years ago, when Dabao went to university to participate in military training, he also experienced this separation.