Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 671

"Brother, shall I sing you a song?"

Niuniu, in order to relieve her brother's tiredness, finally thought of a way to distract her attention.


In Dabao's memory, Niuniu was fond of singing when she was a child. In particular, she liked to pester him to teach her some foreign nursery rhymes, especially the French song "Butterfly".

She was a little girl with pigtails. At that time, she always liked to stay in his arms and let him play the role of the grandfather in the song, while she played the role of the little girl in the song seriously.

At that time, she was innocent and lively.

However, since she began to learn the violin, her interest seems to have shifted to the violin, and her enthusiasm for singing has become a thing of the past.

"I haven't heard you sing for a long time."

The corner of Dabao's mouth rose slightly. He thought that Niuniu's voice might have changed, so he didn't dare to sing any more. But he was her brother. No matter how good or bad she sang, he would surely support her.

Niu Niu cleared her throat and began to sing slowly.

Who when I feel desolate


They taught me that I was totally willing

Share the rain in my heart

Who is it when I fall to the ground

Stay and never leave me

Arm bending does not disappear with support

Light up a cold day

It's all you. It's all you

Do you know if I can get you

How can I be blessed

It's all up to you to stare at me

Don't give up on yourself


To Dabao's surprise, Niuniu's voice is very melodious and clean, just like the flowing spring in a mountain stream. Combined with her lyrics, Dabao imitates the appearance of seeing a barefoot girl standing on the clear stream, singing softly to the person she attaches most importance to.

"Niu Niu, you sing so well!"

Dabao sincerely praises that he doesn't know much about music, but from the perspective of enjoyment, he thinks that the degree of enjoyment brought by this song is no less than those of today's heavenly kings.

"Really?" Dabao's praise obviously made Niuniu very useful.

"Of course, what's the name of this song? It's very nice!" Dabao asked for advice with an open mind.

"This song is called 'day by day'. It's a Cantonese song. I think the lyrics are very well written..." Niu Niu's explanation made Dabao slowly recall the lyrics that little girl mumbled just now.

"What's the meaning of this song?" Dabao seems to have some expectations.

"Brother, don't you think this song is like you and me?"

Little girl mentioned that Dabao put the role of himself and Niuniu into the lyrics. Except that the song is about the relationship between lovers, which is not consistent with him and Niuniu, the previous paragraph is really appropriate.

"Well, it's quite like that." Dabao nodded in agreement.

"When did you learn this song? Why didn't I hear you sing it?"

He hadn't heard her singing at home for a long time, of course.

"Everyone in the class can sing, so I learned it."

"Like singing very much?"

Dabao suddenly came up with an idea, Niuniu's voice, if let star control find out, I'm afraid it will be excavated to release records.

"I only hum a few words once in a while, but I don't like it very much." Niu Niu talks on Dabao's back, as if forgetting the fact that she is carried and her brother is tired.

"Yes? If you really like it, you can ask some vocal music teachers to give you lessons. "

Dabao doesn't want Niuniu to become famous. He just supports Niuniu unconditionally to choose the way she likes to live.

"Forget it, I want to concentrate on learning violin and singing, just as a pastime."

I don't know when, Niuniu has grown into a girl with her own ideas.

"Well, if you want to change your mind, you can always tell your brother that no matter what you want to do, as long as you feel happy, your brother will support you unconditionally."

Dabao doesn't know how much suffering he will suffer and how much compromise he will make for his promise in the near future!

"Thank you, brother!"

Brother and sister walked and chatted. Unconsciously, they climbed to the top of the mountain.

When Dabao carries Niuniu on his back to the small stand where his family is camping, the world he looks at is like another world he doesn't know.

The altitude of this mountain is not very high, but I don't know whether it's due to the weather or the water vapor in the mountains. The hills between the peaks are shrouded by clouds. The layers of pure white and the emerald green in the mountains are set off, and the fog and steam are rising, which makes him feel like he is in a fairyland.

Dabao is looking at the beautiful scenery. Niu Niu, who is supported by Ji Rui and Letong and sits down, is also attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of her. She picks up the camera and clicks.

"Mr. Ji, we have another photographer in our family!"

Letong pours fruit juice for several children while joking with Ji Rui.

"Yes, our Ji family is full of businessmen. Niuniu's existence has improved the style of our Ji family."

Letong is responsible for pouring juice for several children, but Ji Rui pours half a glass of red wine for himself and Letong.

Dabao looked at Xiaobao and said with a smile, "Xiaobao, why don't you learn some elegant skills, so that Daddy, the smelly businessman, can have some elegant style."

Xiaobao didn't refuse. He said solemnly, "OK, I'll go to martial arts school in junior high school."

Le Tong laughs!

"Ha ha, Xiao Bao, are you teasing us, or are you serious?"

Xiao Bao takes half a cup of juice and wipes it with his hand. He says innocently.

"I only know such elegant skills..."

Ji Rui and Dabao were also amused by him, "OK, you can learn anything. Don't listen to your brother's nonsense."

Ji Rui, of course, knows that his youngest son is just a joke.

"Hee hee..." Xiaobao didn't say anything more. She moved the juice to Niuniu and looked at the picture captured by the camera.

"Do you want something to eat, Dabao? When you have enough rest, we'll walk in the temple. "

A family of five came up with a big backpack with drinks, snacks and fruits, which filled the stone table in front of them.

"Niuniu, have some fruit."

Later, along the way, Niuniu almost never stopped talking. I guess she was thirsty.


Niuniu's eyes are still staring at the camera, but her face turns around, opens her mouth, and accurately takes the fruit that Dabao sent to her mouth.

"Aren't you more thirsty?" Letong laughingly looks at her son. Niuniu is carried, and her son is responsible for carrying. Who is thirsty? Isn't it clear?

How come you're thirsty?

"Niuniu said all the way, but she never stopped talking. She must be thirsty!" Dabao's mind seems to be all on Niuniu. Whether he is thirsty or not is not in his mind at all.

[Note: the song is "day by day" by wing Chi Leung]