Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 672

The ancient temple is very grand and bigger than Dabao thought. The whole family wandered around it for nearly an hour before they came out.

When visiting the ancient temple, Niuniu was carried by Ji Rui, a father, for a short time. Most of the time, she was carried by Dabao, a brother.

As a result, Xiaobao's mobile phone can not leave many photos of Dabao carrying Niuniu.

Ji Rui was very curious about the structure of the ancient temple. He went to study the pillars for a while.

From time to time, Xiaobao takes out a group photo of her brother and sister from her mobile phone and shares it with Letong. Mother and son point at the brother and sister in the photo.

Several times, Dabao noticed that mummy and his brother looked at each other unkindly, "mummy, what are you talking about? Neurotic

Letong laughs meaningfully, "baby, you don't need to know, you just carry Niuniu on your back!"

Xiaobao immediately echoed, "yes, brother, just carry your sister. You don't need to know anything else."

Dabao is too lazy to pay any attention to them. He just watches around behind Niu Niu's back.

Outside the temple, there is an ancient tree which is said to have been around for thousands of years. The trunk is very thick. The five interviewees of Ji family hold the trunk hand in hand, but they can't encircle it. Finally, there are two tourists nearby who think it's fun. They also join in. It's seven people who encircle the trunk.

This huge ancient tree, with luxuriant branches and leaves, is covered with red prayer sticks.

"Daddy, Mommy, is this a marriage tree? You write one, too, and throw it up. " Dabao egged on his parents.

"Yes, daddy and Mommy, please go and write down that you will live together forever!" Xiao Bao was on one side, too.

Ji Rui stares at the two sons who make trouble, but is pulled away by the smiling Le Tong.

In the blink of an eye, Letong and Ji Rui come back with a few red strips in their hands.

"You write, too!"

Dabao didn't answer, "Mommy, this is a marriage tree. What do we write?"

Letong thrust the pen and red cloth into his hand. "This is a blessing tree. You can write any wish on it."

Dabao was dubious, but at last he wrote his wish on the red cloth and threw it to the branch to hang it.

Niuniu and Xiaobao also wrote their wishes. Xiaobao swung her hand and hung the red cloth on the branch. Relying on Dabao to hold Niuniu standing in the same place, she swung several times, but the red cloth didn't hang on the branch and fell back to the ground.

"I'll throw it for you." Finally, Dabao volunteered to help Niuniu throw the red cloth on the tree.

When going down the mountain, because Niuniu's foot was injured, and because it was late, the family went down the mountain by cable car.

Seeing that it was getting dark, we discussed and checked in at the hotel at the foot of the mountain.

Put the luggage into the guest room and the family came to the open-air restaurant for dinner.

This hotel has a lot of special wild vegetables, and a lot of seafood is also a specialty of G city. However, considering Niu Niu's foot injury, we didn't order any seafood.

Niuniu is very sorry. There are five members in her family who love seafood very much.

"Mommy, you can have whatever you want. I can have something else."

But Letong didn't take her advice, just ordered some wild vegetables and light special food.

Even Xiaobao, who is usually the most greedy, doesn't express any opinions on mummy's decision. During the waiting time, Xiaobao begins to gossip about what everyone has made in the red cloth.

"Since it's a wish, you can't say it, it's not effective to say it." In a word, Dabao killed all the eight trigrams of Xiaobao.

At first, Niuniu blamed herself for dragging everyone down with no special seafood. When the dishes were served, she found that the dishes made in this hotel were excellent in appearance and taste. Niuniu's remorse and regret gradually diminished.

Basically, all of them are food eaters. They eat with great relish. In three or four dishes, one is not enough and another is added repeatedly.

At the end of the meal, Letong showed the title of president of Jida and told the waiter that she wanted to meet the chef.

The manager thought that he had offended the master and led the chef to come.

The whole family is not stingy with their compliments, which makes the manager and the head chef happy. Then, Letong asks for advice modestly, hoping that the head chef can disclose the materials and methods of these dishes.

The chef and the manager immediately explained the materials and methods without reservation. Ji Dabao, who had been prepared for a long time, took out his mobile phone and photographed the process of the chef's explanation.

Back in the deluxe guest room, Xiao Bao, who is sweating, is kicked to take a bath. Dabao and Ji Rui go out to the convenience store to make up for the materials consumed today. The wounded Niu Niu and Letong sit on the sofa and watch the food class video taken by Dabao.

Looking at it, Niuniu suddenly said to Letong, "Mommy, I also want to learn how to cook."

Letong is very strange. After all, little girls haven't shown any interest in this aspect for such a long time. It's Dabao who comes into the kitchen from time to time to help himself. He can make a lot of home-made dishes, and the taste is not bad. Ji Rui often says that Dabao's cooking skills are genetically different.

"Well? Why do you want to learn how to cook? Our little princess is not afraid of dirty? Don't you think the lampblack is too thick? "

In the eyes of Letong and even the whole Ji family, Niuniu is a big lady who doesn't touch yangchunshui. Of course, she loves cooking, and no one stops her. She doesn't love it, and no one forces her. Anyway, there is no shortage of cooking people in the Ji family.

"It's not dirty! I think you enjoy it. I think the dishes made by mommy are better than those made by the chef and aunt Guan in the hotel. Daddy, brother and Xiaobao all like the dishes made by mommy. I want to cook them for you myself, just like mommy. "

Niuniu's words touched Letong. Looking at her girl like daughter, she felt the joy and melancholy of my family's growing up.

"Well, now learn to cook for us, and later, you can cook for your dear family!" Letong can't help teasing the little girl.

"Mommy! What are you talking about? "

Niuniu is ridiculed by Letong and turns red. Ji Rui and Dabao come back with several bags of supplies. Seeing Niuniu's abnormal face, Dabao stares at her with concern.

"Niuniu, why are you so red? Do you have a fever?" Then he dropped a few bags of things and stepped over in three steps, holding the sofa in one hand and stroking Niu Niu's forehead in the other.

He has been thinking about Niu Niu's wound in his heart. He bought some anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics at the convenience store just now.

Niu Niu pushed away his hand unnaturally, and her eyes dodged. She didn't open her face to the terrace. "Brother, I don't have a fever. It's too stuffy in the room."

Dabao could not be easily fooled. She took out the thermometer and let her keep it in her mouth. When she saw that the temperature detected was normal, she turned to pick up the supplies she had bought.