Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 673

Before going to bed, Letong confesses that she will have a whole day to go to the kite festival tomorrow, so she is not in a hurry to go out early in the morning. Tomorrow, the family can sleep until they wake up naturally.

What Letong said is to wake up naturally, that is, they will not wake up any children specially, but will let them wake up by themselves. After Letong's command, everyone goes back to his room to have a rest.

There are three rooms in this suite, one for Letong Jirui, one for Dabao and Xiaobao, and one for Niuniu alone.

However, Dabao, as a brother, is as good as the parents who take care of the newborn baby. Even though Niuniu repeatedly emphasizes that she can walk, he still can't help but run to her after she limps for a few steps to pick her up and take Niuniu back to the bedroom.

Put Niuniu on the bed, wait on her, lie down, cover the quilt and dim the bedside lamp. Dabao still doesn't mean to leave, so he sits on the sofa opposite the bed with his iPad and brushes the net.

Niu Niu, who was wrapped in the quilt all over except her head, blinked her dark and bright eyes, "brother, you must be very tired after walking with me on your back for a long time. Go back to your room and have a rest!"

Dabao raised his eyelids and glanced at her. "Go to sleep, brother. When you fall asleep, you will go back to sleep."

The implication is that if she wants him to go to bed early, she should go to bed obediently instead of talking with her eyes wide open.

Niuniu answered "Oh" and closed her eyes.

But not long after she closed her eyes, she opened them again.

"Brother, I can't sleep!"

Her physical function, should be to achieve a state of fatigue, because at this time, her muscles ache, but her brain, but accidentally awake.

When she closed her eyes for a short time, her mind kept flashing the scene of being carried by her brother in the afternoon.

It looked like Dabao who had been brushing the net with his head down, but it was like a radar detector. Almost as soon as she opened her eyes, his eyes turned from the screen to her face.

"What? Foot pain? Can't sleep? "

Niuniu hasn't responded yet. Dabao, who had been sitting lazily on the sofa before, has floated over, with her hands on the bed, leaning over and looking at her anxiously.

Niuniu thinks that her brother is all soldiers, and wants to deny it, but suddenly she thinks of something.

"Brother, am I heavy now?"

When Dabao couldn't get her answer, he turned on the light and directly lifted the quilt to look at her feet.

"It's not heavy!"

If only from the weight to measure, for tall and strong Dabao, Niu Niu's weight, really not a burden.

But in the process of climbing suddenly load such a weight, another matter.

Niu Niu looked down at him, "brother, my feet don't hurt!" Before entering the bedroom, Dabao changed the medicine for Niuniu.

"Even if I'm not so heavy, you've been carrying me for so long, but you should be very tired?"

While talking, Niu Niu suddenly turned over and knelt down. Without waiting for Dabao to return to her, she moved her hands to Dabao's back and kneaded them gently.

"Brother, lie down and I'll give you a massage."

Dabao is a little surprised, and stares at Niuniu.

For a long time, it is natural for him to take good care of his sister.

But Niu Niu, although she also loves him, seldom takes the initiative to do something for him.

It seems that the little girl is really grown up, know how to love people.

"You are a sick man. How can you wait on me? You'd better sleep obediently. I'll let Xiao Bao press it for me later. "

Move to move, let hurt the foot of Niuniu to serve themselves, Dabao how willing? How can you have the heart?

Niu Niu, who usually listens to Dabao very much, is very stubborn.

"Brother, do you think my massage technique is not as good as Xiaobao's?"

well! This little girl seems to be determined to help him massage, even out of thin air, planting means are used.

"Xiaobao, who has thick hands and feet, has no skill to speak of? Well, since you insist on giving me VIP service, I'd rather be respectful than obedient. "

The little girl is looking forward and eager to try. Dabao is really against her good intentions, so she has to lie down on the bed and enjoy Niu Niu's non professional massage.

Niuniu knelt down beside Dabao, her arms dropped down naturally, and put her hands flat on his shoulders. Her fingers were very long, and the strength of the muscles kneaded on him was very moderate. Although she simply kneaded from his shoulders to his waist, and from his thighs to his ankles, compared with professional technicians, she certainly had no skills, But Dabao felt that he had got unparalleled enjoyment.

He was lying on his arm, enjoying her simple massage while listening to her soft voice and telling him some funny stories. At this moment, he even felt that he was the happiest person in the world.

I don't know if it's too tired, or Niu Niu's pressing is too comfortable, or Niu Niu's soft noise has such a hypnotic function. Originally, he was not sleepy, but he had a hallucination. He felt as if he was lying in the spring and the sun, and unconsciously fell asleep in a warm and quiet atmosphere.

Niu Niu said, found that has been responding to his brother suddenly no sound, lying over to have a look, only to find that he fell asleep. Niu Niu was not surprised, and she didn't wake him up. Anyway, the bed was very big, and there were two quilts on it. She lifted one of them to cover the big treasure. She lay down beside her, closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.

When Dabao woke up, he lay on his back and squinted at the ceiling. It took him a long time to adapt to the dim environment.

There was a familiar smell in his nose, but he could be sure that it was not him or Xiaobao, but Niuniu's.

It was a totally different smell from Xiao Bao and himself. In fact, it was not the first day that Da Bao discovered it.

Even if brother and sister use the same shower gel and shampoo, Niuniu will become much more elegant and quiet. Probably, it's because the girl's own secretion is different from that of the boy, and the fragrance of shower gel and hair water has a chemical reaction with the girl's taste and breath, which produces this elegant but fascinating fragrance.

Eyes gradually see the big treasure of things, with the source of the aroma turned around, sure enough, see Niuniu side body, facing himself, sleeping very sweet.

Curly long black hair scattered on the pillow, a few strands, and even wrapped around his neck.

Dabao gently picked up the hair on his skin, put it under his nose and took a deep breath.

Just now, the faint fragrance filled his nose.