Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 678

Niuniu's foot was not seriously injured. On the sixth day, she could basically walk freely. The whole family played outside for a week, and only came home on Sunday night.

Usually, after dinner, the whole family would sit and chat in the living room, but today, Dabao seldom goes back to the bedroom after dinner.

Ji Rui and Letong have been away for a week, making their work piled up. After playing with Niuniu and Xiaobao for a while, they also went to work in the study together.

Since Dabao began to take over part of Ji's work, his bedroom has been separated by a screen, in which all office supplies are available.

The girl who sticks to him most thinks that her brother has business to do and doesn't dare to disturb him. She sits in the corner of the living room and practices the piano.

After Zhang Ziwen left that day, the family never mentioned the endorsement and contract in front of Niu Niu, but Niu Niu's heart was more and more uneasy.

I don't know whether I'm afraid my family will change their mind temporarily or I'm afraid I can't do it well.

Niuniu usually practices the piano without any distractions, but today she has a lot of thoughts in her mind, until Xiaobao, who is sitting in the front hall, yells, "sister, it's so ugly. Can you be serious?"

Niu Niu simply put the piano away and sat on the ground with her knees crossed, meditating quietly.

In fact, Niu Niu doesn't know why she insists on accepting the endorsement.

Of course, Xiaobao's going to help her brother's company must be a reason, but in addition, it seems that there are some reasons she doesn't understand.

Maybe it's because I don't want to be looked down upon by my family and brother. Even Xiaobao, who is not ten years old enough, can help the family. He is obviously a sister. Why is he so useless and can't help at all?

Compared with the brain, she naturally can't compare with her brother. This reality, as early as a few years ago, she has been able to calmly accept.

But is it all decided by intelligence that matters in this world?

It can also be decided by other different abilities and skills or efforts?!

At this time Niu, did not want to understand. By doing so, she just wants to prove to her family and outsiders that even if she doesn't have a smart head, she can do something that her peers can't do well through her own initiative and efforts.

And her insistence this time is more subconscious.

Dabao, who returns to his bedroom after dinner, is not busy with business, but is discussing the terms of Niu Niu's endorsement with Ji's lawyer.

The lawyer, surnamed Lei, had worked as a legal adviser for an entertainment company before. Therefore, it took only one day to outline the terms of the contract according to Dabao's idea.

Dabao read them one by one and ordered lawyer Lei to repair some unreasonable parts.

After tossing about for two or three hours, Dabao was still a little dissatisfied. At this time, he heard a knock on the door.

"Brother, Mommy stewed some rock sugar snow clams. You can eat them before you work."

Usually, Niuniu doesn't knock when she comes in. This time, she thinks her brother is working.

Dabao pulled down the page of the contract and said, "come in."

With that, she stood up and stretched, strode forward and took the tray from Niuniu's hand.

"Brother, are you busy?" Niu Niu looked up at him, her eyes full of pity.

Her eyes, let Dabao feel very familiar, think about it, seems to be with Daddy busy all day back home, Mommy looked at daddy's eyes almost.

Er, what am I thinking!!

Dabao forced his eyes away, pressed the thought in his mind and restrained the inexplicable emotion in his chest.

Since waking up in Niuniu's bed in the middle of the night, he has become increasingly unable to control his heartbeat and physical reactions.

"It's getting late. Go to bed."

Dabao holds the tray in one hand and pinches Niuniu's face in the other.

"Brother, I..."

"Go to bed, I have something else to do!" But Dabao insisted on turning around. He even forgot to kiss him goodnight, which he had never left behind for so many years.

Being ignored so obviously, Niuniu is very sad. Although she only treats her as her brother because of her work, she is still very uncomfortable.

"Brother, let me give you a massage."

The little girl, who was left out in the cold and was very uncomfortable in her heart, eagerly followed Dabao into the cubicle.

Dabao had already sat down in the chair. When he heard her, he was stiff!

For Dabao, the little girl's intimate massage is supposed to make him warm and happy.

But because of the experience of that night, Dabao felt numb when he heard these two words!

He knew that he was different in some places, but he was not sure exactly where it was.

Before he was sure, or before he made up his mind, he didn't even have the courage to make more contact with Niu Niu.

Naturally, his psychology is eager for this kind of contact.

After all, Niuniu is his treasure, and he has been close to her for 11 years.

But his physiology made him dare not try to touch her easily.

His body, gradually become not like his own, often because of Niuniu and abnormal reaction.

He thought that after several attempts, he would get used to it and return to normal. But the fact told him that his symptoms were getting worse and worse. Just now, he even felt his heart beat faster because of one of her pitying eyes, his breath was short, and his palms were sweating one after another.

"I'm going to have a video conference with other people. Darling, go to bed quickly. I'll go to the fitness room for a massage later."

Ji's fitness room has a complete range of equipment. Besides treadmills, there are massage chairs and massage beds to help eliminate fatigue.

Niu Niu stopped, her face full of loss.

"Well, then... Brother, don't be tired. I'll go to bed first."

Then he stepped forward and wanted to give Dabao a good night kiss as usual.

Dabao waved and turned to face the computer screen.

Niu Niu was a little stunned. She stared at Dabao's motionless figure for a long time, then she hung her head and said dejectedly, "good night, brother..."

Dabao's whole body was tense, and he held his breath subconsciously. Although his eyes were looking at the screen, he could see every word. Until he heard the sound of the door closing, he took a long breath and "bang" on the table.

In fact, although he has never been in love, but the surge of boy adolescence, he has two or three years in the early, so he can not understand what happened in the middle of the night!

But it was because he understood that he deliberately evaded and deceived himself. That night, it was just an accident!

After all, he knew better than anyone that it was his sister!

Yes, Ji Sihan. She is Ji Yu's younger sister. She is only 11 years old, and she is very dependent on and trusts him!