Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 645

Wu did not expect Ji Dabao to come to her at that time. He came to settle the accounts.

Therefore, at the beginning, there was no deliberate avoidance. The office is a grade office. All the first grade teachers in the whole primary school, including the grade director, work and handle affairs in this big office.

When Mr. Wu realized that Ji Dabao didn't come to cooperate with her work, but to "kick the hall", it was too late.

Ji Dabao said that Datong seemed to be disrespectful to her, but every sentence was reasonable. Several colleagues at the same level who stayed in the office listened to it word for word.

But even so, Mr. Wu did not dare to have any disrespectful words to Dabao. After all, behind Ji Dabao is the whole Ji group. With such a background, not to mention that she can't stir up trouble, even the headmaster is afraid.

What's more, she can't refute Ji Dabao's words.

Ji Yu, a gifted student of the school, made a big noise in the office of the primary school department, which soon spread among the school staff.

The principal called Ji Rui in the afternoon. Naturally, this call is not a complaint call, but a apology call.

"Mr. Ji, I'm sorry. Mr. Wu has only been working for two years and lacks experience in many things. That's why he made mistakes in dealing with Mr. Ji Sihan. I've educated her well. Please rest assured."

Ji Rui is discussing with Letong about the expansion of a processing plant. When he hears the headmaster's inexplicable apology, he is a little confused.

"Principal Chen, what happened?" Ji Rui looks at Letong and consciously turns on the speaker of the phone.

On the other side of the phone, the headmaster thought Ji Rui was trying to embarrass himself, but he had to tell the whole story from beginning to end, including the scene of Ji Dabao's office.

The principal didn't mean to be partial. After all, a teacher and the biggest sponsor, the baby boy and the princess, who can't afford to win or lose, still have a clear division.

Moreover, even if he felt that Ji Dabao's behavior of not giving any face to the teacher was too arrogant, even he could not refute Ji Dabao's accusation against Mr. Wu. Therefore, when he understood the whole story, he immediately made this apology call.

Ji Rui listens to the president's retelling and takes a deep look at Le Tong.

"Headmaster Chen, to tell you the truth, my wife and I have been busy with our work in recent years. My family, Ji Yu, is famous for being precocious and takes care of my younger brother and sister very closely. Because Sihan and Ji Huan are basically taken care of by him, so he can't see his younger brother and sister being wronged."

Ji Rui Dun, said, "Ji Yu, he has always been sensible, we as parents to his younger brother and sister to take care of nothing to worry about."

The headmaster on the other side of the phone immediately understood that President Ji meant that the practice of his eldest son represented the opinions of his parents.

"Yes, I have educated Miss Wu well, and she has realized her mistake. In the afternoon, she will personally apologize to Sihan. If Mr. Ji needs it, I can ask her to come to the door and apologize in person."

President Chen is also a tactful and sophisticated person. He immediately lowered his posture to the lowest level.

"No, since Ji Yu has passed the negotiation with Mr. Wu, even if it is over, principal Chen should not take it too seriously. In the future, our three children will bother you to watch."

In the final analysis, it's just a small matter. Ji Rui naturally won't make a fuss. He really let the teacher come to apologize. Dabao's handling method is already very good. They don't need to make up for it when they are parents.

Hang up the phone, sit beside him Letong did not say anything, and the expression on her face but let Ji Rui a little elusive.

"What's the matter, love Niu Niu?"

Ji Rui gently touches Letong's face. He finds that his feelings are connected with those of Letong. When she is happy, he can't help feeling happy. When she is depressed, he also feels depressed and upset. She is distressed, and he is more distressed than she.

Yue Tong nodded, "well... Isn't it the most difficult thing for a child to hide? This little silly girl, who was wronged at school, why didn't she say a word when she went home? "

"Maybe she doesn't think it's a big deal!" Ji Rui comforts her.

Yue Tong shakes her head. "How can it be that Xiaobao doesn't care about this? I believe it, but Niuniu is different. She has a very delicate mind. It's impossible that she doesn't care."

However, no matter Ji Rui or Letong, they agree with Dabao.

In the evening, when Letong comes home from work, Niuniu is still standing in the big tree in the yard pulling down the violin, while Ji Yu is sitting on the swing with a book on his knee, but his eyes fall on his sister.

Xiaobao teaches Dahei and Dahui to stand up straight in the grass. Seeing Letong and Ji Rui, two dogs and one person rush to him with their tails wagging.

Letong kisses the little guy and shouts to Dabao on the other side.

"Dabao, help mummy."

Dabao comes to take the shopping bag in Ji Rui's hand and goes into the kitchen with Letong.

"Dabao, the headmaster called us today."

Dabao lowered his head and took out the vegetables and fruits in the shopping bag. "Well, is it because of Niuniu?"

Dabao didn't hide it. He knew he couldn't hide it. Of course, there was no need to hide it.

"Yes, you handled it well." Letong comes over and kisses her baby son.

"Niuniu didn't say anything last night. I think she was in a panic. Or I'll have a chat with her sometime in the evening?" Letong, a mother, is no less concerned about her daughter than Dabao is about Niuniu.

"I'll talk to her after class later." Dabao took the initiative to take over the burden.

Le Tong thought, "it's OK. She's more dependent on you. She's easier to digest your words."

Aunt Guan is dealing with the chicken in the wash basin. Mother and son are breaking corn kernels and chipping potatoes.

"The teacher and the principal didn't embarrass you, did they?" Letong doesn't treat her son as a child, but she can't guarantee that outsiders treat her son as an adult.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm just trying to convince people by reason."

In fact, Dabao is telling the truth. What he said to Mr. Wu from the beginning to the end was a matter of fact standpoint, not involving his parents or family.

Teachers or principals want to embarrass him unless they can find a more reasonable reason to convince him. Otherwise, he will not give in to the education of his younger brother and sister.