Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 644

Niuniu is thin skinned. In order to protect Niuniu's face, Dabao didn't mention it to Niuniu after hearing Xiaobao's complaint.

Niuniu worried all night about this, worried that her brother would blame her or criticize her, while Dabao, like no one else, accompanied her to practice piano, martial arts and homework as usual.

Dabao, on the other hand, doesn't think his sister is wrong in dealing with this matter. On the contrary, he thinks the teacher is not proper in dealing with this matter.

Therefore, after school at noon the next day, Dabao appeared in Niuniu's head teacher's office.

Before he came, he called the teacher surnamed Wu in advance. Although he had already explained his identity on the phone, the teacher was still very surprised when he saw him.

"Hello, Miss Wu! I'm Ji Sihan and Ji Huan's brother, Ji Yu. "

"Hello! I know you, gifted student. Did you call me just now? "

Mr. Wu drew a chair and motioned Dabao to sit down.

Dabao nodded and sat down. "Yes, it's me!"

Wu looked him up and down in surprise. "I thought Sihan and Jihuan had an adult brother!"

In other words, she is still wondering, this boy, who is supposed to be only 12 or 13 years old, said to talk to himself about his younger brother and sister. He himself is still a child. What do you want to talk to her about? As a child, what can he understand?

It's very easy for Dabao to understand the meaning in teacher Wu's eyes.

"No, we have three brothers and sisters. I'm the eldest brother. Because I took care of my younger brothers and sisters, I was responsible for almost all their affairs. "

As soon as Dabao opened his mouth, he revealed his dominant role in the education of his younger brother and sister.

Mr. Wu only thought he was bragging and laughed insincerely, "ha ha, classmate Ji Yu is really a good brother."

Dabao is not interested in going around with her, and doesn't care that she doesn't completely disdain her.

"Miss Wu, I heard that Sihan received a note from a boy in class yesterday."

Dabao is very clever. He only talks about the first part of the matter. He wants to see how the teacher can justify himself.

"Yes, Sihan is usually a good girl, but yesterday she just passed notes to the boys behind her. I criticized her. I hope your parents and family will cooperate with me to educate her."

The intelligence quotient of Mr. Wu is obviously not very high. Otherwise, he is too self righteous and belittles Ji Dabao.

"Miss Wu, I'd like to ask how do you think we need to cooperate with you in educating Sihan? Do you want to criticize her as you do, or tell her that whatever the teacher says is right? "

After listening to Xiao Bao about the whole story yesterday, Dabao felt very angry. Now he heard that the teacher was so reasonable that he intended to have a friendly exchange, which became a sneer with a knife and a gun.

Wu teacher Leng for a while, looking at Dabao, it seems that Dabao did not understand the real meaning of words.

"Ji Yu, Sihan is still young, and she has no opinion on many things. Therefore, when we are teachers and parents, we must guide her in the right direction. It is clear that she made a mistake in passing notes in class. Of course, we have to criticize her, isn't it?"

Wu teacher's tone, but also some blunt, she always thought that in this matter, he did not deal with wrong. It's true, but I have to be criticized by this 12-3-year-old kid for no reason. Can I not be blunt?

At this time, Dabao really wanted to rush to the classroom and take his baby sister home.

He doubted that his younger brother and sister could set up correct three outlooks according to the teacher's teaching direction?

"Mr. Wu, since you know that Sihan is still young and has no opinion on many things, I would like to ask a six-year-old girl. For the first time she received a little harassment note from a boy in class, what's wrong with her saying" no "and going back?"

Dabao's tone became aggressive.

"She can raise her hand and tell the teacher to wait for the teacher to solve it." Mr. Wu took it for granted.

Dabao raised his lips and looked at her with a smile.

"Miss Wu, don't you think you are using your adult mind and standards to demand my sister?"

Teacher Wu was stunned and didn't answer for a moment.

"I said, Sihan is only six years old. She never confiscates a boy's note. She is thin skinned and doesn't know how to deal with it. She doesn't want the whole class to know and make everyone laugh at her and that boy. Therefore, she chose the quickest and least harmful way to deal with it immediately. I don't think there is anything wrong with it. If you think she has to report to you, please think about it, Mr. Wu. Did you openly say in the whole class that if a girl receives a note from a boy, she should report it to the teacher and wait for the teacher to solve it? If you didn't say that in advance, you have no position and reason to criticize her! What's the reason for you to ask a six-year-old girl who has never met with such a thing to solve it perfectly according to your wishes? "

Dabao said a great deal at a time, but every word is reasonable, every sentence pokes the heart.

Seeing that teacher Wu's face had changed, Dabao still didn't let her go.

"What's more, as a teacher, the greatest role is not to criticize students, but to help students when they encounter difficulties, give them correct guidance and guidance, and let them learn the most reasonable way to solve problems. This is the teacher's responsibility. Instead of indiscriminately putting all the responsibilities on the students. In your eyes, discipline is more important than students. That's why you criticize Sihan for breaking the discipline in your classroom, but you ignore the essence of the whole thing. Do you care if she is harassed by boys and whether she is afraid or wronged at all? "

Dabao didn't say a word. He choked his heart all night and poured it out in one breath.

He is ready. If Mr. Wu can't accept his criticisms and opinions, he will ask mommy to change the class for his younger brother and sister.

Otherwise, continue to let such a teacher teach younger brother and sister, those two little kids don't know what to look like.

Mr. Wu was speechless when he was questioned by Dabao. After a long time, he came back to himself and said to Dabao, "I'm sorry!"

Dabao's face eased a little. "Mr. Wu, I'm sorry. I'm a brother who loves my younger brother and sister very much. If there's any offence today, please forgive me!"

Dabao made progress by retreating and found a reasonable explanation for his passionate remarks.

When Miss Wu came back to herself, she found that her palms were covered with cold sweat. At this time, she had forgotten that she was only a 12-3-year-old boy!