Cute Baby wanted circular: The Heavenly Priced Pretty Escape Wife

Chapter 643

Dabao stood behind the two little boys and looked at them quietly without making a sound.

The two little boys were very selfless, and with the crickets fighting each other, they made exaggerated whining sound.

Dabao stood high, but he didn't mean to disturb them. Instead, he supported the tree trunk with one hand, put his head on his arm, and watched quietly.

Niuniu is timid. From beginning to end, she only occasionally plucks crickets with a branch. Xiaobao is different. She pokes crickets with her fingers from time to time. Needless to think, these two innocent animals must be from Xiaobao, the devil of the world.

Two crickets seem to be tired of fighting. One of them bounces away. Xiaobao covers it quickly and throws it into an open milk box. Then, he throws the other into another empty milk box.

"Sister, why don't we go back and let Da Hei and Da Hui compete?"

It seems that the struggle between these two small animals has completely aroused the agitation of those bloodthirsty factors hidden in Xiaobao, the little demon king. He said it was a competition, but in fact it meant dog fighting.

Niu Niu disagrees with her brother's bold proposal.

"No, my brother will scold us to death!" In Niuniu's eyes, brother Dabao is invincible.

In fact, Niu Niu is worried for nothing. The two Alaskan sled dogs in her family have changed from little black and little gray to big black and big gray. They have been fattened by the three brothers. There is no animal in them. They can't fight at all.

Xiaobao leaned up to Niuniu's ear and said stealthily, "secretly, who asked you to tell my brother?"

Dabao coughed twice. The two squatting children were surprised and raised their heads.

"Brother!" Niuniu screams clearly and neatly. After calling, she stands up and hugs Dabao's waist, while Xiaobao shrinks her head with a guilty heart. Her eyes twinkle and she stealthily hides behind her with two milk boxes in her hand.

"Xiaobao, what's good to hide?" Dabao pretends to know nothing and looks at Xiaobao with a smile.

"No... no..."

Xiaobao stammers rarely. In fact, he is not afraid to be found by Dabao. He just understands that Dabao heard his words of encouraging Niuniu to fight a dog.

"Do you like fighting so much? Brother Dabao will fight with you tonight? " Dabao wrung Xiaobao's face with a smile.

"No!" Xiaobao's answer was very simple and her face was haughty.

I'm kidding! Brother Dabao's skill has always been very good. If he comes to fight with himself, he will make sure that he is dead.

"It's just Xiaobao's talk, but it won't really let Da Hui and Da Hei fight..."

Dabao knocked him on the head. "Better not!"

Xiaobao turns his mouth and runs away with two milk boxes. Dabao leads Niuniu and walks slowly behind him.

"Where do crickets come from?" Dabao asked Niuniu casually.

Niuniu raised her eyelids to look at him, and very cautiously returned to him, "Niuniu and Xiaobao picked it up on the grass..."

This little girl is very understanding, know to pick up, with a special trip to catch, the meaning is completely different.

Dabao doesn't object to proper entertainment for his younger brother and sister. As long as this kind of entertainment is not dangerous, it's not dangerous to go to the grass to catch crickets, and he can accept it.

So, looking at Xiaobao's guilty look, Dabao really wants to laugh.

However, for Xiaobao, a happy child, the validity period of guilty conscience is very short.

This is not, he just in front of the jump did not have two minutes, soon turned around and ran back to Dabao side.


Dabao looked down at Xiaobao, who was pulling his sleeve, Dabao doesn't intend to pursue the matter of catching crickets.

"Sister, she..." Xiaobao pointed to Niuniu, whose face suddenly became unnatural. "Xiaobao, don't talk nonsense."

It's clear that before Xiaobao can say anything, little silly girl shows herself.

Dabao looked at the two little guys from left to right. "If you confess, you will be lenient and if you resist, you will be strict. Which one of you says that?"

Niu Niu clenched her lips and speechless, sped up her pace and walked in front of her. Her pigtails swung back and forth, and her schoolbag bumped on her back.

Dabao frowned slightly and asked Xiaobao softly, "Xiaobao, did your sister fail the exam?"

Niuniu has a very clever character. She is naturally a good student in school. What makes Niuniu so unnatural is that Dabao can't think of any other possibility besides studying.

Xiaobao secretly glances at Niuniu's back and mysteriously says to Dabao, "my sister was criticized by the teacher today."

Dabao can't help but be stunned. Niuniu is criticized? Xiaobao is criticized and Dabao believes it, but Niuniu... How is it possible?

"Why criticize Niuniu?" According to Xiao Bao just now, it seems that it's not a matter of test results.

"Sister Niuniu passed notes to other students in class. When the teacher found out, she criticized her sister in front of the whole class."

Dabao frowned, "is the teacher wronged Niuniu? Doesn't she have to be very serious in class? "

She didn't say anything, but Dabao knew that the little girl probably had realized that she was not as qualified as her brother and younger brother, so she would work very hard no matter studying or doing other things.

"The boy behind her sister passed a note to her. She wrote a few words on it, threw it back and let the teacher find it." Xiaobao shoulders the mission of protecting her sister. She pays great attention to her actions and words in class.

"What note?" Dabao is more concerned about the content of the note than the criticism of the note.

"Ye Chaowen, that toad, actually wants to ask his sister to go to the park at the weekend. Hum!"

Xiaobao's face is full of disdain. Although he is still young, Dabao and Letong have tried their best to instill the idea of protecting his sister since he was a child. Although he sometimes plays pranks to bully Niuniu, he protects Niuniu like Dabao in front of outsiders.

If Dabao is controlled by sister and brother, Xiaobao is controlled by sister and brother.

As soon as Dabao heard this, his face turned pale and his brain flashed over a fat body like a ball.

"Ye Chaowen? Is that fat little man like a ball? "

"Yes, that's him!"

"What did Niuniu write on the note?" Dabao was angry and curious.

"No, of course! Even if my sister doesn't refuse, I can't promise it! " Xiaobao straightened out his chest and put on the posture of a genuine flower protector.

Dabao patted him on the head, not stingy of his own recognition and praise, "well, not bad! Xiao Bao is right

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