Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 660

Niu Niu was embarrassed and nodded, "well."

Dabao was a little overjoyed, but when he looked at the complicated lines on the embroidery, he suddenly thought of something. He immediately picked up the little girl's hand and turned black.

I saw the little girl's ten white fingers, each fingertip is covered with a little red traces, needless to say, it must be made when embroidery.

"Ji Sihan, don't tell me that your hand is needled like this?" Ji Dabao almost roared, and the needle seemed to pierce his heart.

At this time, Ji Dabao's mood is contradictory and complex!

On the one hand, for the little girl so hard to get so precious a birthday gift and happy!

On the one hand, but also distressed that she suffered a lot for this gift!

For a moment, he even hated how he was so sentimental. Why don't he just go to the street and buy a gift? He had to ask a little girl to get him a birthday gift!

Well, the gift is in hand, but his baby sister's hand is pierced one by one, and it's been boiling for so many days. Look at that slap face with those two dark circles, Dabao almost wanted to slap himself.

Niuniu was full of expectation to get Dabao's approval. Now, she was yelled by Dabao, and her eyes were full of timidity, "brother..."

The long eyelashes blinked twice. He did not dare to look at the black faced Dabao again. He slowly lowered his eyes and retreated towards Letong's arms behind him.

"Ji Yu, what do you mean? Niu Niu has spent so many days in order to make this birthday present for you. You don't say a word of thanks and yell at her?"

Letong's voice is not low to roar back, she is also a master of protecting the calf, but among the three children, she is never biased. After seeing Niuniu to school that day and knowing the truth, she helped Niuniu hide from her eldest son in order to let Niuniu surprise Dabao.

But now, there is a surprise, but there is no joy at all!

Thanks to her, she is often glad that her precious sons are not as puzzled as their father.

I'm afraid it's the same thing!

Dabao was yelled by his mother, and her reason came back in an instant. Then he realized that he only cared for Niuniu, but forgot to take care of her heart.

"Niu Niu, I'm sorry..." Dabao stepped forward and tried to cuddle Niu Niu.

Niu Niu raised her eyelids and looked at him in a panic. She shrunk toward Le Tong subconsciously.

It's no wonder Niuniu is so helpless. In her memory, she has grown so big. Brother Dabao always whispers to her in a warm voice. It seems to be the first time that he yells at her like this.

Dabao clearly saw the tears in the little girl's eyes, angina pectoris, secretly scolded himself in the heart, deserved it!

"Niuniu, brother, I'm sorry to see that you've made your hand like this! Will you forgive my brother? "

Dabao tried to reach for Niuniu's head and apologized softly.

Niu Niu red eyes looked at him for a few seconds, not sure to ask, "brother don't blame me?"

"Silly girl, how can my brother blame you? My brother is just so distressed that his hand hurts like this. It's very painful, isn't it? "

Dabao coaxed, grabbed Niuniu's hand, looked at it carefully, and then couldn't help kissing her.

Niuniu then slowly left Letong's arms. It seemed that she couldn't bear Dabao to blame herself. She stared at Dabao and said softly, "brother, it doesn't hurt..."

Dabao took a deep breath, approached her and gave her a kiss on the face.

"Baby, I'm sorry, brother is wrong."

Niu Niu raised her face and blinked. Her eyes, which were slightly wet, were especially bright. "Do you like the gift, brother?"

Dabao stares at her eyes. Her eyes washed by tears are full of his reflection in their dark and bright eyes.

"I love it! However, we can't be so brave in the future! Do you know? My brother will be distressed! "

Niu Niu grinned and her bright eyes began to smile.

"If my brother likes it, Niuniu thinks my brother doesn't like it!"

It turned out that her timidity and confusion just now was not only caused by Dabao's roar, but also because she thought he didn't like the birthday present.

"No, I like it very much. It's the best gift I've ever received!"

Said, to his shoulder high little girl pressed into his arms, tightly embrace.

Seeing her son and daughter solve the misunderstanding, Letong pulls Xiaobao's hand. "Xiaobao, let's see if your daddy's cake is ready?"

At this time, President Ji Da was wearing an apron in the kitchen to spray beautiful flowers on his baby son's birthday cake.

"Mr. Ji, can I help you?"

Letong and Xiaobao are lying on the stage of Liuli, admiring the increasingly exquisite technology of President Ji da.

"No, why did you come in?"

Letong ignored him and put some cream in her mouth with her fingers. She bent her eyebrows and sighed, "well, delicious!"

Xiaobao also picked a lump of cream and put it in her mouth. She also enjoyed humming, "Wow, delicious!"

Ji Rui glanced at the pair of living treasures helplessly, "aren't you here to help? Isn't that helping? "

Said, some helpless to pick the two parts to complete.

Letong blinked innocently, "we're here to help, help eat, right, Xiaobao."

Greedy Xiaobao picked a big lump of cream and put it into his mouth. He nodded vaguely in response to the sound of insects and said, "well... Yes, help me eat... Delicious!"

Ji Rui had to make up another lump in the place where he was short of a big mouth. "Xiaobao, don't make trouble. Go out with your mother to accompany your brother. I don't need your help here."

Jida president's wife phobia is really cured by myrrh. Instead of talking about Letong, he talks about his son.

Xiaobao seems to have been used to his father's behavior of protecting his wife. He obediently stops, but he still lies on the stage of Liuli and watches his father make cakes.

"Why not?" Ji Rui hit the little guy with his butt.

Xiao Bao straightened up and slightly leaned back. He glanced at the living room and said, "my brother doesn't need my company!"

Letong nodded and said, "yes, Dabao doesn't need our company."

President Ji Da thought the mother and son were strange. He looked at the one on the left and the one on the right, but he couldn't see what medicine the mother and son were selling.

"Whatever you want!"

Even though he felt strange, Ji Rui didn't go deep into it. Because, he often feels that in this room, only he and Niuniu's brain circuits are normal. Letong, Dabao and Xiaobao usually think more than ordinary people. They can't think of things that others can't think of by scratching their brains.

After all these years, he was aware, so he didn't bother to study the real idea of the mysterious mother and son.