Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 679

At nine o'clock on Monday morning, Zhang Ziwen first received an email, but before he could open it, he received another strange phone call.

"Hello, Miss Zhang! I'm Ji Yu. I've just sent the terms of the contract to your email. These terms are my bottom line. If you can't accept them, nothing can be said. If you can accept them, please draw up a formal contract on the basis of these terms. "

At this time, Dabao rarely sits in the office of the general manager of the subsidiary.

Less than half an hour later, the other party's call came back.

"Master Ji, there is no room for loosening these terms at all?"

Dabao admits that those terms are the bottom line that his brother can accept. "Yes, there is no room for loosening the terms, but the endorsement fee can be discussed."

Dabao and his family didn't care how much the endorsement fee was. They would consider letting Niuniu accept the endorsement, but it's because Niuniu likes it!

Dabao doesn't care about money, but he cares about his baby sister's feelings and mood.

"It's not the endorsement fee, but some details. It seems too harsh."

Originally, the endorsement talks collapsed, which should be the best for Dabao. After all, he is the one who is most reluctant for a little girl to contact such complicated interpersonal relationships and circles.

Even though he is only 17 years old, he knows that many dark things happen every day in the entertainment industry. Although, in the process of Niu Niu's contact with these people, he will always escort her, but he can protect her, but he can't cover her eyes and isolate her heart, right?

Dabao said, "in this case, please find another beauty!" To the mouth, but in the thought of Niu Niu that urgent pleading eyes, abruptly swallow back to the stomach.

"The terms can't be loosened any more. Let's make an appointment with the brand dealer, and I'll take my sister to meet with you. If you meet a real person and think you can accept the terms, you can talk about other details. If you can't accept it, I can't help it."

In Dabao's opinion, those terms are just to protect his 11 year old sister. But in Zhang Ziwen's circle, it is impossible to make such a big accommodation for a new person.

Dabao is also a sensible person. He knows that this Ziwen is just an intermediary and can't be the final master. If the brand merchant meets Niuniu and thinks Niuniu is worthy of their accommodation, let her work hard to fulfill her wish.

If we meet, the other party doesn't think it's worth it, then Niuniu can give up completely.

Of course, Dabao doesn't want to attack Niuniu, but he won't intervene in order to let her realize her dream. This is almost an unwritten rule of the Ji family. If you have the ability, fight for it yourself. If you don't have the ability, just stay and cool off!

It's the same for Dabao and Xiaobao, and it's the same for Niuniu!

After a brief consideration on the phone, he said, "master Ji, are you going to school with Miss Ji? Can we make an appointment for this afternoon? The specific time and place are up to you. "

Dabao gave her a time and place, and then simply hung up.

After school time, Dabao stayed at the school gate on time.

Niuniu and Xiaobao come out hand in hand with a schoolbag on their back, but two Ji's cars stop at the door.

Dabao led Niuniu and said to Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, you go home with Uncle Huang first. My sister and I will see Miss Zhang."

Xiaobao said, "no! I'll go with you, too! "

At this time, Xiaobao was only half the height of Niuniu, but when she stood in front of Dabao, she didn't have a sense of deterrence at all.

"What are you doing? Just go home. "

Don't say Dabao is too careful. That day, Zhang Ziwen not only looked at Niuniu with bright eyes, but also at his family of five.

I'm sure she doesn't dare to explore the status of daddy and mummy, but she must have some ideas about herself and Xiaobao.

One girl is enough to annoy him. He doesn't want to add a little devil to make trouble for himself.

"Sister, I want to go and have a look together..."

The little devil saw that his brother didn't eat his way, so he quickly changed his strategy and shook Niuniu's arm to make her look pretty.

If Dabao can't stand Niuniu's coquetry the most, Niuniu can't stand it the most. It's a brother who is only one year younger than her but has a much higher IQ than her.

"Brother, it doesn't matter to let Xiao Bao go together, does it?"

The little girl used questions, but her pleading eyes were the sharp weapon to destroy Dabao's reason.

Dabao slapped Xiaobao on the head, "smelly boy, you will use your sister! It's not impossible to let you go together, but you have to promise me that you won't make trouble for me or make trouble for me! "

Xiaobao said, "absolutely not, brother, don't worry!", Man has got into the car.

Dabao had no choice but to turn around and tell Uncle Huang to drive home first, while he took Niuniu and Xiaobao to the appointed cafe in another car.

The three brothers appeared in the cafe arm in arm from high to low, and immediately attracted the attention of a crowd.

This coffee shop is a high consumption coffee chain store in downtown area. Its customers are basically white-collar workers nearby.

Although Dabao is the general manager of a subsidiary, he is only 17 years old after all, and he doesn't come back to the company every day. Therefore, his clothes are no different from those of ordinary college students. A light brown open collar T-shirt, jeans and short boots are obviously simple and ordinary, but they are inexplicably free and easy, It also exudes publicity that no one can ignore.

Niuniu and Xiaobao, one is beautiful, the other is cute and handsome. They come in with the same school uniform and the same schoolbag. They are also dressed in simple clothes, but like their brother, they exude a distinctive taste and temperament.

The waiter came to greet the three brothers and sisters. Zhang Ziwen, who arrived earlier than them, had already come.

"Master Ji, Miss Ji, this way, please."

The brothers and sisters have long been used to the special treatment of being watched outside. They follow Zhang Ziwen calmly from the door of the coffee house to the window at the end.

Originally, a foreign man was sitting in his seat drinking coffee. He looked up and saw his brother and sister. His eyes were more amazing than Zhang Ziwen, who had just met his brother and sister a few days ago.

The man with straight eyes asked in standard Mandarin, "Ziwen, who are these

"Mr. Mai, this miss Ji is the little girl I told you about."

Zhang Ziwen greets the brothers and sisters to sit down. Zhang Ziwen gives a brief introduction to each other. During this period, Mr. Mai's eyes have been wandering on the brothers and sisters.

"Ziwen, are you sure only this little girl is interested in cooperating with us?" Mr. Mai asked Zhang Ziwen, but he never looked away from them.