Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 664


Niu Niu was a little confused and gave an uncertain cry. She squinted slightly and looked at her handsome brother Dabao, who couldn't see any expression on her face at the moment.

"Well behaved, not yet, continue to sleep!"

Dabao put her hand on the back of her head and put her head on her shoulder again.

"Oh..." Niuniu leaned back to his shoulder obediently and blinked.

Dabao looked down at her and rubbed his lips against her hair. He murmured softly, "listen, close your eyes."

Niuniu opened her eyes and looked at him again. Dabao simply covered her eyes with her hand, "obedient, eh?"

Niuniu closed her eyes with peace of mind. She thought she would settle down and sleep for a while, but she heard her elder martial sister's voice again.

"Ji Yu, you are so kind to Sihan!"

Niu Niu immediately pricked up her ears and moved her body.

Dabao patted her head to appease her. Then she heard her brother's faint voice, "she's my baby sister. I'm not good to her. Am I good to others?"

It's just a very common sentence. Niuniu has heard Dabao say it many times over the years, but this time, Niuniu wants to cry.

"Ha ha, that's right. Brother is good to sister. It's a matter of justice."

Elder martial sister's words, but let Niuniu's mood suddenly like ice cave.

I didn't hear my brother's answer, but soon another elder martial sister's voice came.

"Ji Yu, you are so kind to your sister. You must be very gentle and nice to your girlfriend in the future."

Niu Niu's heart was even worse, and her body moved again. She wanted to open her eyes to see her brother's expression at this time, but her eyes were covered. Even if she opened her eyes, it was still dark.

I don't know when Niu Niu knew that she was Dabao's brother's sister. She couldn't be his girlfriend, and she couldn't marry him in the future. She remembers childhood jokes, but she won't mention them any more.

I don't know when, when I heard someone mention the girl friend to my brother, she would feel very sad.

If she could, she wanted to leave her brother and hide in the back of the car. She didn't want to hear a word about her brother's girlfriend!

"Would you please be quiet? Xiao Han didn't sleep well last night. Let her have a good sleep! "

Dabao was very polite, but Niuniu could tell that he was a little upset.

Inexplicably feel warm heart, just those bad taste and uncomfortable, suddenly kicked away.

Sleepiness hit, Niu Niu soon fell asleep in the past.

Along the way, Niu Niu was sleeping soundly, and it was quiet around her. She was no longer chatting in her ear like before.

When Niu Niu woke up, she unexpectedly found herself half lying in her seat with her head resting on Dabao's thigh. There was no sound around her. She couldn't even hear the sound of the car when it was driving.

Niu Niu sat up and said, "wake up?", Dabao's face came over and the tip of his nose gently rubbed her forehead.

"Well..." Niuniu rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand, slightly raised her body and looked around. There was no one else in the car except her and Dabao. No wonder it was so quiet.

"What about the others?"

Dabao held her waist and said, "we arrived early. We have two hours to leave. There is an art exhibition in the art museum. Mr. Fan and others went to see the exhibition."

Niu Niu Oh, lowered her head and pulled her clothes, "brother, why don't you wake me up?"

"What do you do to wake you up? I don't like painting exhibitions. It just makes you sleep a little longer. Do you want to see it? "

Dabao didn't know when he came out with a wet towel from his backpack. He helped Niu Niu wipe her face.

Niu Niu is no longer a child of several years old. She pulls the wet towel a little bit, "brother, I'll do it myself."

Dabao ignored her and made fun of her while wiping her.

"Tut, what are you shy about? What haven't you seen, brother? I wipe your face and blush... "

Niuniu blinked two times, then lowered her eyes. She didn't dare to look at brother Dabao's teasing and smiling eyes.

"Such a beautiful girl, my brother really wants to pull a veil for you to wear."

Dabao's mouth seemed to speak unconsciously, and his fingers holding a wet towel gently brushed the little girl's delicate eyebrows, high nose, tender and crimson face

"Elder brother..." Niuniu cried out with annoyance, with a hint of coquetry. After hearing this, Dabao knew that the little girl was asking for mercy.

"Well, well, brother doesn't say anything. However, anyone who has such a beautiful sister will worry as much as I do! "

Dabao said half true and half false. He couldn't help kissing Niuniu on the tip of her nose. Then he pulled Niuniu's body and forced her to turn her back to himself.

"Turn your head and I'll comb it for you."

Niuniu had the experience and lessons before, and she didn't argue with him any more. She sat on the seat obediently, and let Dabao pick up the comb.

"Is it OK to comb the ponytail?"

In most competitions or performances, the female members of Niuniu's band are mostly groomed.


Niu Niu sat straight, her eyes fixed on the window.

In the car window, the image of Dabao combing her horse's tail skillfully was reflected, which was not very clear. However, Niuniu could see clearly the expression of Dabao's excessive concentration.


I don't know why, Niuniu suddenly remembered the words of the two elder martial sisters just now, and she faintly wanted to know.

"Huh?" Dabao did not stop. He snorted from his nostrils.

Niu Niu licked her lips unnaturally. Finally, she summoned up the courage to ask.

"The elder martial sister said that you will be very kind and considerate to your girlfriend in the future. In the future, will you help your girlfriend braid her hair?"

Niu Niu finally asked, holding her breath and looking at the glass window, the young girl, somehow, did not have the courage to face her favorite brother Dabao.

Dabao took a deep look at her and thought for a while before returning to her.

"No, my brother can only do these things for Niuniu!"

Hearing the answer, Niu Niu breathed a long breath, turned around and put her arm around Dabao's neck naturally.


Dabao obviously didn't expect Niuniu to ask back. He was stunned and lowered his head. He put his forehead gently against her forehead and said with a smile.

"No why, no, no!"

To really ask why, Dabao has no clear reason in his mind. He doesn't exclude combing people's hair, but there are only two candidates, one is Mommy, the other is Niuniu.

As for Niu Niu's girlfriend, he didn't even have a picture in his mind!