Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 657

In recent years, Niuniu is still well protected by Ji family members, especially Ji Dabao.

However, with the gradual increase of the number of people she met in her study, and with the formal participation of a small band founded by teacher fan, this small band will perform several performances every month. With the growth of her knowledge in school and abroad, Niu Niu is no longer the timid girl she used to be.

She is extremely beautiful. From the age of 10 to 11, she has been called a little girl by the Ji family. Suddenly, she grows like bamboo shoots after a spring rain. Her small body, which was less than 1.4 meters in size, soars to 1.6 meters in a year. At first glance, she looks like a young girl with delicate and eye-catching features.

This kind of her, let Ji Dabao more worried, she walked everywhere, in addition to her in school, he can't accompany, no matter where the little girl goes, he must follow.

Niuniu is eleven years old, but she has never tried to go out alone with other classmates. No matter where she goes, she will be accompanied by her tall and handsome brother. Including her every performance, Dabao will accompany her.

Niu Niu was used to her brother's company, and she never felt anything wrong with it, so she didn't have the consciousness of resistance.

So, even if she was buying gifts for her brother, she didn't want to buy them by herself.

As a result, Dabao didn't like her at all. It was interesting to let her do it by herself.

Niu Niu was hiding in her room this night, thinking hard about making a special birthday present for Dabao. After thinking about it for one night, all the limited lists in Niu Niu's mind were crossed out one by one. The next night, Niu Niu, who continued to think hard, wandered around a treasure.

Not to mention, it really made her famous.

This evening, Niu Niu slipped into her bedroom as soon as she finished her homework. She said she was tired and wanted to go to bed earlier.

Dabao feels strange. He always sticks to her little girl like gum after finishing her homework. How can she change her mind?

"Xiaobao, has your sister been bullied?" Dabao had to ask Xiaobao, who was responsible for protecting Niuniu at school.

Recently, Xiao Bao, who is a little rebellious, rolled his eyes and said, "don't worry, no one in the school dares to bully her."

Xiaobao didn't tell Dabao that Niuniu was blocked in the botanical garden behind the teaching building by several jealous female classmates in the fifth grade. Niuniu fell all the girls who wanted to bully her by herself. After that, it seems that the girl students who are looking for trouble no longer dare to challenge Niuniu openly.

Of course, Xiaobao doesn't dare to tell Dabao's brother and parents about this, otherwise, his little bodyguard will be beaten for dereliction of duty.

The unknown Dabao thought it was Xiaobao. She felt his head and gave him full affirmation.

"My brother knows that Xiaobao has always protected his sister well."

Xiao Bao didn't dare to answer.

Dabao turned to look at Niuniu's door. "Then why did she go to bed so early? Is too much homework tired? "

Xiaobao shrugged and spread his hand, "I don't know."

In fact, this little guy knows the whole story, but he has reached a confidentiality agreement with Niuniu, so he can't say anything!

See in small treasure body cross examination can't give the answer, big treasure although a little worried, but also didn't ask further.

The first night was like this. Dabao only thought it was a special case, but the second night was still like this. On the third night, Niuniu said that she was tired and wanted to go to bed earlier. After that, Dabao could not calm down any more and pulled Niuniu into her arms.

"Niuniu, are you hiding something from your brother?"

Dabao has been observing her since school. He thinks that she talks and laughs as usual. She also has a good appetite for food and doesn't look unhappy. She says she is tired, and he does see faint fatigue in her eyes.

But she is just a pupil. How tired can she be?

"No..." Niuniu was a bit evasive, her eyes floating around the room.

"Look at me!"

Dabao put one hand around her waist and the other hand raised her chin, forcing her to face herself.

"No, brother! I'm just tired... "Niu said, yawning a lot.

"Why are you tired? Do you have a lot of homework? Or is it going to be an exam, and there are more homework to review? " Dabao is not so easy to cheat.

"You can see Xiao Bao is very busy." Dabao said, glancing at Xiaobao, who was sitting cross knee on the carpet playing games.

"Brother, Xiaobao is a genius. He doesn't have to study at all, OK?"

Now Niu Niu has realized that her brother and younger brother are geniuses. For them, learning is never difficult, but a simple thing that can be remembered at a glance.

But she's different!

Sometimes, she also thinks, why is she the only one with three children?

Clearly very hard, but the results will always only be in the top, the best time, is ranked tenth in the class. How can there be such a big gap between my brother and Xiaobao, who are always the first grade geniuses?!

Niu Niu's words left Dabao speechless.

"Brother, I'm really tired. I want to sleep..." and Niuniu yawned again.

Although Dabao was full of confusion, she was so sleepy that she couldn't ask any more questions. She had to kiss her forehead, say good night, and let her go.


Niuniu left, Dabao had to continue to toss Xiaobao.

Xiao Bao raised his eyelids and said, "brother, isn't my sister sleepy? Just let her sleep. Moreover, many of the female students in our class have entered the Spring Festival. Maybe my sister is also in the Spring Festival

Xiaobao's careless words made Dabao's heart thump.

Spring yearning period?

Niuniu is only 11 years old. Is she in the Spring Rush? It can't be true?

"How can it be? Don't talk nonsense, Xiao Bao Dabao subconsciously denied Xiaobao's words.

"I don't know if I'm talking nonsense. There are several girls in our class who have made boyfriends."

In this sentence, Xiao Bao is telling the truth. Since the fifth grade, three or four girls in his class have been in love.

Of course, this kind of love in the eyes of adults is probably just a form of family, but in the hearts of these little girls, it is a real love.

Dabao couldn't accept it for a while.

After all, he is 17 years old and has never been in love. Niu Niu is only 11 years old. How can she be in love?

Although, he is actually very clear, Xiaobao said the situation does exist, but this kind of existence, should not include his family girl this simple little girl.