Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 668

Niu Niu is a little curious, "what a pity?"

Dabao gently pedals the swing, is still light indifferent tone, "what's a pity?"

"Elder martial sister is very beautiful..." Niu Niu's words are a little sour.

"Fool, no one is as beautiful as our girl! What's more, if Niuniu doesn't like people, he won't like them either! "

Niuniu was completely relieved. She was close to Dabao and swung around with the swing.


October holiday is the season of autumn.

Originally, the three children, who always wore small waistcoats and shorts at home, changed into short sleeve T-shirts and jeans, wore sneakers on their feet, wore a cap on their head, and dressed in the same color and style. The five members of the family came out and drove to the city where the kite festival was held.

Ji Rui and Letong specially took a five-day holiday, plus a Saturday and Sunday holiday. They had a week at their disposal. The weather was fine and the temperature was moderate. The whole family was not in a hurry to watch the kite. They walked and stopped all the way. They had fun and stopped to eat and drink when they saw delicious food. They had enough to eat and then set off. They went and stopped to eat and drink all the way to G City, where the kite festival was held, It's the third day of the holiday.

In sum, the last time the family went on a trip, it was a May holiday. That time, they went to the southernmost island, surfed, ate seafood, and played for a whole week.

On the day of going to G City, it was already noon. Dabao found a special restaurant for dinner according to the food promotion program. The food came up, and everyone discussed the next trip while eating.

Dabao opened the map on his iPad and found that the place where he was eating was a famous mountain in G city. He had planned to climb this famous mountain, but the original plan was to watch the kite. Now that he was nearby, Dabao suggested climbing after dinner and visiting the wind zither festival tomorrow.

The whole family had no objection. After dinner, they drove to the foot of the mountain, carried the water and snacks they needed, and walked up the stone steps.

Ji Rui is in his forties this year, but he has always been in excellent shape and health. Letong's health is not bad, but her physical strength is not as good as that of men. Therefore, Ji Rui, who has excellent physical strength, specially slows down the pace of climbing the mountain in order to take care of Letong.

Dabao's condition is similar to his father's. The scenery on the mountain is very beautiful. Niuniu walks with her camera and keeps snapping. Dabao, the elder brother, can't bear to stop her. He just acts as a flower protector all the time. He looks after Niuniu all the way. In addition to helping her from time to time, he has to remind her not to look around and forget to look at the road.

Niuniu knew it, but she didn't look at the stone steps at all. Instead, she looked around, and her SLR kept moving with the beautiful scenery.

On the contrary, Xiaobao, the youngest, is like a little monkey. He is the youngest and has nothing to worry about, so he jumps fastest and happily.

"Brother, look at the fruit on that tree. It's strange!"

Niu Niu looks up and points to the big tree searched by the camera. Dabao looks at it with her fingers, but his eyes don't have the function of narrowing the camera. Where can I see it!

"I can't see it! You take a picture. Let's go to the hotel in the evening and have a look. "

Dabao didn't have much curiosity about these plants. In order not to spoil the little girl's interest, he had to say so.

But Niuniu can't change her habit of sharing strange things with her brother. She tugs at Dabao and asks him to look behind the camera lens.

Dabao has no choice but to follow her wishes, but the camera lens size is limited. When Dabao comes, Niuniu has to step back.

She just showed her brother the strange fruit in the camera. She completely forgot that she was standing on the stone steps. She stepped back and stepped on her feet.


Step on the air, Niuniu instinctively screamed, Dabao stood beside her, was scared, out of instinct, a long hand fishing, eager to hold Niuniu's back.

Even though she was so hasty and quick, she was still a step late. Niuniu's foot was still on the original step, one of her feet knocked to the side of the step, and then fell on the next step again.

Ji Rui, who is six or seven levels away from his brother and sister, hears the cry and takes several steps up in a hurry. From below, he holds Niuniu in one hand and pulls the tree trunk beside the stone steps. Only then can the brother and sister have a firm foothold.

"Niuniu, did you hurt your foot?" Ji Rui and Dabao hold Niuniu on the stone steps at the same time.

Niuniu frowned. It seems that she was hurt.

Dabao squatted down, knelt on the stone steps, pulled up her trousers, and saw that her white socks were dyed red.

Dabao could not help frowning, "does it hurt?"

Then she took off her shoes and peeled off her bloody socks.

At this time, Letong has also followed up, take down the backpack and take out the medicine box from inside.

"Daddy and Mommy, I'm here!" Xiaobao, completely invisible, cried out in the distance.

Le Tong pulls a voice to return him, "elder sister hurt foot, come down first."

Soon, Xiao Bao jumped down.

At this time, Dabao had already washed Niuniu's bruised wound, sprinkled some hemostatic drugs and applied gauze.

"The ankle seems to be a little swollen..." after dealing with the bleeding wound, the big treasure at the tip of the eye found that the little girl's ankle was slightly red and swollen.

Ji Rui lifted up the foot of Niu Niu and looked at it carefully. Then she pressed it close, and saw Niu Niu bitten her lips to show her painful expression. "It is estimated that it is sprayed. First, spray some analgesic and stasis removing sprays."

To help Niuniu deal with the wound, the family discussed whether to go directly down the mountain or continue to go up the mountain.

"It's all right. It doesn't hurt much. Keep going up the mountain."

Niuniu doesn't want to spoil everyone's interest. In addition, she is a sensible girl and knows that it's not easy for her family to come out for a visit.

With that, he stood up like nobody else and was about to go up the mountain.

It was afternoon, and the family was about three-quarters of the way up the mountain. There was still a quarter of the way to the top of the mountain. It was really hard to get down like this.

The reason why this mountain is so famous is that there is an ancient temple with a history of thousands of years on the top of the mountain.

But Niuniu's feet, if she goes up the mountain, might be useless.

Ji Rui and Letong know this very well.

"Go down the mountain. We have time anyway. We can come back next time." Le Tong made a decision.

Niu Niu, who is usually very obedient, is stubborn. "Mommy, I'm fine. I want to go to see the ancient temple!"

Her small face is full of supplication and expectation, which puts Letong in a dilemma.

Letong looks at President Ji, the head of the family, and is ready to throw the problem to him. However, she hears her eldest son say, "OK, let's continue to go up the mountain."

Just as Letong wanted to stop her, he saw Dabao squatting down in front of Niuniu, and then turned to order Niuniu, "Niuniu, come up, brother back to you!"