Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 659

Dabao, who has lived for 17 years, feels that his mother is hateful for the first time.

She knows what, but she doesn't give him some clarity. It's really hard for others to understand, but she is kept in the dark.

It's good for him that Mommy says Niuniu won't take a fancy to other boys, but obviously there are other hidden meanings in her words. What is the hidden meaning?

Actually, Niuniu is eleven years old. According to the child's mind, it's normal to have a secret love object or something.

But Niuniu is his big treasure's heart, let alone her secret love for other boys, even if she looks at other boys a few times, he will not feel comfortable.

Dabao is lying on the bed, thinking about all these things. So, strictly speaking, he talked to Letong, but not only didn't understand Niuniu's story, but also because Letong's strange words added a bit of depression and doubt to his heart.

Dabao can't sleep. Niu Niu's appearance from childhood to adulthood is playing back and forth in his mind like a movie replay.

He found that about Niu Niu, he was clear as if he had a documentary in his mind. As long as he wanted to see Niu Niu at a certain time point, he would pull the pull to a certain point, and the voice and smile of the girl at that time would appear clearly in his mind.

He even remembered the lovely appearance of the pretty girl lying in the basket in the woods.

In retrospect, it has been almost eleven years!

That night, Dabao stayed up all night, pulling back and forth in his mind.

The little girl grew her first tooth, called her brother for the first time, walked with a faltering step for the first time, and went to school with a small schoolbag on her back

All of these, scene by scene filled Dabao's mind.

When he got up, he saw little curly hair sitting quietly in the dining room, holding a glass and drinking milk. In a trance, he felt that time was flying.

But one night, he and the little girl spent more than 3000 days and nights together, and then they had gone away. The little baby, who was still impetuous, became the little girl who might be more and more far away from him.

"Good morning, brother!" The little girl's eyes, which were as quiet as the lake water, were like the rising sun breaking through the clouds when she looked at Zaibao. Her beautiful eyes were awed by the light.

Dabao even heard his heartstring "Dong, Dong, Dong" being hooked several times, sending out a string of strange but shocking rhymes.

He mechanically went to Niuniu, forced down the strange feeling, gently hugged the little girl's slender shoulder, and gave her a kiss on her fresh face.

"Good morning, girl!"

"Good morning, brother!" Xiaobao, who was full of bread, also raised his head and said hello to Dabao vaguely.

"Good morning, Xiao Bao!"

Leaning over and kissing Xiaobao, he sat down. He shakes his head gently, shakes off all kinds of strange feelings in his heart, picks up the sandwich and takes a bite.

"Brother, I have something to do today. I want to go back to school early. Today, Mommy will take you to school. Be good, you know?"

Niuniu seems to be disappointed, but Xiaobao doesn't care. At the same time, she says, "I know."

Niuniu seems to be not very happy to drink porridge, after a while, she raised her head and asked Dabao, "brother, is Mommy coming to pick us up at night?"

Dabao is not sure how long it will take mummy to chat with the little girl. "I'll try my best. If I can't make it, it's not necessary for mummy to pick you up."

"Oh..." Niuniu was obviously disappointed, but she didn't say it clearly. She lowered her head and continued to eat breakfast.

It happened that Dabao had no class in the afternoon, so he went straight to Ji after class in the morning.

Letong saw him and pulled him into the elevator.

"Your father has a dinner party at noon. Let's have a meal across the street."

"Mommy, what would you like to eat?" Dabao is a eater. He eats everything as long as it tastes good. Just as it happens, Letong is the same as him.

"Go to your uncle Yifan's shop. I haven't been there for a long time."

Most of the time, as long as Letong is in the company, most of the meals are in the dining hall. In the evening, the family prefer to stay at home.

"Yes, I want to go too."

Said, embracing Letong out of the elevator.

The receptionist at the reception desk saw that the mother and son came out with incomparable harmony and delight, and said hello one after another.

"Hello, Miss Le! How are you, young master

Originally, Ji's employees should call Letong the president's wife, but Letong prefers to be called Miss le by others. According to her, the title of president's wife sounds heavy. As time goes by, all of Ji's staff call her Miss le.

"Mommy, what's up? Did Niuniu tell you anything?"

When they sat down in the restaurant, Dabao couldn't wait to ask about Niuniu.

"I knew that you came here thinking about the little girl." Letong smiles, takes a sip of tea and moistens her throat.

"Don't worry, Niuniu is OK. She's really a little tight recently. Maybe she's also under pressure, so it's very easy to get tired."

Letong's face is very calm and her eyes are easygoing. It doesn't look like a lie, but Dabao always feels that this is not the real answer.

"For that matter? Is there really nothing else? " Dabao is suspicious.

Le Tong nodded, "well, that's it. As for the physiological problems we worried about last night, there is no sign."

Although Dabao didn't believe mummy's words, no matter how he changed his way, he got the same answer, and he didn't ask any more.

Niu Niu still takes tiredness as the reason every night. After finishing her homework, she closes the door and goes to bed. Dabao's depression and uneasiness accumulate deeper and deeper, and it's hard to wait until his 17th birthday.

Niuniu gave him his birthday present. When she opened it, it turned out to be an embroidery.

At a glance, Dabao recognized that the original embroidery was a face to face picture of him and Niuniu in the summer vacation.

Xiao Bao came to have a look, turned his lips and gave a cold hum, "hum, why don't you have me?"

Dabao glanced at him, "it's my birthday, not your birthday!"

Niuniu felt Xiaobao's head apologetically, "well, when Xiaobao's birthday, my sister will give you one, OK?"

"Well, I don't want it!" Xiaobao shook his head and glanced at Dabao provocatively. "I want a different gift from my brother."

"Well, my sister will give you a different gift." Niu Niu, the silly sister, made a promise with a smile.

Dabao looked at the lifelike embroidery, then glanced at Niuniu's slightly black eyes, and suddenly understood something.

"Silly girl, you are so tired these days that you are hiding in your bedroom to embroider this embroidery?"