Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 658

That night, Dabao lost sleep.

Without any useful information from Xiaobao, Dabao turned on his computer when he came back to his room, searched the Internet, and all of a sudden, a pile of reports about young girls' puppy love spread on the screen, which made Dabao's forehead jump abruptly.

Looking at the headlines like "11-year-old girl pregnant", "10-year-old girl puppy love", he didn't even have the courage to open up.

He tried to recall his experience a few years ago, trying to find some similar experience to solve the problem.

But he thought about it and found that he had never really understood the experience or mood of the girls in his class.

At that time, there were only his younger brother and sister in his mind. Among his classmates, there were only Yin Zhihao's best friends. He would pay attention to some of them. In his eyes, other people were just like fixed scenery.

He himself began to receive love letters since he was in primary school, but he never looked other girls in the eye. Those love letters were usually returned as they came, and he never opened one to see them.

He couldn't even remember the faces of his female classmates.

His memory is always excellent, but if he wants to remember the girls whose names he remembers, he will find that he seems to be suffering from facial blindness. No matter which girl, she seems to look the same.

Therefore, he found that none of his experiences over the years can be used as a textbook to guide girls who may be in puppy love.

The distressed Dabao knocked on the door of the study.

Mom and dad have a cooperation project to be busy recently, so they work overtime in the study as soon as they finish their meal these days.

"Come in!"

Dabao opened the door and looked in. "Mommy, can you have a chat?"

Le Tong almost did not want to respond to him, "yes, you wait for me for five minutes."

For children, no matter how busy they are, Letong and Ji Rui are always ready to meet their needs.

Dabao, in particular, would never ask his parents for help unless he had to.

"You go. I'll talk to Yang Sheng about the rest." This cooperation case is a project jointly participated by Ji and Yang.

"Well, I've sorted out most of the information you want. You'll have a look first, and I'll go on later."

Yue Tong finished, got up and went out.

Or a pupil's little treasure, this point was forced to go back to the room to rest, the living room, bright blue light.

Letong turns on the chandelier and takes two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator, one for Dabao and the other for herself.

Dabao took the drink, but frowned at her, "Mommy, can't you have a cold drink?"

For so many years, Letong is still the protection object of Dabao and Jirui. Up to now, she still has to go to doctor Fu regularly every month to check, and then prescribe some health maintenance prescriptions.

"One bottle doesn't matter, thirsty!"

Letong is screwing on the bottle cap and is snatched away by Dabao.

"I'll heat it up."

For his persistent son, Letong shakes his head helplessly and follows him into the kitchen.

"Hungry? Can I have some snacks by the way? "

Dabao shook his head. "I'm not hungry. If you and daddy need it, it can be hot."

Dabao poured out the jujube tea in the bottle, put it in the cup and put it into the microwave oven for heating.

Letong turns around and turns her back to him. She takes out a bag of soup dumplings in the refrigerator, pours them on the plate, and steams them in the pan.

When Dabao comes out with Letong's cup of jujube tea, Letong also divides the steamed dumpling into two dishes, one for Ji Rui in his study, and the other for Ji Rui in the living room.

"Mommy, there's something wrong with Niuniu these days."

Dabao and Letong sit down and go straight to the theme.

"Oh? What's the matter with Niuniu? "

Letong tried to think about it, but she felt that her daughter was as happy as usual. She went out early in the morning and always came back at night. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with her!

"She's been crying tired these days. After finishing her homework, she went to bed."

This matter, Letong really does not know. She has been working overtime for several days. She doesn't know about Niuniu going to bed early.

"She's been yelling tired?"

Yue Tong slightly frowned and thought for a long time, then said, "is it a physiological problem?"

All in all, Niuniu is almost eleven years old. It's almost there.

Letong secretly blames herself for neglecting her children's affairs. She always thinks that Dabao will take good care of her younger brother and sister, but forgets that Niuniu is a girl, and Dabao's son can't take care of some things.

"Physiological problems?" Dabao didn't respond for a moment.

"Well, I'll send Niuniu to school tomorrow. I'll talk to her about it. If necessary, I'll take her to see a doctor."

After listening to what Letong said, Dabao thought about it for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

"Mommy, do you mean Niuniu may be at her menarche?" In this open-minded family, several children's sexual education was carried out very early. Therefore, Dabao didn't think it was something unspeakable.

"I'm not sure. I'll ask her tomorrow."

In fact, Letong is not sure if Niuniu is, but Niuniu is old enough to do relevant homework with her first.

Unlike Dabao and Xiaobao, Niuniu's acceptance is relatively poor. She has to tell her a lot of things to understand.

"OK..." Dabao has no objection to this.

"Besides this, do you think Niuniu has something else?" Le tong can see from his son's reaction that he thinks more than that.

"Well, Xiaobao said that there are girls in their class who have puppy love. I'm worried about Niuniu. She's so simple that she may be cheated by others if they say something nice."

Dabao doesn't want to think of his sister as such a fool, but he knows that with her beauty and talent, the boy who admires her must be not small.

Now the little boy ah, sweet words, sweet words that is easy to pick up, who can guarantee that the simple and matchless little silly girl will not be fooled!

Letong looks like she heard a big joke and looks at her son with wide eyes.

"Baby, are you afraid that Niuniu will take a fancy to the boys in their class?"

Dabao frowned slightly, and his heart was inexplicably uncomfortable when he heard Mommy say the word "fancy".

"It's not that I'm afraid of who she likes, but that she's too simple and easy to be cheated."

Le Tong laughs, puts the tea back on the coffee table, and leans to her baby son.

"Baby, don't worry, all the girls in our family have seen from childhood are handsome boys, and other smelly boys who are still young can't get into her eyes!"

Seeing that Dabao was still in distress, Letong reached out and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "don't worry!"

"Mommy, I don't quite understand what you mean!" Dabao always thinks that there is something in his mother's words. Moreover, when she looks at her smile, how strange she looks!

"Silly son, Mommy doesn't mean much, just to reassure you that Niuniu won't take a fancy to other boys." Yue Tong smiles and assures again.