Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 661

The embroidery that Niuniu gave Dabao was hung on the wall in the middle of the bedroom by Dabao. Every night when she lay in bed, Dabao's eyes would stay on it for a long time.

Dabao felt that something in his heart was slowly changing, but he couldn't understand what it was.

Niuniu finally returned to her normal routine. Later, she asked Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, do you really want an embroidery?"

Listen to her meaning, it means that if Xiaobao says yes, she is ready to start work at any time to get a picture for Xiaobao.

Xiaobao didn't get angry and said, "no!"

Niuniu vaguely feels that she has upset her younger brother, but she can't figure out when and what has made the little ancestor angry.

If you can't figure it out, you don't want to. It's a way Mommy taught her to relieve her boredom.

Mommy said that if you can't figure out some things in front of you, you'll leave it to time to verify. After a long time, the truth will come out.

Niu Niu believes it.

Similarly, in addition to provoking her brother's displeasure, she couldn't figure out why her brother was so angry with her that time.

Although Dabao brother said it was because of her finger injury, Niuniu felt it was a bit unreasonable for her finger to have such a small injury.

In the initial period of training with martial arts instructors, Niu Niu suffered from more serious injuries. But at that time, her brother only helped her deal with the wounds silently, encouraged her and made her bite her teeth.

In fact, the wound on the finger was just a little eyesore. In fact, it didn't hurt much except that it hurt at that time. However, Dabao took a box of secret ointment from doctor Fu for several days in a row to wipe it on her.

She felt that her brother was making a mountain out of a molehill, but she told Dabao that he had to turn a blind eye to him. Then she insisted on wiping her twice every morning and evening until there was no trace.

About Xiaobao, Niuniu asked Mommy afterwards, but about Dabao, Niuniu kept silent.

Even to her client, she never mentioned it again.

After the Mid Autumn Festival, the weather slowly turned cool. Niuniu heard from her classmates that there was a kite festival a few days later.


"Huh?" Dabao, who is reading financial magazines and doing homework with Niuniu, looks at Niuniu.

"Will there be a kite festival in a few days?"

Niu Niu sorted out her homework and books and put them in her schoolbag.

"Like, you want to see it?" Dabao closed the magazine, helped Niuniu pick up the packed schoolbag and put it on the next locker.

"Well, brother, do you have time?"

Other seniors spend most of their time preparing for their future work or postgraduate entrance examination. For Dabao, who is already a successful professional, these preparations are obviously unnecessary.

A few days ago, Ji Rui and Le Tong also asked him about his future plans, such as whether he had plans to study abroad or other things. Dabao shook his head and said that he would not go abroad or take the postgraduate entrance examination, and made it clear that he would officially join Ji when he graduated from University.

Therefore, Dabao, which has a clear plan for the future, is not busy.

Dabao quickly searched the information about the kite festival with his mobile phone. The activity date of the kite festival starts from this Saturday and ends on the 10th of next month, lasting for half a month.

"Yes, do you want to go this Saturday or wait until October holiday? I'm free, anytime. "

Don't say that his time is very loose, even if he is busy, as long as Niuniu wants to, he will unconditionally spare time.

Nothing is more important to him than his family.

"I can do it. Let's see when Xiao Bao wants to go." Niuniu here, time is not the key, the key is to accompany her family.

"Well, I'll ask my parents when it's convenient for them to arrange it."

In recent years, Dabao has basically arranged the family travel plans and matters. Every time, they have been arranged properly.

Yin Zhihao said that Dabao is born with the power of a leader and the ability to manage and plan as a whole. But from junior high school to university, he never wants to participate in any management affairs. Even if the university requires him, Dabao can push. This is a great waste for Yin Zhihao and the University leaders.

They don't know that Dabao doesn't enjoy the excitement of being surrounded by people. In contrast, he enjoys the warm time with his family in his spare time.

Moreover, for Ji Dabao, a prince who has seen all kinds of fame and wealth since he was a child, school is just a tiny stage.

This kind of small stage is not enough for him to display and satisfy his desire for conquest.

Therefore, over the years, he has made no achievements in school except for his handsome appearance and excellent grades.

It's a pity for others.

For himself, he felt that this was the life he wanted.

Of course, he never said these ideas to anyone else.

People who understand him will naturally understand. People who don't understand it are useless.

And those who understand him naturally include his mother Letong.

"Want to go to the kite festival? Good! Taking advantage of your October holiday, your father and I will take a few days to go out, and the whole family will take a holiday by the way. "

Letong said the part of her baby son's heart that she didn't say. Dabao was happy to prepare for the trip.

It's not difficult for him to arrange the itinerary and contact the hotel. In one night, he arranged things.

Niuniu and Xiaobao are very excited when they learn that they can go out with their families during the October holiday. When they are free, they head to head to search for a bunch of delicious places in front of the computer, and then report to Dabao, who is in charge of the travel arrangement.

Fortunately, Dabao has been prepared for this. He has specially left some flexible time and space in the fixed schedule. What he is afraid of is that the two kids will suddenly have a whim and want to play some special games.

Because of the need to prepare the items for travel, Dabao, who had no class in the afternoon, did not go to Ji's as usual. Instead, he asked Xiao Li to drive to pick him up for shopping.

Just in the afternoon, Yin Zhihao and Ren weiqi, who also had no class, volunteered to act as staff and porters.

Yin Zhihao and Ren Weiqi got their driver's license in their freshman year. When Xiao Li drove the car to school, they heard that Yin Zhihao and Ren went shopping with Dabao, and asked if Dabao could keep the car. He had other things to do in the afternoon.

Among them, Yin Zhihao's skill is better. When Xiao Li gets out of the car, he naturally gets into the cab.

"Uncle Li, Xiaobao and Niuniu, I'll pick them up. Go and help you."

Anyway, it's not necessary for free drivers to use it in vain. It's not polite for Dabao to use it.

Besides, with their friendship, this is just a small matter.