Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 681

After Niu Niu and Xiao Bao signed the contract, the shooting time was initially arranged in two months.

Dabao took advantage of this period of leisure, began to put into the subsidiary's busy work.

Dabao in charge of this subsidiary, called brilliant network company.

The name of the company is from Dabao.

Of course, this is not a coincidence. Dabao remembers that when he was five or six years old, there was a time when the relationship between his father and grandfather was very stiff. At one time, his father wanted to change Ji's name to brilliant group, which was the predecessor of Ji's family company, that is, Dabao's grandfather Zeng's family company.

Later, I didn't know why, but I didn't know. The name of Jishi group is still in use today. According to Dabao's guess, it's probably that the relationship between daddy and grandfather is getting better, so they don't want to hurt each other's feelings for a name.

But Dabao knows that Dadi really cares about his mother and grandparents that he has never met before. So when the subsidiary company was acquired and renamed, Dabao used the name of his great grandfather's enterprise on the subsidiary company. He believes that he can return Dadi and great grandmother a new glorious era.

Of course, the current brilliant network is still far away from the real brilliance, but Dabao has the calmness and foresight that he does not have at his age. He is very calm. He has no ambition, nor is he eager for quick success and instant benefit to choose some businesses with quick return but short market life.

Instead, the company chose the two businesses of online games and all kinds of professional software development, which are very popular in recent years, as its main business. After two years of operation, the company has a number of elite backbones.

Recently, the first large-scale online game of brilliant network, which is jointly developed by this group of elite backbone, has been completed. It is expected to be launched during the winter vacation. Before the official launch, the internal test will be conducted first, and then the public test will be conducted.

Therefore, the general manager of Dabao, like the employees in the company, has been working overtime day and night recently. Brilliant is a little far away from Ji's home. Even if the road is smooth, it will take nearly an hour one way. When people are busy, they will know the value of time. In order to save time, Dabao simply packed his simple luggage at home and moved to the company's single apartment for employees.

Fortunately, there are no classes this semester. Dabao doesn't have to worry about his studies.

What worries him is his younger brother and sister.

On this day, he and Zhong Hao are talking about work and having lunch in the office, and they receive a call from Le Tong.

"Baby, when are you going home? Niuniu and Xiaobao can't see their brother Dabao every day. They're going to publish a notice to find someone! "

Of course, Letong, a mother, is also very concerned about her eldest son, but she understands that when a child is older, she will always leave her parents. So although she also misses her son, she is not willing to use her own missing as a tool to kidnap her son's feelings and bind him.

Of course, Dabao calls home every day, but no one has ever told him to go home faster, including Xiaobao and Niuniu.

However, outside the phone, Dabao did not dare to think about it, because he was afraid that when he thought about the two little guys, he would skip work and go back to see his younger brother and sister.

And Letong, if it wasn't for Niuniu and Xiaobao, she would not have called.

"Mommy, wait a minute..."

Dabao moves the phone away and asks Zhong Hao about his work plan for the evening. After that, he sticks the phone to his ear again.

"Mommy, I'm going home for dinner tonight, but I can't pick up Niuniu and Xiaobao."

Waiting for him to hang up, Zhong Hao patted him on the shoulder and advised him, "Yu Shao, the two little ones in the family don't seem to be very good without you. I think you'd better go home and live!"

Dabao shook his head, "who has no family? If I can't set an example, why should I let you keep a pile of internal test data day and night?"

Dabao is the prince of Ji's family. Even if he idles all day, no one dares to say anything about him.

But in Dabao's opinion, he is Ji Yu. Ji's brilliant achievements are only related to his parents, not to him. And he, now is the entrepreneurial stage, brilliant network every step of growth, it represents the growth of his career.

Zhong Hao shook his head. "As expected, like a father, like a son. I didn't expect you to have the same insight as your parents at your age. No wonder Ji's performance has been booming all these years, and the scale is getting bigger and bigger."

"Uncle Hao, it's hard for you tonight! My cell phone will be on all the time. If you have any questions, please contact me immediately. "

They talked about their work for a while, and then Zhong Hao talked about Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi.

"Zhihao has a lot of brains. His master has a good opinion of him. Although Weiqi is not as smart as Zhihao, he is practical and practical. He should be a good helper for you in the future."

"Well, I'll help them keep these compliments and let them sharpen them again."

In business, Dabao is never partial. Because what he needs is capable and powerful helpers, not just nepotism.

In the evening, Dabao took a taxi home. The car stopped at a red light on the street. Two long rows of flower baskets were placed in front of the shops at the crossroads. A few days ago, when he came back to the company with his luggage, the shop was still being renovated. Dabao looked at it curiously. Through the glass door, he could see that it was full of all kinds of lovely candy. It turned out that it was a candy shop.

"Uncle driver, please put me down at the store later."

A few days did not go home, Dabao want to go to the candy store to buy some fun and delicious things to coax Niuniu and Xiaobao.

Although their physiological age has been out of their infancy, their love for candy has never subsided.

Letong is afraid that they will have bad teeth if they eat polysaccharide, so she doesn't let them eat sugar at home.

Dabao hasn't seen his younger brother or sister for several days. It's nothing to break the rules.

Dabao pushed open the door of the candy store, and the girl in uniform came up with a ponytail. "What do you want to buy, handsome man?"

Dabao nodded to her, "let me have a look first..."

There are many kinds of candy in this candy shop, with colorful colors. Soft candy, hard candy and wave candy are all displayed in glassware.

In particular, there are many kinds of Boban candy. There are all kinds of cute cartoon styles, and there are all kinds of plant and animal styles. They are chic and small in appearance. It's better to say that Boban candy is the most suitable art.

Dabao was dazed by the variety of products in front of him. For a moment, he couldn't make up his mind which one to buy.

"Handsome man, who did you buy it for?" The girl on one side seemed to see his dilemma.

"For your girlfriend, right?" Without waiting for Dabao to answer, the girl asked again.