Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 675

The woman took off her sunglasses and approached Niuniu step by step with a smile in her eyes.

"Little girl, can my sister talk to you about something?"

A woman's voice is clean, her accent is pure, and her clothes are tasteful.

Although Niu Niu's intuition thought that she was not a bad person, she was still very alert and didn't answer her directly. Instead, she opened her throat and yelled twice.



If she didn't have foot pain, she would choose to run by herself, but now, she is absolutely sure that she can't run this woman.

Whether the woman is kind or malicious to herself, it's always safer to have family around.

The woman heard Niuniu yelling and didn't mean to leave. She just stood in front of her.

"Well, you can't make the decision yourself. Let me talk to your parents."

Niuniu yells and calls back Letong and Ji Rui who buy drinks and answer the phone.

"Who are you?"

Ji Rui comes back first, puts his hand on Niuniu's shoulder, protects her behind him, and slightly frowns and stares at the 30-year-old woman in front of him.

The woman was startled at first and held out her hand to Ji Rui

After seeing Ji Rui's face clearly, he was surprised and completely forgot to introduce himself.

"You... Are you Mr. Ji of Ji's group?"

Ji Rui ignored her and didn't mean to shake hands with her. He bent over and looked Niuniu up and down seriously.

"Girl, she didn't do anything to you, did she?"

Niuniu shakes her head. Father and daughter hear the woman behind them say.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ji. I'm the fashion editor of star weekly. My name is Zhang Ziwen."

In this time when a woman named Zhang Ziwen introduced herself, Letong also rushed back with a big bag of drinks.

The bag of drinks on Letong's hand is picked up by Ji Rui, calmly looking at the woman in front of her.

"Miss Zhang, may I help you?"

"Hello, are you Mrs. Ji?"

Women don't know whether they have seen Ji Rui in financial magazines or in some public receptions. Anyway, although they are using questions, their eyes have no sense of exploration. It seems that they are convinced that this couple is the president and wife of Ji's group, a well-known group in China.

"Excuse me, Miss Zhang. Have we met before?"

Over the years, Ji Rui, the president and chairman of Ji's group, has naturally been interviewed by many special magazines. Ji Rui is not a person who can accommodate outsiders. Moreover, in his position, only outsiders can accommodate him. How can he accommodate outsiders? As a result, almost all of his interviews were arranged in the office of the president of Ji.

Letong never gives interviews, but she has contact with people in these magazines.

However, in front of this woman, she can't think of this person.

"Mrs. Ji and Mr. Ji should meet me for the first time. This is my business card."

The woman said while respectfully handed the business card to Letong, Letong took a look, the above information is the same as the woman said.

Letong is a little puzzled. If she is the chief editor of Finance and economics, it's OK to find herself and Ji Rui, but she is a fashion editor. What can she do with herself and Ji Rui?

"What can I do for you, Miss Zhang?" Letong and her family come out this time for fun. They don't want to spend meaningless time on people who have nothing to do with social intercourse.

"Oh... Well, is this your daughter?" Zhang Ziwen moved slightly, and finally he could see the little girl who was blocked by two adults.

According to their degree of protection for the little girl, no one believes that they are not the gold of the Ji family.

"Well, it's the little girl."

"Well, our magazine recently cooperated with an international children's clothing brand. We are looking for two children who are like your daughter to be models. I want to ask Miss Ji if she would like to cooperate with us?"

Ji Rui and Letong helped Niuniu push a lot of similar invitation as early as a few years ago. However, Niuniu was still young at that time, and they basically pushed it without telling her.

And it's the first time I've come to you in front of Niu Niu.

Before Letong can answer, she hears Dabao's voice coming from behind.

"This lady, my sister is not interested."

Le Tong only from the son's cold tone, he knew his state at this time, just like the hen to protect the chicken, opened his big wings, tightly protected his sister under the wings.

Zhang Ziwen followed the voice and looked up. He saw two boys, one tall and one short, wearing T-shirts of different styles but similar colors and jeans, standing on both sides of the wheelchair.

The appearance of the two boys is not very similar, but from the temperament and the black eyes, we can see that they are definitely brothers.

The elder should be less than 20 years old, with clear-cut face, deep and delicate facial features. He is almost the same as his father. He is not only tall and fierce, but also full of male hormones. He exudes the unique temperament between boys and men.

The younger one should be about the same age as the girl in the car, and she should be about the same height. She is not fierce, but she has the shrewdness and alienation that people can't get close to.

And the little girl is the kind of beauty that makes people feel amazing at a glance. A small face the size of a slap, exquisite features that can not be picky, let her just look at it, then determined that the female model she is looking for this time is not her.

President Ji is really powerful. There are five members and five faces in his family, but they are all amazingly handsome and beautiful.

Zhang Ziwen was a photographer before he was chief editor of Shang.

She has a very high standard of beauty, and she has a very high degree of selection for people and scenery. However, she spent a few minutes, and could not pick out any shortcomings in the appearance, height, temperament and even clothing of the five members of the family.

And when she looked back at the little girl's face to the little boy on her left, there was a flash in her mind: where can she look around? This little boy is the male model she is looking for!

"Mr. and Mrs. Ji, can you give me ten minutes and let's have a cup of coffee over there?" Originally, she only wanted to find a little girl as a model, now, she changed her mind.

Letong and Ji Rui are not interested in anything, and Dabao has made it very clear that Niuniu will not be interested. That is to say, the eldest son, like them, does not want Niuniu to come into contact with this complicated business society too early.

"Mommy, I want to eat ice cream. Can we go there?" The little girl who has been sitting in the wheelchair is pointing to the open-air coffee shop that Zhang Ziwen just pointed to.