Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 656

Dabao doesn't agree with the so-called truth that Yin Zhihao spits out.

Niuniu is his baby sister, he is gentle to her, isn't it the most normal thing?

"Zhihao, you don't have brothers and sisters. You don't understand."

At this time, Dabao didn't feel that there was something wrong with his attitude towards Niuniu. It's natural for a brother to be kind to his sister.

"Well, I don't understand."

Originally, Yin Zhihao's last sentence just came out of his mouth. Although it was a fact he saw with his own eyes, as Dabao said, he had no brothers or sisters, so he really didn't understand the attitude and intimacy that a brother should have towards his sister.

The result of Dabao's grandiose demonstration of the fact that "famous grass has its own owner" is that his ears have finally been cleared for a few days. But this kind of clean day did not pass for a few days. Soon, many girls rallied to launch a second attack on Dabao.

This is a great blessing for other boys, but a disaster for Dabao.

As a result, in addition to classes and unavoidable activities, Dabao will not wander around the school. Arrive on time every day and leave immediately after class.

This week, Letong has seen Dabao for the third time in Ji's family. Letong, who has not interfered in his behavior, can't help asking him.

"Dabao, are there so few classes in school?"

"Well, it's quite loose."

Is gather together in Ji Rui computer, looking at Ji Rui deal with affairs of Dabao, honest answer.

"Baby, you are a college student now. You should take part in some club activities or something. Your father and I can deal with Ji's business."

The leaders of the student union and several associations did come to talk to Dabao, but Dabao was not interested in those.

"I'm not interested!"

In fact, Dabao wants to say that it's more practical to come here to learn something practical from Mom and Dad than to toss about those boring things in school.

However, he was afraid that mummy would have to educate him again, so he didn't explain anything at all.

Seeing what Letong wanted to say, he added“ I like it better now. "

Letong looks at him with a complicated look. If she can, she hopes Dabao can live a carefree life like most of her peers.

Instead of, like now, carrying the responsibilities of the eldest son of Jishi group and Niuniu Xiaobao's elder brother.

Dabao suddenly raises his head and looks at Letong.

In a flash, he understood all the worries from his mother's eyes.

"Silly Mommy, what are you thinking again?"

Dabao walks over and hugs Letong's shoulder, patting her gently, like coaxing Niuniu.

Letong nestles up to him. Unconsciously, Dabao, who is always cuddling her waist, has grown into a big boy with responsibility.

"I don't have any wishful thinking. Like your father, I just want you to be happy!"

"I'm happy!" Dabao stressed again.

As for Ji Dabao, who comes to Ji every three or five years, he says that he's a fool, but in fact he's here to learn. Letong and Ji Rui can't persuade him to change his mind. In the end, the couple have to go with him.

As long as he was curious, the couple would teach him anything.

Gradually, Dabao also followed Ji Rui and Letong to attend some commercial cocktail parties and even some cooperation meetings.

When Dabao was a sophomore at the age of 15, he asked Ji Rui for a new subsidiary. Ji Rui revised the task for the subsidiary according to the normal procedure, and Dabao accepted it happily.

As a result, from the year of Dabao's sophomore year, he began a dual track life of both academic and work.

Rao is so, his studies are still not affected, the final exam, still firmly in the first place.

In the year of his senior year, 17-year-old Dabao spent two years building the subsidiary he took over into the one with the highest performance growth rate among the many subsidiaries of Jishi.

At this time, Dabao's height soared by nearly 10 cm. His height of more than 1.8 meters was not inferior to his father's.

No matter from the aspect of appearance or temperament, the 17-year-old has completely lost his childishness. On the contrary, he has the momentum and momentum of a high man.

At this time, Ji Rui, who is 42 years old, still looks the same as Le Tong when he first met him. In her thirties, Le Tong still retains the beautiful appearance of a college student in her early twenties.

From time to time, the couple go out with Dabao. People they don't know will misunderstand that they are three brothers and sisters.

In this year, his dear younger brother and sister were successfully promoted to the sixth grade of primary school. Transport, but has been responsible for their big brother Bao.

Eleven year old Niu Niu, who is 1.6 meters tall, is one of the best girls in her class. But standing beside her brother Dabao, she looks very petite.

This time, Niu Niu, carrying a schoolbag, is holding her brother Dabao's hand in coquetry.

"Brother, your birthday is coming soon. Go shopping with me!"

It turned out that the little girl wanted to choose a birthday present for Dabao.

Before that, she always made some handmade or homemade birthday cards for Dabao.

In fact, she has a lot of pocket money, but she never thought of using money to buy gifts for her brother. In the past, she always thought that what she did with her heart could best represent her heart.

But now, as she grows up, she hears a lot of luxurious birthday gifts from her classmates. When she thinks about her ugly handmade birthday cards, she feels that she used to be too shabby.

"Why go shopping? Just do it for me! "

Compared with those birthday gifts that can be bought with money, Dabao prefers those made by Niuniu herself.

Those ugly and shabby handicrafts and birthday cards in Niu Niu's eyes are all treasured by Da Bao and locked in the drawer.

"But, brother, don't you want something more advanced?"

Dabao rubbed Niuniu's head and said with a soft smile, "where can I buy a gift made by my Niuniu?"

Sitting in the car waiting impatiently Xiaobao, lying on the window to shout over.

"Ji Sihan, hurry up. I'm starving!"

Dabao raised his hand and gave him a shudder without hesitation. "There's food in the car. What are you shouting about?"

Xiaobao has not been big or small recently. Occasionally, she can't get used to Niuniu, so she calls her name directly. Often, she gets a beating from her brother or Mommy.

"Let's go and go home. I don't like the things I bought!" Dabao stressed again, opened the door and pushed Niuniu into the car.

Niu Niu hesitated for a moment, but she couldn't resist Dabao's insistence. She was pushed into the car by half pushing and half helping.