Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 666

"Sihan, your daddy is so handsome!"

"Sihan, your brother is like your father."

"Sihan, your father is very kind and envious of you..."

The members of the orchestra gathered in twos and threes in front of Niu Niu, saying compliments that I don't know whether they were sincere or fake.

Niuniu took a glass of juice, bit the straw and listened quietly without saying a word. It's not that she is so lofty, but these words are meaningless. She pondered for a while and didn't know how to respond.

Do you really want her to say arrogantly, "yes, my father is so handsome and my brother is so handsome. I envy you to death!"

Several girls chirped for a while, surrounded by the heroine has been nothing to do with their own leisure like, gradually, the excitement receded, leaving a few embarrassed laughter and silence.

Niuniu drinks too much juice. She goes to the bathroom. When she comes back, she overhears someone on the other side of the screen saying, "hum, what are you pulling? Are you looking down on people just because you are miss Ji?"

"Rain cold, don't be sour. If you have such a powerful father and brother, you can't be more than ten thousand times as good as her."

Niu Niu is very glad that she refused the two elder martial sisters' inquiries in principle last night. Just thinking about these two girls wandering around big brother Bao, I feel sick.

Ji Rui comes to pick up his baby daughter at ten o'clock. After getting on the bus, he finds that the girl who usually talks a lot is silent all the way. He can't help but feel strange.

"Niuniu, didn't you have a good time?"

Ji Rui touches his daughter's head. Although he doesn't know much about the children's psychology, he can still tell whether he is happy or not. In particular, Niuniu is a girl who puts everything on her face, completely different from her brother Dabao's introverted temperament.

Niu Niu is really not happy. She has been annoyed that she has read the wrong person all night. She has been in the band for so long, and today she finds that the two elder martial sisters she adores are actually the two hypocritical little people of the past.

"Well..." Niu leans on Ji Rui subconsciously.

Although Ji Rui doesn't spend as much time with her as Dabao does, and even she is a little afraid of him when she is serious, her intuition tells her that Daddy, like her brother, mummy and Xiaobao, is a person she can rely on.

"Someone bullied Niuniu?"

Ji Rui, a father, doesn't have much chance to ask. After all, Dabao and Xiaobao are both super effective people. They don't have to worry about being bullied.

"It's not..." Niuniu shakes her head. She can't understand the chagrin in her heart. Is it because of disappointment or because of being cheated or bullied.

Ji Rui thinks he's not very good at it, and he can't get anything out of his daughter's mouth. When he gets home, he follows Letong, who is going to serve dessert, into the kitchen. He says that his daughter is not very happy today, so he asks her to take it easy.

Unexpectedly, when a pair of worried parents came out of the kitchen, Xiaobao was left alone in the living room.

"Where are your brothers and sisters?" Letong put the tray on the tea table and looked around, but there was no sign of another pair of children.

Xiao Bao nuzui toward the yard, "it's outside."

"I don't think it's my business." Yue Tong said, pulled Ji Rui to sit down, and asked Xiao Bao to eat while it was hot.

Outside the yard, brother and sister sat side by side on the swing. Dabao's legs are long, and his long legs stretch out in front of the swing, while Niuniu pushes her toes on the ground, and the swing swings gently with her movements.

Dabao could feel his sister's depression, but as she grew up, he did not dare to ask directly, so he had to pull her out to sit down. Thinking that most of the little girls could not hold their words in front of him, he waited for her to speak quietly.

The waiting process is a bit dull. Dabao's bored toes intentionally or unintentionally lift the fine sand on the ground and accidentally pile up into a heart shape.

Niu Niu, who had been swinging for a while, couldn't help asking.

"Brother, what kind of girl do you like?"

In the angle that Niu Niu couldn't see, Dabao frowned slightly, rarely asked in an impatient tone.

"Why do you ask this?"

Because Niuniu didn't want to go with her, Dabao thought a lot later. After thinking about it, he could not help thinking about what Xiaobao said and the information he saw on the Internet.

Although my mother once said very firmly that Niuniu would not look up to other boys, it seems that two of the 14-year-old boys in the band are really good-looking. The most important thing is that they are also very attentive to Niuniu.

Of course, Niuniu has been spoiled and protected by herself and her family since she was a child. That kind of hospitality can't make a difference at all. But if a boy really lets Niuniu see it right, that kind of hospitality will be fatal.

Dabao thought about a lot of things at home. He was so anxious that he felt like he was on fire. He had to fight with the instructor for several times. Dabao, who won and lost, was sweating a lot. His irritability had to be calmed down temporarily.

But when Niu Niu asked, his sweat seemed to be in vain, and his restlessness, which had been suppressed for a short time, came out again.

Niu Niu, when she asks such a question, just hopes to hear from her brother that the image of the girl he likes is opposite to that of the two elder martial sisters. She thought simply, just to appease her inner uneasiness.

"I want to know..." Niuniu can hear that Dabao is not very happy, but she can't figure out where her words make him angry again, so she feels aggrieved.

Dabao, however, thinks that she is inquiring about what kind of girls boys like. After all, he is the only one she can learn from, isn't he?

It's said that a woman is the one who pleases herself. She doesn't want to find out something from him and then try to please other boys, does she?

So, when he heard Niu Niu's question, he almost blurted out "I like your type", but he held back when the words came to his mouth.

He was afraid that if the little girl knew how popular she was, she would accept the kindness of a boy with the right eyes!

At this time, Dabao even began to hate why he was not Xiaobao, so that he could always follow Niuniu no matter when he went to school or at any time.

For the first time in his life, Dabao had the impulse to turn a little girl into a little Thumbelina and hold her pocket firmly so that no one could see her.

"Niuniu, it doesn't matter what kind of girl my brother likes."

Dabao felt that she had been bypassed by the little girl. When she came back, she knew that she was not very happy. She just wanted to enlighten her, not to block him.

"Tell my brother, why not?"

To this wench, or really shouldn't zigzag around so far, have words to say directly, she can understand.

"Brother, I heard my elder martial sister speak ill of me today..."