Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 676

Although four of the five members of the Ji family are unwilling to sit with Zhang Ziwen for coffee and ice cream, Niuniu's words make them turn around in silence.

Zhang Ziwen was both happy and worried. Happily, the little girl seemed to be wavering.

The worry is that with a big family like the Ji family, plus the other four people's obvious strong desire to protect the little girl, do they really have the ability to persuade them?

"Brother, what kind of kites did you buy?"

"Sister, we bought it."

Zhang Ziwen thought that the little girl was the youngest of the brothers and sisters. Now it seems that the little boy is the youngest? Then why is he a protector, and the little girl is not used to it.

Is it true that all the people in this room are controlled by sisters and daughters?

Zhang Ziwen felt more and more difficult. Even though she secretly planned to raise the contract payment to the highest level, even though the Ji family didn't want the money, it at least represented her sincerity.

Besides, doesn't she have another advantage?

"Mr. and Mrs. Ji, the fashion brand we are cooperating with this time is one of the best in the world. It is estimated that your children should also wear many products of this brand."

Although Zhang Ziwen prefers to talk to the little girl directly, the family is like a strict copper wall. It is impossible for the little girl to talk to her directly.

Zhang Ziwen is very accurate, but not 100%.

Letong and Ji Rui, including Dabao and Xiaobao, don't plan to let Niuniu contact this Ziwen directly. If it wasn't for Niu Niu, they wouldn't even give her a chance to show her.

However, without waiting for Letong and Ji Rui to refuse, Niuniu has moved the fashion magazine Zhang Ziwen spread on the table.

Glancing at the brand logo on the picture, she pulled the big treasure sitting beside her.

"Brother, I seem to have a lot of clothes of this brand in my wardrobe."

Letong pays more attention to comfort than to brand.

But Niuniu is the little princess of the Ji family and the Yang family. Almost everyone agrees that boys need to be poor and girls need to be rich. Therefore, from childhood to adulthood, the old and young of the Yang family will send her many big brands of clothes regularly and seasonally. Therefore, among the three children, the clothes in her wardrobe are the most expensive.

Of course, Niuniu won't know that.

Besides, she is the least economical of the three.

"Well, I said, you must be familiar with the brand." Zhang Ziwen is who, a listen to Niu Niu say so, rushed to talk.

"This magazine was published last year. Miss Ji, the models you just read are all limited sales in the world. Do you have these models?"

Several people in the Ji family saw their stupid girls constantly making topics for others. First, they looked at each other. After a few eyes met, they soon returned to normal. They drank coffee and ate snacks, but they didn't bother to interrupt.

Anyway, with the four of them, are you afraid that the fashion editor can make a big storm?

"Well, I have all these sets." Niu Niu nodded very honestly.

She didn't know that the price of the dresses and trousers on these two pages alone would be enough to cover a commercial house with two rooms and one living room in small and medium-sized cities.

Zhang Ziwen took a cold breath. It seems that the signing money has no attraction for the little girl!

"Miss Ji, if you become a model of this issue, you can wear many beautiful clothes of this brand for free this season!"

It's not attractive, but it's always clear, isn't it?

Sure enough, she couldn't take Niu Niu's interest in the things that were already available. Her eyes were calm, and she didn't feel excited or other fluctuating emotions.

Zhang Ziwen sighed in his heart. He had planned to persuade the little girl first and then the young master by the way. Now, he felt that there was no hope at all.

Unexpectedly, in her heart silently for their own point wax ready to give up, but heard the little girl asked.

"Sister, is there nothing else but these clothes for free?"

Niu Niu's words surprised not only Zhang Ziwen, but also the other four members of the Ji family.

Dabao, who used to drink juice leisurely, immediately turned his head and said, "Niu Niu, what do you want?"

Dabao seriously thought that Niuniu should not be short of money. A few days ago, he transferred part of his salary this month to Niuniu's card.

What's more, little girl is different from Xiao Bao. She doesn't spend much money at ordinary times. The amount of pocket money she uses all year round is less than five figures.

Zhang Ziwen rarely sees a glimmer of hope, but of course he will not let it go.

"Miss Ji, if you are willing to be the spokesperson of this brand, you can not only wear this season's clothes for free, but also have a large endorsement fee."

Niu Niu seems to be attracted by her words in the past, "how much?"

Zhang Ziwen clenched his teeth and said, "500000!"

This price is already a famous star price. For a new person like this little girl who has never taken over the relevant work, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars is the ceiling.

But she also knew that tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of them were despised by the family at present. Moreover, according to her intuition, the little girl was definitely worth the price, or even more!

Niuniu blinked, turned to Dabao and asked, "brother, Xiaobao goes to the company to help, do you have a salary?"

Dabao nodded, secretly blaming himself for his carelessness.

I thought Niuniu had forgotten Xiaobao's help in the company. Unexpectedly, she was always worried.

"Of course there are."

"How much is it?" Niu Niu looks very curious.

Dabao cried in his heart, "it depends on the income."

Dabao's ambiguous answer, Niuniu was obviously not very satisfied, "is there 500000?", The little girl asked persistently.

Dabao looks at his parents and shakes his head helplessly.

"There shouldn't be so much!"

Niuniu doesn't have much concept of money. She clearly compares the endorsement fee with Xiaobao's part-time salary, which shows that she has already had an idea in her heart and moved her mind.

"Girl, which violin do you like?"

Ji Rui, a father, thinks that his daughter is short of money when he hears the conversation between his children.

Niuniu shook her head. "Daddy, I don't like any violin."

Ji Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and then, before his breath eased, he heard Niu Niu say again.

"But I think it's very interesting. I want to take on the endorsement, OK?"