Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 682

Dabao was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "no, it's for my younger brother and sister."

Girl refers to those cartoon candy and wave plate candy, "children, should be more like these types."

Dabao said thank you, and bought seven or eight models according to Niuniu's and Xiaobao's favorite characters. After weighing, the girl packed the candy in a large paper bag with delicate and lovely transparent plastic bottles.

Dabao goes to the cashier with a paper bag in his arms. The girl in the cashier is playing with her mobile phone with her head down.

Dabaoqu began to tap the table with his fingers. "Miss, please check out!"

The cashier raised his head, his expressionless face suddenly surprised, "Ji Yu?"

Ji Yu fixed her eyes on Shao Yuxin, who had not seen her for several years.

She was wearing light makeup, and her appearance was similar to that of high school, so Dabao could recognize her at a glance.

"Hello Ji Yu Dynasty she lightly pulled to pull a lip Cape, push the paper bag to her in front, that estrangement appearance, where have a little old classmate to meet of warm?

"Ah... Long time no see! Do you and Zhihao often play together? We haven't seen each other for nearly four years. I miss you very much. "

Shao Yuxin didn't seem to perceive Dabao's alienation. Hearing his faint response, he said to himself, "do you still live in the original villa? It seems to be a few hundred meters away from here? "

Dabao said, "no, I live in the company."

Dabao's words are also true. Now he really lives in the company, although it's only temporary.

Shao Yuxin's eyes have never left Dabao. As for the bag of candy that Dabao pushed in front of her waiting for the check-out, she didn't even look at it.

"Oh... Is your company far away from home?"

"Well, more than an hour." Dabao was already very impatient, but because of his old classmates, he couldn't turn around and leave.

At this time, he regretted coming here to buy candy.

"Oh, it's quite far. When we are free, let's have a classmate party. "

Dabao doesn't have any interest in it. Anyway, if you have a good relationship, you often get in touch. If you have a bad relationship, how can you meet? Although he is very proficient in social intercourse, he doesn't like it in private.

"Look again..."

Dabao said. He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. "Please help me settle the bill. It's late. My family are waiting for me to eat."

I haven't seen my younger brother and sister for a few days. Now Dabao is eager to return home. How can he spare time to gather old friends and ask him to socialize with Shao Yuxin, who doesn't like much?

Shao Yuxin didn't look at the bag. She picked it up and put it in his arms. "It's for your brother and sister, isn't it? Take the candy. It's not worth much. "

Dabao frowned and took out his wallet. "No, how can I make you pay?"

Of course, if this person is Yin Zhihao or Ren weiqi, Dabao will leave without saying a word.

But his friendship with Shao Yuxin, in his opinion, can't even reach the friendship of more than 100 yuan.

"Oh... You're welcome. This candy store is owned by my family. I just come here to help when I'm free. It's not worth any money. When can you bring your younger brother and sister to see what they like to eat, please?"

Dabao's heart, as early as just now has quietly put this as a forbidden area, he is not a fool, really with Niuniu and little Bora?

Dabao quickly calculated the money of the candy in the paper bag in his heart, took three pieces of 100 yuan from his wallet and put them on the table, "sorry, I'll go first."

Finish saying, did not wait for Shao Yuxin reaction to come over, the person has already stepped out of the store.

Fearing that Shao Yuxin would catch up with him, Dabao strode forward as soon as he went out of the door. He didn't slow down until he was nearly 100 meters away and walked home at his usual pace.

Dabao went to the fence, and before he could push the door, he heard Niuniu and Xiaobao's pleasantly surprised cry.

"Brother, brother!"

When Dabao pushes open the fence, Niuniu and Xiaobao have run to him.

With the figure of two little guys, it's impossible to jump on him like when I was a child.

But two people very tacit understanding ground a left and a right to hold his arm, embrace him to walk into the inner room.

"Brother, are you not going back to the company tonight?" Niuniu confirmed it for the first time.

"Well, if you don't go back tonight, stay at home and spend time with you." Tomorrow is the weekend. We can play with them later tonight.

Xiaobao didn't care about whether his brother stayed at home, because his attention was attracted by the bag of candy on Dabao's hand.

"What's this, brother?" He licked his lips like a greedy cat.

Niuniu's attention turned to the big paper bag.

"Wow, brother, did you buy it from that candy store on the street?"

Niuniu is similar to Xiaobao, licking her red lips and gulping down her saliva.

Dabao nodded at the tip of their noses with a smile. "Yes, that's the one on the street, which makes you greedy?"

Niuniu shrunk her head and blinked at him. Then she sneaked up on tiptoe to Dabao's ear and said in a low voice, "my brother and I wanted to buy food after school in the afternoon, but Mommy wouldn't let me..."

Dabao laughed more happily, deliberately lowered his voice and said, "then you should quickly hide it, otherwise, let mommy see, we'll all be whipped!"

Niuniu and Xiaobao giggled and took the paper bag. They trotted into the playroom.

At this time, Yue Tong, who vaguely heard his eldest son's voice, poked her head out of the kitchen, "Dabao? You wash your face, play with your brother and sister for a while, and have dinner in ten minutes.

Dabao walks into the kitchen and holds Letong from the back. The whole person is on Letong's back and her head is on her shoulder.

"Mommy! I miss you so much

Letong put down the spatula and touched his head with his backhand, "tut Tut, are you still a baby? Others look at a tall and powerful handsome boy, but when they come home, they are not big kids. "

Dabao rubbed Letong's face with his face and said with a smile, "Mommy, I'm just a little kid... I'm not an adult yet! Hum

Letong elbowed him away, turned around, pinched his face and said painfully.

"Tut, I've lost a lot of weight!"

"It's OK. After these days, Mommy will make me some big meals, and I'll be fat soon."

Dabao holds Letong's shoulder and asks her to turn back.

"Are you hungry?" Letong starts to get busy.

"Well, a little." Dabao answered honestly.

"There are curry fish eggs over there. You can have some to fill your stomach first."

Dabao washed his hands, pinched an egg and threw it into his mouth.

Letong turned to look at him, "delicious?"

Dabao wanted to say that the taste was a little different, but he didn't want to hurt mummy's heart, so he nodded with a smile, "Mummy's products must be delicious!"

Letong looked at him with a smile, "this is not my product. This is your baby sister's love fish egg specially made for you."