Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 667

"Brother, I heard my elder martial sister speak ill of me today..."

Dabao Yu's mood disappeared because of Niuniu's words.

Originally, she is not for him, so for those who do not have trouble, it seems that they really want more!

Dabao lit a candle silently for his behavior that he always deviated inexplicably on the issue of Niuniu recently!

After a sigh of relief, Dabao began to think about Niu Niu's words with some depression and disappointment. After pondering over it, Dabao once again doubts whether his love and protection for Niuniu over the years has gone too far.

Dabao can't remember, except for his parents and a few close relatives, when he began to get along with people.

But even if he can't remember the specific date, he can still be sure that outsiders, he basically won't have the full worship and trust like Niuniu.

"So, Niuniu is disappointed? Or do you feel sad? "

This little girl is probably too well protected by herself and her family. She has no heart to guard against the people and things around her, and has no heart and instinct to understand the essence of things.

"Well..." Niuniu subconsciously shakes to Dabao's side, as if to seek some comfort and comfort.

Dabao looked at her listless appearance, sighed in his heart, patted his thigh, "Niuniu, come here."

Xiaoya's head looks like a well-trained dog. She immediately stands up, walks over obediently and sits on his lap with her back to Dabao.

"Do you think they matter?"

Dabao hands a ring, very naturally the little girl circle in his arms.

Niuniu thought, "well... They are elder martial sisters..."

"Do you think you are important to them?"

Niuniu turns to see Dabao, her eyes are all at a loss.

"I... I don't know..." she thought it was important before, but after tonight, she was not sure.

Dabao gently rubbed her hair with her chin. "Silly girl, feelings are mutual. You think they are important, and they also think you are important. This is equal and worth paying. If you only think the other party is important, you should think about it carefully. Do you want to see the other party so important again? Otherwise, you will be sad. Do you know? "

From the moment Dabao took Niuniu out of the woods, he wanted to give all the best things to the poor little thing.

But now, he found that the best he thought might not be the best for Niuniu.

In his childhood, before he recognized his mother, he didn't really have many happy days. His childlike temperament had already been worn away in the battle of wits and bravery with Mrs. Ji and his aunts and uncles.

Therefore, he didn't want Niuniu to come into contact with the darkness and filth of rich families as early as she did, and he didn't want her to taste the helplessness and hardship of society too early.

But he forgot that she was not a pet like big grey and big black. She couldn't hide in Ji's house all her life.

He and his family protected her so well that her beautiful and clear eyes saw beautiful and warm pictures.

Therefore, when she came into contact with her elder martial sister's duplicitous face, she could not accept the gap and was disappointed and sad.

"Niuniu knows, but she is still very sad..."

Niu Niu hung her head and played with her fingers in frustration.

Dabao opened her palm and wrapped her hand in it. "It will pass slowly..."

He had never been hurt in friendship, except in family. Therefore, he could not understand how bad her mood was at this time.

But can't understand, doesn't mean he can ignore Niu Niu's sad.

After a long silence, Niu Niu suddenly asked sadly, "brother, can't anyone really treat Niu Niu except you?"

By you, she meant the relatives of the Ji family.

"Of course not! You see, brother Zai, don't you have such good friends as brother Zhihao and brother Weiqi? " Dabao tried to appease her.

"But at school, except Xiaobao, I have no good friends. In the orchestra, the elder martial sisters... They treat me very well. Originally, they are not sincere."

Most people have the idea of hating the rich.

The better a person is, the fewer friends he has. Especially for children with such a background as Ji family, there are very few friends who can really make friends.

Of course, Niuniu should be the most inconspicuous child in Ji's family. But put her in the school, she is an excellent girl full of light.

It's not easy for such a person to have a few sincere friends. In particular, Niu Niu is a girl with no intention. Even if she has a good feeling for some of her classmates, she probably doesn't know what to fight for properly.

"Niuniu, you can't force your feelings. You don't have good friends now, just because you haven't met them yet. Do you forget that my brother met Zhihao in junior high school?"

At this time, Dabao is very glad that he and Yin Zhihao got to know each other late. Otherwise, I really don't know what textbook to use to guide the little girl.

"Well..." Niu Niu's tone didn't sound relieved.

"Silly girl, my brother and Xiao Bao will always be with you."

Family and friendship, of course, it's better to have both, but in Niu Niu's heart, it's obvious that family is much more important than friendship.

Because, Dabao's words let her take a long breath, and then, very relaxed, she leaned back and leaned comfortably in Dabao's arms, squinting at the starry night sky.

"Well, daddy, Mommy, brother Xiaobao will always accompany me... Just like I will always accompany you, right? Brother

Dabao's palm was on her forehead, and her slender fingertips gently rubbed her hair and her eyebrow line.

"Yes, we will always be with you, and you will always be with us."

At this time Dabao thought that no matter what happened in the future, Niuniu would always be her favorite sister.

Niu Niu, nestled in Dabao's arms, suddenly remembered something, "brother..."


"Last night, elder martial sister Yuhan and elder martial sister Xinyu asked me for your QQ number and phone number. I didn't tell them. Don't you blame me?"

Niuniu didn't intend to say it, but she felt that cheating her brother was hard on her conscience.

Although she doesn't want the two elder martial sisters to have any contact with her brother, she can't interfere with the scope and choice of her brother's friends with her own preferences and thoughts, can she?

Niu Niu feels guilty and is ready to be scolded by her brother.

Unexpectedly, Dabao said faintly, "Oh, you did a good job!"