Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 674

Niuniu clearly remembers that when she went to sleep last night, Dabao was sleeping next to her.

But when she opened her eyes in the morning, she found herself alone in bed.

She was a little strange, but she didn't think much about it. She just thought that Dabao had got out of bed.

For sleeping in the same bed with her brother, Niu Niu didn't feel any problem. Although she knew that her brother was a young man, and she had gradually stepped into the ranks of little girls, her brother had been sleeping in the same bed with her from childhood. This time, she felt no difference.

After a night's sleep, her feet didn't seem to hurt so much. She looked at them carefully. Last night, her swollen ankle, which looked like a bun, was also swollen.

He went down to the floor carefully and limped slowly to the washroom. When the door was opened, on the sofa facing him, his father Ji Rui was holding a steaming cup, drinking coffee and reading the morning paper.

"Good morning, Daddy!" Niu Niu greets Ji Rui with the doorframe.

"Good morning, Niu Niu. Didn't your mother mean to let you wake up naturally? Why do you get up so early? Are your feet any better? "

Ji Rui gets up, puts down the morning paper and the cup, walks to her in a few steps, bows his head and kisses her on the forehead. His hands naturally hold her arm. Obviously, like Dabao, he is always thinking about her foot injury.

"My feet are much better. Where are my brother and Xiao Bao?"

Although Letong said to let several children sleep until they wake up naturally, the three brothers and sisters have always been self disciplined. Dabao and Xiaobao will get up to exercise in the morning regardless of the weather, while Niuniu will get up to practice the piano for a while, every day, whether it's Saturday, Sunday or winter or summer vacation.

"They're still sleeping. Your mom is going to the kitchen here to make breakfast for you."

Ji Rui doesn't agree with Letong's hard work in making breakfast, but there are only two or three kinds of breakfast in this hotel, and the taste is very common. Letong thinks that some children won't like it, so he tells the manager and goes to cook noodles in other people's kitchen.

"My brother is still sleeping?" Niu Niu has a strange expression on her face. With Ji Rui's help, she goes to the sofa and sits down.

"Yes, anyway, I've been up for more than half an hour, and there's no movement in their room. I guess they were tired last night, so they'll sleep to death."

Niuniu wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything. After a few minutes, the door of the two brothers' room was finally opened, and Xiaobao with sleepy hair and disheveled hair and Dabao with neat spirit came out one after another.

After saying hello to each other, Dabao took the medicine box for the first time and helped Niuniu change the medicine to deal with the wound.

"Is it really OK to go out later?" Dabao looked at Niuniu with concern. From beginning to end, Niuniu didn't see anything strange on his face.

Is it my dream to sleep in the same bed with my brother last night?

Otherwise, why did you wake up in the morning and my brother disappeared? If he left in the middle of the night, he should explain to himself.

Niu Niu with simple mind can't hide things in her heart.

"Brother, last night..."

Dabao looked up at her and interrupted her, "if you still feel pain, we'll buy a wheelchair later, OK?"

Niuniu's attention was distracted. "It's OK. You and Xiaobao fly kites. I'll just sit and watch."

Niuniu doesn't think she is so coquettish. Moreover, if she is really in a wheelchair, she will have to bother her brother to push herself.

"Breakfast is coming!" Le Tong's cheery voice came from the door. Ji Rui and Xiao Bao ran to help immediately.

Dabao said to Niuniu, "silly girl, I cheated you last night, didn't I? When you fall asleep, I'll go back to my room

Niu Niu was dubious, "really? Do you pretend to sleep? "

Dabao nodded, "of course it's true! Niuniu is a little girl. She won't be afraid to sleep alone, will she? "

Although Niu Niu is still a little suspicious, after all, she saw him fall asleep with her own eyes last night. If her brother really pretends to sleep, her brother's acting skills are too good.

This little doubt was soon diluted by the delicious food. Moreover, Niu Niu subconsciously thought that her brother would not cheat herself. So, even if she wavered a little, she finally believed the so-called truth that Dabao said.

A family of five had a love delicious breakfast specially cooked by Letong. They cleaned up and set out on the road.

Passing by a medical equipment store, Dabao insisted on getting off and buying a wheelchair.

In this regard, in addition to Niu Niu herself, other people feel very necessary.

Dabao himself doesn't think carrying Niuniu is a burden, but Niuniu's lying on his back is certainly not as free and comfortable as sitting in a wheelchair.

Ji Rui and Letong naturally thought of this, so they saw Dabao push a wheelchair out and gave him a thumbs up.

Niu Niu, who was originally opposed to the idea, went to the kite festival and sat in a wheelchair and was pushed by her family in turn. She felt that this was also very good. At least, she didn't have to burden her big brother any more.

The kite stall was set up on a large stand on the top of dozens of steps. Niu Niu, unwilling to be tired, said she was waiting for them in the shade of a tree.

Finally, Ji Rui and Letong stay with her. Dabao and Xiaobao go to the booth to buy kites.

Ji Rui's phone rings. He answers it. It's supposed to be a very important phone call. Then he goes to a quiet path.

Letong stood with Niuniu for a while. Niuniu felt thirsty and unconsciously licked her lips.

But the water and drinks are in the backpack on Dabao's back. Letong has to tell Niuniu to stay obediently. She goes to the convenience store ten meters away to buy drinks.

After Letong left, Niuniu quietly sat in a wheelchair, holding a camera and looking up at the sky to capture beautiful pictures.

In the blue sky, there are all kinds of colorful kites dancing. Niuniu is so big that she saw so many kites flying in the sky at the same time for the first time. It's also the first time that she saw such beautiful and large kites.

While capturing many beautiful pictures, Niu Niu couldn't help admiring them.


How beautiful!

Niuniu just thought she was sighing in her heart, but she didn't know it. Unconsciously, she made a voice of praise.

"Yes, it's really beautiful!"

Ear, suddenly came a strange female voice.

Niu Niu turned her head and stood in front of her, a young woman with big sunglasses.

Niuniu has a lot of alarm bells on her body. You know, as the daughter of the Ji family, she has been taught a lot about safety and self-protection since she was a child. When she sees strangers, she also takes the initiative to chat up with herself. Niuniu's first reaction is to run.

Niuniu doesn't look alarmed because she can see daddy and mommy in her sight. She put down her camera and put her hand in a wheelchair, ready to push herself away from the woman.