Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 680

"Ziwen, are you sure only this little girl is interested in cooperating with us?" Mr. Mai asked Zhang Ziwen, but he never looked away from them.

Without waiting for Zhang Ziwen to reply, Mr. Mai said, "if the three of you are willing to cooperate with us, I am willing to increase the overall endorsement fee by 50 percent."

Zhang Ziwen glances at Ji Dabao, who calmly orders drinks and snacks for his younger brother and sister. He looks a little embarrassed. He regrets that he didn't tell Mr. Mai about the background of the three young masters and ladies at the first time.

"Mr. Mai, these young ladies, surnamed Ji!" Zhang Ziwen specially stressed that, for fear that he did not understand, he made a wink at him.

There are not many people surnamed Ji in R City, but it is estimated that Mr. Mai will not connect several children with Ji group at all.

Mr. Mai was stunned at first. Then he turned his eyes to Dabao's face. For a moment, he asked Zhang Ziwen incredulously, "do you mean the general manager of Ji group?"

Zhang Ziwen nodded!

Mr. Mai quickly stood up and held out his hand to Dabao! I thought, "Why are you so familiar? We've seen each other before."

Dabao held out his hand and shook it with him. His face was full of confusion.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mai. Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Dabao thinks he has a good memory. He can't forget people he met.

"Yes, absolutely. But I'm not surprised that Mr. Ji doesn't remember. I've met you, Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji at this year's Jishi group's annual reception."

Dabao did attend Ji's annual reception for several years. In this way, Mr. Mai should have seen Ji Dabao.

"Sorry!" Dabao nodded politely, raised his hand to the waiter, ordered drinks and snacks for his younger brother and sister, and then turned to Mr. Mai.

"Mr. Mai, have you read all those terms? I mean, Miss Zhang should have conveyed it, too? "

Dabao is not interested in talking to the people on the other side. The purpose of his coming here today is for Niuniu, not to give people a chance to make up with each other.

Mr. Mai turned his attention to Niuniu. After wandering around Niuniu, he turned to Xiaobao.

His actions, in his own opinion, should be just professional habits. But when Dabao saw him looking up and down at Niuniu, he felt disgusted.

He frowned slightly and gave Mr. Mai a deep look. Just as he was about to pick up Niu Niu and leave, Mr. Mai finally turned his eyes to Xiaobao.

Dabao suppressed his discomfort and forced himself to sit in his seat. All this patience was just because Niuniu said, "I want to try!"

"Mr. Ji, Ms. Ji's conditions are very good. They fit our brand style very well. We accept all the terms."

Mr. Mai's words made Dabao happy and disappointed.

Happy, is rational that he, for Niu Niu finally can have the opportunity to try and happy.

Disappointed, is the emotional that he, for he had to accept Niu Niu insist and disappointed.

"Well, you'll let me know the specific contract when you're ready, and then I'll ask my parents to sign it."

Dabao's words made Zhang Ziwen puzzled.

Mr. Mai seems to have a mind reading skill. "Ziwen, young master Ji is only 17 years old. If you want to sign a contract, you must ask his parents to come by themselves."

Zhang Ziwen's understanding of Ji Rui is based on interviews with various financial magazines. However, Ji Rui seldom mentions his family in interviews. Therefore, she does not know that Ji family has two gifted sons.

But Mr. Mai's circle is well known by most people.

Because, Ji Rui such a man, in their circle of people, is the big winner of life. In addition to being at the pinnacle of career that others can only look up to, there is also a very happy family, a beautiful wife who can get into and out of the kitchen, a pair of extremely intelligent sons, and a beautiful and sensible daughter

Zhang Ziwen looks at Ji Dabao in surprise, but Mr. Mai comes up with Xiaobao's idea.

"Mr. Ji, originally, I really hope to cooperate with your brothers and sisters. However, I also know that you are busy with business and can't find the time to deal with it. Is Mr. Ji interested in playing together? We just lack a model like young master. The conditions are the same as Miss Ji. What do you think? "

For Xiaobao, Dabao doesn't protect Niuniu as tightly as he does for Niuniu, because he knows that people like Xiaobao won't be bullied anywhere.

Therefore, Dabao did not intend to obstruct Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, you decide for yourself."

Xiaobao was originally sucking a mango milkshake. Seeing that her brother threw the question to him, she didn't answer Mr. Mai directly. Instead, she asked Niuniu, "sister, do you want me to accompany you?"

Niu Niu was stunned. She frowned and thought for a while before she said to Xiao Bao, "do you like to be a model?"

Niuniu's heart, of course, is to hope that his brother with their own, but she did not want to force his brother.

Xiaobao shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's just fun, isn't it uncle Mai?"

Mr. Mai nodded quickly, "yes, just play."

In front of these two spiritually grown 360 degree children, even if they just have a playful attitude, I believe that the photographer can capture super beautiful pictures at any time.

Now, several people's eyes are all on Niu Niu.

"Brother, would you be angry if I said I wanted my brother to be with me?"

Although Dabao didn't show that he didn't like her accepting the endorsement, Niuniu was sure that neither her parents nor her brother would like her to accept the endorsement.

"No!" Dabao shook his head.

He believes in Xiaobao, so he won't stop Xiaobao from making any decisions as long as he wants to.

Niu Niu's face finally showed a trace of joy. She turned to Xiao Bao and said, "brother, are you really willing to accompany me?"

Xiao Bao turned his lips and looked impatient and disgusted. "Of course, when did I cheat you?"

Zhang Ziwen and Mr. Mai are naturally very happy, and Mr. Mai immediately called the lawyer to ask him to draw up the endorsement contract as soon as possible. He was also afraid that the three young masters and ladies would change their mind after going home to sleep for one night.

And his worries are obviously superfluous.

When Dabao comes home with Niuniu and Xiaobao and tells his parents that Xiaobao is going to take over the endorsement, Ji Rui and Letong's reaction is the same as Dabao's.

"OK, Xiaobao can do it if he wants. We have no problem."

A few days later, Niuniu and Xiaobao officially became the spokesmen of this international brand.