Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 663

Niuniu's subtle and subtle reaction, others may easily ignore the past, but it didn't escape Dabao's eyes.

Dabao looked thoughtfully at Xiaobao, who was still dancing happily, and moved to Niuniu without any trace.

"What do you think, Niu Niu? Is it boring you? "

At ordinary times, Dabao seldom mentions work in front of his younger brother and sister. Today, he just said it casually. Unexpectedly, just a few words made the girl think too much.

Niuniu pursed her mouth and shook her head. She looked at Xiaobao and thought deeply in her eyes.

Dabao pondered for a while, and then looked at her depressed appearance. He vaguely understood her mind. He raised his hand and rubbed her curly hair, which had just been washed and was not completely dry. He lowered his head and rubbed it. The faint fragrance of the hair immediately came to the tip of his nose.

"Silly girl, do you want to come to the company, too?"

Niu Niu looked up at him in surprise, first nodded and then shook her head.

"Why, do you want to or don't you want to?" Dabao asked gently with a smile in his eyes.

Niuniu shook her head firmly this time. "No, Niuniu is not Xiaobao. Niuniu is stupid and can't help!"

Eleven year old Niuniu, I don't know when she began to have this cognition.

Dabao was stunned for a moment. He only guessed that Xiaobao was not happy because Xiaobao wanted to go to the company to help, but he didn't guess the deeper real reason.

"Who said Niuniu was stupid? Take out your violin and let Xiao Bao play us a tune. Will it scare us to death? "

Dabao's point is to tell Niuniu that everyone's excellence and talent are different. Some people have high IQ and may be suitable for business. Some people have ordinary IQ but can be better than others in other aspects, such as art.

But obviously, Niu Niu at this time is more committed to IQ problems.

"Xiaobao is smart, younger than me, but he can help his brother." Niu Niu's expression was a little gloomy. I could see that she was very concerned.

In addition to his stupid mind, but also mind that he did not have a smart head like Xiaobao, no way to help his brother.

Sitting on the other side of the sofa, Letong listens to the conversation between her son and daughter.

"Niuniu, do you think Xiaobao wants to help his brother? He's just playing."

Although Le Tong's words are somewhat biased, they are not all wrong.

Xiaobao is still young, but he likes to play games and all kinds of exciting things. He says he wants to go to the subsidiary company to help. He doesn't need to think about it. He just wants to take advantage of it to vent his spare energy.

What Dabao thinks is similar to what Letong thinks.

The two newly developed games in the company are aimed at boys in their teens. He originally intended to give Xiaobao a try. Just now, when he said that he would go to the company to help, he wanted to arrange for him to go to the development department and let him try the two unlisted new games. If he couldn't find fault, he would ask the engineers in the design and development department to make corresponding modifications.

So, it's OK to say Xiaobao is going to help, and it's OK to say he's going to play.

Xiaobao's clever mind, in fact, is similar to Dabao's and his mother's, but in the name of helping others to play a new game that others haven't had a chance to play.

"Xiaobao, tell your brother honestly, do you want to play a new game in the company?"

Dabao is afraid that Niuniu doesn't believe it. He turns around and asks the boy who is playing darts behind him.

"Yes! Last time, my brother asked me to play that game. It's fun, but it's too easy to pass! Don't you say that the difficulty of the revised version has increased a lot? "

Sure enough, Xiaobao's mind is all about fun and exciting games. Helping his brother is just a good way to make him promise to enter the company.

"See, brother didn't cheat you?" Dabao looks at Niuniu with some pain. I don't know how uncomfortable she is when she always lives in the shadow of Xiaobao.

"But..." what else did Niuniu want to say.

Dabao interrupted her, "next time the company develops a game suitable for girls, my brother will ask Niuniu for help, OK?"

He lowered his head and carefully braided her fluffy curly hair into two braids. He didn't expect that what he said casually made Niu Niu think so much.

Since it doesn't work to pacify her, she won't think much about it if she directly asks her to do something similar to Xiaobao.

Anyway, the company does have a plan to develop a nurturing game suitable for young girls recently.

Niuniu's eyes brightened, "really?"

Thinking that she could help her brother, the little girl was in a better mood.

"Of course it's true!"

The little girl's smiling face made Dabao have such an idea in his mind: even if the company didn't develop the idea of girls' games, he would let people develop one. As long as it can make Niuniu happy, what is a game.

Dabao doesn't think there's anything wrong with the idea. Moreover, he thinks that even if it's applied to Xiaobao, it's also applicable.

On Monday, Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi formally went to the subsidiary to report. Dabao asked them with a smile if they wanted him to accompany them to report. No surprise, they got a white eye thrown by them at the same time.

Of course, Dabao won't accompany them to check in, because on Monday, Niuniu will go to the neighboring city to participate in a music competition.

As a brother, Dabao naturally wants to go with him.

The orchestra rented a bus. Instead of specialization, Dabao and Niuniu took the bus to the neighboring city.

Teacher fan and members of the orchestra are no strangers to Dabao. Two girls of the same age sit next to him.

Niuniu sits by the window and Dabao by the aisle.

Because in addition to the repertoire of the orchestra, Niuniu also has a solo repertoire. Niuniu is probably a little nervous and didn't sleep very well last night. Not long after the car started, he fell asleep on Dabao's shoulder.

The girl on the other side of the corridor handed over some snacks, "Ji Yu, do you want to eat potato chips?"

Ji Rui is afraid to wake Niuniu. He waves his hand and says thank you to the girl with a smile.

The girl didn't know whether she was usually easy to open or forgot the fact that she didn't know Dabao very well. She pinched a potato chip and handed it to Dabao with a smile.

Dabao was startled, subconsciously don't open face, avoid the girl's hospitality, but had to explain, "sorry, I have a sore throat."

Dabao doesn't want to be too ugly, because this girl is Miss Fan's favorite student. Niuniu likes and adores her.

But he turned his face and opened his mouth, which inevitably woke Niuniu.

Niu Niu opens her bleary eyes and moves her head away from Dabao's shoulder. What's right is her elder martial sister's embarrassed smile. She is still handing out the cold potato chips in the air.