Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 677

Dabao immediately said "no" in his heart, but he didn't say what he really thought. Instead, he looked at his parents.

Ji Rui and Letong obviously didn't expect Niuniu to have such an idea. As parents, Niuniu in their eyes is too clever. Apart from their families, they don't like to have more contact with outsiders or challenge anything.

In other words, she has the simplicity and purity that no one in Ji family has.

But this once as long as there was a family who loved her to accompany her to grow up and let her play her violin happily, she took the initiative to ask for a spokesperson.

This endorsement is not an ordinary endorsement, but an internationally renowned endorsement of children's wear.

The Ji family doesn't lack money, and Niuniu naturally can't lack money. The reason why she wanted to accept this endorsement was obviously not for money, but for other purposes.

But, this little girl is only 11 years old, and she always sticks to her big brother at home. What's her purpose?

Letong and Ji Rui admit that they don't know as much about Niuniu as Dabao.

But the daze and confusion in Dabao's eyes make Letong understand that Dabao, like her and Ji Rui, has no idea what Niu Niu wants to do.

Niuniu saw that her parents and brother did not speak, but there was frequent eye contact between them. Although she was not very smart, she could vaguely understand that their dignified face was not the one who agreed with her.

How she wants to fight for herself, but she hears Zhang Ziwen say, "Mr. Ji and Mrs. Ji, since Miss Ji wants to have a try, let her have a try. I promise that I will accompany her all the way, and will not let her suffer the slightest injustice and damage."

There are five members of the Ji family. Except Niuniu, the other four all look at her.

"Miss Zhang, I think you should understand that this is not a matter of grievance and damage. For one thing, we don't need our daughter to pick up a spokesperson to help our family. For another thing, we don't want her to bear too much pressure that has nothing to do with her age at this stage. "

Letong's tone is very polite, and her speech is also very euphemistic, but her meaning is tough.

Zhang Ziwen was a little discouraged. For the person who wanted money, money, power and power, whether it was the endorsement fee or the brand in other people's eyes, it didn't have any attraction.

"Daddy, Mommy, brother..." Niuniu, as the client, finally summoned up her courage and decided to put all her eggs in one basket after her Mommy explicitly rejected the other party.

Three people looked at her at the same time. If Niuniu said she would buy a violin for 500000 yuan, they would immediately meet her requirements without even thinking about it.

But she wanted to earn 500000 yuan with her own labor, but they didn't agree with her.

Because, they are reluctant to bear her suffering, and her hard work in exchange for, but they do not care about a sum of money.

"I want to have a try, can I?" Niu Niu's voice is very low. Later, she even dare not look into the eyes of her father, mother and brother.

This is the first time that she has not listened to her family's advice since she was so old. While the whole family voted against it, she insisted on doing something.

Zhang Ziwen was shocked by this reversal. Although the little girl was delicate and gentle, she didn't have much deterrent power. She shouldn't expect much from the little girl, but she couldn't do anything about it. She had to be a living horse doctor and give it to the little girl.

Ji family several people, Qi Qi silence.

Finally, to Zhang Ziwen's surprise, it was not Ji Rui and Le Tong who were parents, but the elder brother.

"Niuniu, do you really want to try?"

Niu Niu nodded heavily!

"Not afraid of hardship, not afraid of being wronged?" When Dabao said this, he was seldom serious.

"Brother, I'm not afraid!"

Dabao took a long breath and rubbed Niuniu's head.

"Well, since you are so eager for this opportunity, you should try it!"

Niu Niu's eyes lit up immediately. She lifted herself up in her wheelchair and kissed Dabao on the face“ Thank you, brother

Zhang Ziwen was stunned by the rapid reversal in front of him!

It seems that the little girl's influence in the Ji family is not so great!

The young master of the Ji family, however, seems to have just come of age. Although his parents are here, he seems to be the guardian of the little girl.

"Daddy and Mommy, let Niuniu have a try. Then I will follow you all the way. There won't be any accident. Don't worry."

It seems that when Dabao decided to let Niuniu have a try, he had already realized that he, as a flower protector, must be closely monitored throughout the whole process.

Letong and Ji Rui didn't say anything more and nodded their approval. They didn't have no idea, but since their son said that they would guarantee the whole journey, they didn't have much to worry about.

Dabao got his parents' permission and turned to Zhang Ziwen.

"Miss Zhang, my sister can accept this endorsement. The terms of the contract are set by us. Of course, you can refuse it now, or you can pass the terms of the contract to you after we finish our vacation. After seeing the items, you can decide whether to cooperate or not."

Zhang Ziwen has been editor in chief for several years, and a large group of young people follow her to work. These young people are not lack of people with personality, ideas and talents, but she still manages them well.

But in front of her, the boy, who was much younger than her subordinates, made her feel oppressive and powerless.

In this strong sense of oppression, she could not find a reason to refuse, only to accept.

"Master Ji, this is my business card. Please contact me at any time after your vacation!"

Dabao took the business card, and when he came out on holiday, it was impossible for him to have a business card.

"My name is Ji Yu and my sister's name is Ji Sihan. I'll contact you next Monday morning."

Zhang Ziwen wanted to ask Dabao for his contact information. Then he thought that this kind of rich young master's temper was probably not very good. Since he said he would contact himself, he would just wait for him, so as not to offend him accidentally.

Zhang Ziwen's goal was achieved. Naturally, it was not good for him to stay and disturb other people's family for a holiday. After a few polite words, he got up and left.

Niu Niu thought that when Zhang Ziwen left, her family would surely seize her and torture her.

Strangely enough, after the woman left, no one mentioned anything about her father, mother, brother and Xiao Bao. Instead, they flew kites according to their original schedule, as if what happened just now was just Niu Niu's own illusion.

Niuniu's foot is injured, so Letong can only accompany her to sit in the wheelchair and watch the three men of Ji family fly three different styles of kites into the sky.

However, in this way, she has more time to concentrate on taking photos. In the picture of the camera, in addition to the kite flying freely in the sky, there are her favorite daddy, Mommy, Xiaobao and her big brothe