Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 665

In this competition, the orchestra won the silver award of the group, and Niuniu won the third prize of the junior group of the individual group.

One of her two elder martial sisters won the first prize in the youth group, and the other won the second prize.

On the way back to r city, the bus was very busy, and more than ten and a half year old children were shouting to celebrate with their bonus.

This is a provincial-level competition with high prestige. It has been held for more than ten times in a row, and the gold content is very high. Therefore, even Mr. Fan, who has always been calm and self-supporting, looks at the members of the league with a smile and does not stop them. He seems not to object to the idea of celebrating.

Dabao has already called Letong after Niuniu won the prize. Letong excitedly yells that the whole family will celebrate tonight. Therefore, Dabao is not willing to choose today as the time for the orchestra to celebrate.

Seeing what teacher fan wanted to say, Dabao said quickly.

"Mr. Fan, everyone is very tired today. If you want to celebrate, it's better to change tomorrow."

The boys in the band who are several years older than Niuniu take good care of Niuniu. Before, he didn't realize it. This time he was with Niuniu, he could see it clearly.

In other people's eyes, the boy's special care of delivering paper towels and water may only be a manifestation of caring for his younger martial sister, but in Dabao's eyes, he sees different intentions.

In fact, he knows that as Niu Niu grows up, she will have her own social circle and interpersonal communication, including this kind of boy who has nothing to do and is gallant, which she must learn to deal with. Therefore, even if he is very uncomfortable with those boys, he doesn't object to the celebration, because with him watching, those boys can't make any difference. But time, he felt that he had to be behind his family.

I don't know whether it's his parents' subtle influence or Dabao's own idea. He always thinks that whenever he is happy, he should first share it with his family, not with outsiders who are not important.

Teacher fan looked at more than ten faces on the bus. Although they were all in high spirits, they could not cover up the fatigue under the excitement.

"Yes, we are really tired. If we go home today and have a good rest, and come out to celebrate tomorrow night, I will have some time to prepare."

So the celebration was settled.

That night, Niuniu and her family celebrated happily at home. She turned on the computer and wanted to check some learning materials to make up for today's homework. As soon as she went online, she set up QQ with automatic login mode, and her avatar flashed all the time.

"Sihan, what's your brother's QQ number? Can you tell me? I want to apply for r university. I want to ask him some questions

This is a message from sun Yuhan, the first prize winner.

Niu Niu didn't have time to reply, and another picture flashed up. This time, it was Gu Xinyu, the elder martial sister who won the second prize.

"Sihan, can you tell me your brother's telephone number? My sister is in the same department with him and wants to ask about his graduation internship. "

Niu Niu stares at the two messages on the screen and sends them for a while. She silently raises her eyelids and takes a look at the busy Dabao sitting on the opposite side, knocking on the keyboard.

As if telepathic, Dabao's hand stopped and looked up at his sister. His thick black and pretty eyebrows picked. He seemed to ask Niuniu what happened.

Niu Niu shakes her head and looks at the screen again.

From the beginning of her memory, she was particularly averse to asking her about her brother, but she never mentioned it to others.

And she has not been cured of this problem, and even can be said that as she grows older and more serious.

And just now with Dabao look at each other, more firm her heart some ideas.

"Elder martial sister, my brother has Internet phobia. He doesn't play QQ and doesn't have other Internet contact tools." This is in reply to sun Yuhan.

"Elder martial sister, my brother has been closed to write his thesis during this period of time. His telephone and all contact information have stopped. I'm sorry, I can't help you." This is in reply to Gu Xinyu.

Then, in order to avoid the two people asking again and again, without waiting for the other party to respond, she copied two identical messages and sent them out.

"I'm tired. Go to bed first. Good night, elder martial sister."

Then, immediately off the line.

At the party the next night, Niu Niu insisted for the first time not to let Dabao go with her.

Big treasure strange, before this little girl is eager to eat and sleep with her, go out is always love to stick to him, today this is a turn?

But no matter what Dabao asked, Niuniu just refused to tell the real reason. She only said that she had grown up and didn't need her brother to follow her step by step.

Dabao was a little lost, thinking that the little girl might be in the rebellious period, or maybe she really grew up, and no longer needed his brother to stand in the way.

But since his younger sister insisted that she didn't need him to accompany him, he was not reluctant. Even sending Niuniu to the celebration site was driven by Ji Rui himself.

The location of the celebration party is about 20 minutes' drive away from Ji's home. It's an elegant and quiet western restaurant with one or two floors.

The bonus of the group is not too much. Teacher fan originally planned to use the bonus to make up for it. But Ji Rui, a father, heard that they were going to have a celebration party, so he asked Xiao Li to wrap up the second floor of the western restaurant. The cost of the booking already included the drinks and food of the party.

As a result, teacher fan, who has always been indifferent to Ji Rui, rarely takes the initiative to greet him and expresses his thanks again and again.

"Mr. Fan, you are so polite. Sihan has been able to stick to it all these years because of your careful teaching. This time, she also won a prize and gave me a lot of face. The restaurant was opened by a friend and gave me a discount. It didn't cost much. Just have a good time. "

Ji Rui greets with teacher fan. Sun Yuhan and Gu Xinyu have already talked about Niu Niu, and their eyes sweep behind her.

"Sihan, your brother didn't come with you today?"

Sun Yuhan's voice is not big, but Ji Rui hears it clearly. When he glances at the two girls, they are about seventeen or eighteen years old. They are good-looking, but they are still far behind their beautiful daughter.

"No, my brother is not free. It's from my father."

Ji Rui feels strange in his heart. It's Niu Niu who insists on not letting Dabao send it. How can it be that her Dabao brother has no time?

Of course, Ji Rui, a father, didn't want to think much about the thoughts of these teenagers. He exchanged greetings with Mr. Fan, glanced at the two girls with obvious loss, and naturally hugged Niu Niu and bent over her face to kiss her.

"Girl, daddy went back first. He'll pick you up at ten. Have a good time."

Niuniu also kisses his face, "well, thank you daddy, drive carefully!"